Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer

Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer    

It Reduces Saliva Secretion And Blood Flow In The Gums, Among Others    

Smoking is not only unhealthy for your respiratory system and the main cause is lung cancer. It can also seriously affect your oral health. It can result in xerostomia, which the reduction of saliva flow, increasing the risk of tooth decay, and depleting enzymes for proper digestion. It also stains the teeth, causes bad breath and loss of taste. Also, it reduces the blood flow to the gums, leading to gum disease and tooth loss, among others. It also causes oral cancer, which is the sixth most common cancer. Additional info click here.


Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain

Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain    

New Treatment Involves Botox To Release The Jaw Muscles    

Teeth grinding and jaw tension do not only affect the jaw. The muscle tension in the jaw can also stress other areas, leading to neck and shoulder pain, and upper back pain. Also, tooth grinding will result in unnatural tooth wear and damage of the enamel. According to specialists, Botox can help to release the jaw muscles, but it only lasts for three or four months. For a longer and definitive cure, it is suggested to learn to control the stress that causes jaw tension. More details click here.


People Believe That Visits Every 6 Months To The Dentist Are Not Necessary If They Feel Well

People Believe That Visits Every 6 Months To The Dentist Are Not Necessary If They Feel Well    

They Might Screen Gum Disease, Cavities, And Even Oral Cancer And Anorexia    

Teeth cleaning is important for oral health. However, many people are not aware that a visit to the dentist every six months is equally important. The reason is that people feel that it is unnecessary to go to the dentist when there is nothing wrong. These visits might help identify gum disease or cavities that the person is unaware of, and even it can help screen oral cancer. Also, mental conditions like anorexia or bulimia are first revealed in the mouth. Additional info click here.


Monday, April 29, 2019

Unusual Smell In Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of Kidney Or Liver Disease

Unusual Smell In Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of Kidney Or Liver Disease    

It Can Also Be A Sign Of Sinus Infection Or Poor Digestion    

Bad breath is usually caused by poor hygiene. However, sometimes there can be breath can smell unusual, as well as the sweat or the vagina. These might be a symptom of a certain health condition. For example, the breath can have a fruity odor, which might be related to uncontrolled diabetes. If the breath and the skin are smelling bad, it can lead to a serious condition, such as liver and kidney disease. And if the bad breath occurs after being sick, it can be a sign of excess bacteria on the bums or an acute sinus infection. Also, the bad breath can remain even after the teeth have been brushed, the smell can originate in the gut, as a result of poor digestion. Check also the cases when the skin and vagina have unusual smells. Click here for more details.


Dealing With Sensitive Teeth

Dealing With Sensitive Teeth    

It May Be Caused By Worn Enamel, Tooth Decay, And Excess Grinding    

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel is worn down. This exposes the inner layer, called dentin, which contains tubules. The fluid movement inside these tubules stimulates the nerves, which results in pain response. However, the most common cause is gum recession, in which the tooth’s root becomes exposed, increasing sensitivity. Other causes are toothbrush abrasion, tooth decay, and excessive grinding, among others. More Information click here.


New Device Will Analyze Breath For Medical Diagnosis

New Device Will Analyze Breath For Medical Diagnosis    

It Will Identify Halitosis, Type 1 Diabetes, Asthma, And Lung Cancer    

Researchers are working on a device that will analyze human exhaled breath, which will help to diagnose specific diseases. It recognizes different biomarker gasses related to a disease. It detects components such as hydrogen, water vapor, acetone, ammonia and carbon monoxide, among others. Some of these components are related to halitosis, type 1 diabetes, lung cancer, and asthma. Click here for more information.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety

Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety    

Like Snoring, People Might Not Be Aware Of It    

Studies have shown that grinding teeth, known as bruxism, is caused by stress and anxiety in the 70% of cases, especially in women. The symptoms are an aching jaw, facial pain, and teeth sensitivity. Worries result in teeth clenching. Also, the cause can be genetic. Like snoring, people are not aware they grind their teeth until they wake up with a sore jaw, or at a dental visit. It can also be connected to talking while sleeping. It can also cause earaches, which lead to poor sleeping. More info click here.


Dental Implants Can Also Be Affected By Gum Disease And Bacterial Infection

Dental Implants Can Also Be Affected By Gum Disease And Bacterial Infection    

Failure To Monitor Them May Cause The Loss Of The Implant And The Patient’s Investment    

Dental implants do not require the same care as regular teeth because they don’t have cavities. However, there are some conditions that occur in the same way as with regular teeth. One of them is periodontal disease caused by bacteria that accumulate below the gums, and bacterial plaque, which forms over the crown and can cause gum infection. Bacterial infections around implants can also affect the bone, and there is no painful sensation that can act as a warning. The patient and the dentist will know that the bone is compromised when the implant becomes loose, which can result in the loss of the implant and the patient’s investment. Additional information click here.


Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Dealing With It

Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Dealing With It    

Dentists Are Committed To Keeping The Patient As Comfortable As Possible    

Fear and anxiety to the dentist’s office are not uncommon. In some cases, pain, gum disease or tooth loss forces the patient to the visit. The dentists are doing everything to provide a serene atmosphere and caring staff and do everything to keep the patient comfortable. According to a research, there are patients that are genetically predisposed to fear of dentistry. The reason might be an irrational distrust for the dentist. On the other side, patients are aware that if they do not trust the dentist and go through the required procedure, the pain will increase, the gum will continue pleading and the oral discomfort will continue. Click here for more info.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss    

These Will Also Provide Overall Health Benefits    

According to a study, one of the factors that increase the risk of tooth loss is inflammation caused by certain foods. There are foods that are pro-inflammatory which will affect not only the teeth but also the overall health. Among these are foods with high caloric intake, and containing trans-fats and excess carbohydrates, which must be avoided. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory foods, which will compose a healthy diet. These include ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamin D. More details click here.


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Getting Whiter Teeth With Diet And Simple Tips

Getting Whiter Teeth With Diet And Simple Tips    

Changing The Toothbrush And Apple Cider Vinegar Will Help    

Whiter teeth can be obtained with diet and simple products, not only with expensive treatment. One of them is getting a new toothbrush every 3 months and brushing also the tongue. This will prevent the growth of bacteria that causes bad breath and discoloration. Also gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar and eating fruits and vegetables helps with whitening. On the other hand, it is a good idea to rinse after eating citrus foods, because it erodes tooth enamel, making it easier to stain. More info click here.


Avoiding The Gag Reflex And Vomiting While Brushing The Teeth

Avoiding The Gag Reflex And Vomiting While Brushing The Teeth    

The Cause Can Be An Incorrect Pattern For Brushing The Teeth Or Cleaning The Tongue    

There are cases in which brushing the teeth causes a gag reflex, feeling like throwing up. A gag reflex is a protective mechanism that stops the entrance of foreign unwanted material to the throat. There are various causes, such as an incorrect brushing pattern, in which the toothbrush gets in contact with the soft palate, triggering vomiting. The culprit is usually a toothbrush with a head that is too large for the size of the mouth. Another cause is a wrong procedure for cleaning the tongue, in which the tongue cleaner contacts the back of the tongue. Other reasons are pregnancy and dental worries. Check how to prevent the gag reflex. Click here for more info.


Gum Disease Can Also Be Related To More Serious Health Conditions

Gum Disease Can Also Be Related To More Serious Health Conditions    

There Is Evidence That Might Lead To Heart Disease, Dementia, And Diabetes    

Oral health does not only affect the area of the mouth. Studies are gathering evidence that it is also related to other conditions, such as dementia and an increase in the risk of heart attack. In the case of dementia, poor oral health is more common among people with Alzheimer’s. Also, studies have shown that diabetes leads to a higher risk of gum disease, there is confirmation that it goes also in the other direction, showing that gum disease increases the glucose in the blood. On the other hand, the bacteria that cause gum disease are also related to heart disease. Additional information click here.


Stress Can Affect Oral Health, Causing Tooth Grinding, Aching Jaw, And Bad Breath

Stress Can Affect Oral Health, Causing Tooth Grinding, Aching Jaw, And Bad Breath    

Acid Reflux Caused By Stress Releases A Compound Responsible For Foul-Smelling Breath    

Stress can affect overall health, including oral health. One of the consequences is bruxism, also known as tooth grinding and clenching the jaw, which occurs while sleeping. The signs are shortened teeth and an aching jaw when waking up. Stress also causes an aching or clicking jaw as a result of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and the lack of relaxation in the jaw muscle. Root canal problems can occur if tooth grinding is severe. Also, bad breath is an indirect consequence of stress, which causes acid reflux and other compounds that are released through the mouth. Click here for more information.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Acidic Foods Weaken The Tooth Enamel

Acidic Foods Weaken The Tooth Enamel    

But There Are Ways To Prevent This    

Acidic foods can weaken and wear away the tooth enamel. These include oranges, lemons, and other citric fruits, pickles, cranberries, tomato, and coffee. However, these are also healthy for the body, so the idea would be eating them with water in order to dilute the acidic attack on the teeth. Also, it might sound a good idea to brush the teeth immediately after eating these foods, but it will prevent the enamel to set up again – it’s better to wait about 30 minutes. This effect can be prevented by combining alkaline foods with a high pH level such as nuts, cheese, bananas, and apples, among others. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet For A Quick Weight Loss

Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet For A Quick Weight Loss    

It Will Reduce Inflammation But Might Result Also In Bad Breath    

The ketogenic diet is known for reducing weight quickly. Standard diets are low in fat and about 50% in carbohydrates, but ketogenic diets are high in fat, about 75% and no more than 20% in carbohydrates. This makes the body to use fats a fuel instead of carbohydrates, a state known as ketosis. In this process, fats are broken in ketones. There are health benefits, such as a lower inflammation. However, ketones are foul-smelling, and the body will eliminate them through the breath, so it will result in bad breath. Click here for more info.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath

Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath    

They Can Be Dissolved With Apple Cider Vinegar    

Tonsils are two small glands at the sides of the throat. They are part of the body’s barrier against germs and infections, trapping mucus, bacteria and food particles. These tend to calcify, turning into stones called tonsilloliths, which are a source of bad breath and can cause throat irritation, but no major health problems. A way to remove them is with apple cider vinegar, which will dissolve them. They can be caused by excess saliva production or sinus infection. Click here for more details.


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Poor Oral Health Can Lead To Headaches And Migraines

Poor Oral Health Can Lead To Headaches And Migraines    

Teeth Misalignment, Bruxism And Gum Disease May Be The Causes    

Headaches or migraines are caused mainly by allergies, stress and certain health conditions. However, they can also be related to oral health. Among these issues are misaligned teeth, which result in a bad bite, forcing the jaw muscles to work harder. Also, bruxism or teeth grinding can be a result of excess stress, resulting in sore jaws. It can also flatten the teeth and increase their sensitivity. Tooth decay is related to oral infections and gum disease, in which the pain may appear to originate inside the head instead of the mouth. Click here for more info.


Grape Seed Extract Can Extend The Life Of Tooth Fillings

Grape Seed Extract Can Extend The Life Of Tooth Fillings    

It Toughens The Dentin, The Tissue Below The Hard Enamel    

A recent study has shown that grapes include a natural ingredient that strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of tooth decay. It can also increase the strength of fillings, which usually last from 5 to 7 years. Grape food extract can be found in health food shops and h been suspected of improving the blood flow and heart function. It is obtained as a byproduct of the wine industry. It toughens the dentin, which is the tissue below the hard enamel. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Fixing Irregular Teeth With Braces Has Not Only Cosmetic Benefits

Fixing Irregular Teeth With Braces Has Not Only Cosmetic Benefits    

It Will Decrease The Risk Of Gum Disease, Linked To Several Serious Health Conditions    

Some of us are just born with irregular teeth, also known as malocclusions. These are corrected with braces, resulting in a great smile. However, cosmetic reasons are not the only ones. Irregular teeth will increase the risk of gum disease, which, according to studies, can result in a higher probability of heart disease or strokes. Other studies link gingivitis to poor memory and a higher risk of Alzheimer’s. Check all the benefits. Additional details click here.


A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health

A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health    

These Simple Steps Can Help You Cleanse Your Liver    

Modern life can lead sometimes to an unhealthy diet, resulting in poor digestion, bloating, constipation and heartburn. The blame usually goes to the stomach and colon. However, the problem might be in the liver. It is responsible for obtaining blood from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the toxins from it, and producing bile to help digestion. In some cases, the liver is overworking due to a poor diet, or it can be clogged or imbalanced, resulting in headaches and poor oral health and filthy teeth. Learn these simple steps to cleanse your liver. Click here for more details.


Dental Floss Helps Clean Hard-To-Reach Places On The Teeth

Dental Floss Helps Clean Hard-To-Reach Places On The Teeth    

Brushing Cannot Clean Areas Between The Teeth    

Proper oral hygiene will help preserve healthy teeth and gums. Mouth bacteria can attach the enamel and the gum linings in the form of plaque, and the only way to prevent it is with proper cleaning.  Most people consider only brushing their teeth, but there are places where the toothbrush can’t reach, such as the areas between teeth. The tooth has five surfaces and brushing only reaches three of them. Dental floss, which is a thin filament, can access these two remaining sides. Additional info click here.


Yoga Has Benefits For Healthy Teeth

Yoga Has Benefits For Healthy Teeth    

Enhances The Blood Supply To The Gums, Prevents Teeth Grinding And TMJ Disorders    

Yoga is known for relieving stress, calming the mind and making the body flexible. But it can also help to have healthy teeth. This is because it enhances the blood supply to the gums, resulting n strong and healthy teeth. Also, yoga has several exercises, or asanas, that can help with mouth ulcers and pyorrhea, such as teeth hissing. Lowering stress through yoga will help controlling teeth grinding, or bruxism, and also provide a proper posture, reducing the risk of teeth misalignment, and TMJ disorders. More details click here.


Causes Of Excess Salivation And How To Deal With It

Causes Of Excess Salivation And How To Deal With It    

Avoiding Certain Foods Can Help Lower Saliva Production    

Excess production of saliva, also called hypersalivation, could be a symptom of a health condition or a side effect of certain medications. Saliva production is important, because the enzymes it contains mix with the food when chewing, contributing to proper digestion. It also provides calcium for the teeth, washes food particles from teeth and moistens the oral cavity, preventing the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Excess salivation can be caused by pregnancy, oral inflammation or infection, acid reflux. Avoiding citrus foods or alcohol can help lower saliva production. Click here for more info.


Risks Of Brushing Your Teeth Improperly Or With A Hard Toothbrush

Risks Of Brushing Your Teeth Improperly Or With A Hard Toothbrush    

Also, Check For How Long And How Many Times You Must Brush Your Teeth    

Brushing your teeth is the main activity for proper oral health. But an incorrect brushing might harm the gums or the enamel. For example, brushing too energetically or using a hard toothbrush might erode the enamel. Also, one must spend at least two minutes brushing the teeth: vertically on the inner and outer surfaces, always in the direction to the center, and horizontally in the central surface – brushing horizontally on the inner or outer surface might damage the gums. Check all the tips for a correct brushing, and don’t forget to floss. Additional information click here.


Tea Tree Can Help With Oral Hygiene And A Healthy Hair, Among Other Benefits

Tea Tree Can Help With Oral Hygiene And A Healthy Hair, Among Other Benefits    

It Will Get Rid Of Dandruff And Bad Breath    

Tea tree oil is an essential oil also called melaleuca oil. It can be used for skin treatments and to acne. Also, it is food for oral health. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help with oral hygiene and eliminate bacteria responsible for bad breath. It can be also used for getting rid of dandruff in hair, and reduce greasiness and itchiness, removing flaking skin and cleaning hair follicles. Learn how to use tea tree oil for oral hygiene and for healthy hair. More info click here.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems

Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems    

The Disease Is Not Contagious, But The Bacteria May Be Spread Through Saliva    

Periodontal disease signs are bleeding or swollen gums and bad breath. It is caused by an inflammatory reaction to a bacteria in the mouth. However, is it contagious? The inflammatory reaction is not, but the bacteria can be spread through saliva. People with a poor immune system or injuries in the mouth cavities have to be more careful to avoid contagion, so it is a good idea not to share eating utensils or glassware. Click here for more information.


Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes

Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes    

Teeth With Poor Alignment Can Break Easier And Cause Tmj And Headaches    

New advances in braces and techniques for teeth straightening are extending its use to adults, not just kids, and teens. Also, braces are not only used for cosmetic purposes. Teeth with poor alignment break more easily and can force the jaw into an improper position, leading to headaches and TMD (temporomandibular disorder), which affects the joint of the jaw. There are metal brackets cemented to the teeth and brackets that are located behind the teeth, along with custom-made aligners. Additional details click here.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Check This And Other Dental Health Myths

Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Check This And Other Dental Health Myths    

There are facts and myths about oral health. The most common is that sugar causes cavities. The truth is that bacteria in the plaque convert sugar into an acid that attacks tooth enamel. Also, mouthwash with alcohol is not effective because it dies up the mouth. Other is whether or not silver fillings have to be replaced. These are 52 percent mercury, but dentists don’t advise to change them if they are in a good shape. Check the full list. More info click here.


These Foods Are Poisonous To Your Dog

These Foods Are Poisonous To Your Dog    

Dogs have a different physiology than humans. This means that they have different needs, and also require different food. For example, bones can cause intestinal blockages and cause chipped or broken teeth. Chocolate has a substance which is very poisonous to dogs, the same as caffeine and dried fruits. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Forgetting To Brush The Teeth Twice Daily Can Lead To Health Conditions

Forgetting To Brush The Teeth Twice Daily Can Lead To Health Conditions    

Sometimes people forget about brushing their teeth twice a day. On the long run, this can have consequences like loose teeth, because of periodontitis, which attacks the bone between the jaw and the tooth, bad breath caused by a build-up of plaque and bacteria, bleeding gums and even cardiovascular disease due to the bacteria that can enter the blood blow. Click here for more info.


Excess Pressure Can Affect Teeth In Scuba Diving

Excess Pressure Can Affect Teeth In Scuba Diving    

Scuba divers experience a higher atmospheric pressure, which can affect dental fillings or loose crowns. The sensation can be similar to a toothache. It can get worse since the air regulator is held in place by the teeth, which can lead to jaw pain. Click here for more information.


Need To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Immediately? Try These Foods

Need To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Immediately? Try These Foods    

Sometimes you have had a meal with onions or garlic, and you need to take care of the bad breath immediately. Unfortunately, you can’t brush your teeth to get rid of it. There are several solutions, such as eating yogurt, which has probiotics that eliminate the foul-smelling bacteria. Also, green tea has compounds that kill the bacteria in the saliva, and apple has antioxidants which neutralize the acids in the mouth. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath

Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath    

Omega-3 acids are essential for our health. However, our body does not make them so we have to get them from fatty fish, like salmon or tuna, or fish oil supplements. If we cannot eat fish every day, the solution is taking supplements. However, the recommended daily intake can be excessive, resulting in belching, bad breath heartburn and nausea. Fortunately, there are alternative sources of omega-3 acids. More Information click here.


Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions

Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions    

Saliva is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant for all the germs that try to enter the body through the mouth. It can also provide information about the body’s health condition. For example, dehydration will result in low saliva production and bad breath, if it’s dry and sticky in the morning it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Also, if its pH balance is acidic, it could be acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Avoiding Gum Disease On Dogs And Cats

Avoiding Gum Disease On Dogs And Cats    

Gum disease id the most common health condition in dogs and cats. The first symptom is bad breath. According to vets, poor oral health can affect kidneys, liver, and heart. Other symptoms are bleeding gums, blood on chews and eating difficulty. To prevent gum disease, there are special toothbrushes and toothpaste for pets. Additional info click here.


These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health

These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health    

Sometimes it is not easy to convince your kids to brush their teeth. However, there are ways to teach them correct oral health habits that will last all their life. One of them is making their own choices, such as asking them when would they like to brush their teeth or to pick their own toothbrush. Also, make the visits to the dentist comfortable. More details click here.


Infusing Water With Lemon Will Help Fight Bad Breath

Infusing Water With Lemon Will Help Fight Bad Breath    

Poor hydration will cause a series of conditions in the body, but also will dry the mouth, leading to bad breath. However, some people find water tasteless and boring, which does not motivate them to drink it. An alternative is to infuse it with fruits or herbs. Adding lemon will even prevent bad breath and build immunity. Other ways to increase water consumption is eating fruits and vegetables with high water content, carry a water bottle, and take a glass of water in the morning. Check more ways to increase the water intake. Click here for more information.


Taking Care Of Oral Health During Pregnancy

Taking Care Of Oral Health During Pregnancy    

Poor health during pregnancy will affect the child’s health also. This is especially true for oral health. Babies are born with no harmful bacteria in their mouth, so mothers with cavities can increase the risk of infection in their children. The vomiting from morning sickness can affect the enamel, promoting tooth decay. Brushing the teeth immediately is not a good idea because the enamel will be soft after the acid attack. Instead, rinse them with an antacid or baking soda. Check the advice on oral health while pregnant. More info click here.


Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Dealing With It

Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Dealing With It    

Dentists Are Committed To Keeping The Patient As Comfortable As Possible    

Fear and anxiety to the dentist’s office are not uncommon. In some cases, pain, gum disease or tooth loss forces the patient to the visit. The dentists are doing everything to provide a serene atmosphere and caring staff and do everything to keep the patient comfortable. According to a research, there are patients that are genetically predisposed to fear of dentistry. The reason might be an irrational distrust for the dentist. On the other side, patients are aware that if they do not trust the dentist and go through the required procedure, the pain will increase, the gum will continue pleading and the oral discomfort will continue. Click here for more info.


Dental Implants Can Also Be Affected By Gum Disease And Bacterial Infection

Dental Implants Can Also Be Affected By Gum Disease And Bacterial Infection    

Failure To Monitor Them May Cause The Loss Of The Implant And The Patient’s Investment    

Dental implants do not require the same care as regular teeth because they don’t have cavities. However, there are some conditions that occur in the same way as with regular teeth. One of them is periodontal disease caused by bacteria that accumulate below the gums, and bacterial plaque, which forms over the crown and can cause gum infection. Bacterial infections around implants can also affect the bone, and there is no painful sensation that can act as a warning. The patient and the dentist will know that the bone is compromised when the implant becomes loose, which can result in the loss of the implant and the patient’s investment. Additional information click here.


Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety

Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety    

Like Snoring, People Might Not Be Aware Of It    

Studies have shown that grinding teeth, known as bruxism, is caused by stress and anxiety in the 70% of cases, especially in women. The symptoms are an aching jaw, facial pain, and teeth sensitivity. Worries result in teeth clenching. Also, the cause can be genetic. Like snoring, people are not aware they grind their teeth until they wake up with a sore jaw, or at a dental visit. It can also be connected to talking while sleeping. It can also cause earaches, which lead to poor sleeping. More info click here.


Dental Pulp Diseases Lead To Painful Conditions And Even Tooth Loss

Dental Pulp Diseases Lead To Painful Conditions And Even Tooth Loss    

Cavities are caused by germs and poor oral health. But if cavities are not treated, they will reach the soft center, also known as pulp, which has the nerves and blood vessels, which can lead to tooth loss. Apart from being very painful, it can have additional consequences, such as inflammation and infection in the pulp and also in the gum. Another consequence is pulp calcification, in which the pulp tissue hardens and compresses the nerves, resulting in extreme pain. More Information click here.


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Long-Distance Flights Can Result In Bad Breath, Constipation, And Headaches

Long-Distance Flights Can Result In Bad Breath, Constipation, And Headaches    

Long-distance flights affect the body in many ways. The low pressure in the cabin, similar to 8000 feet, will result in oxygen deprivation. This will dry the mouth, causing bad breath and affect the taste buds, which can be avoided by drinking water and using a nasal spray. Also, the low oxygen condition can cause headaches and dizziness. Sitting for an extended period of time can affect the veins of the legs, cause back pain and constipation, so it’s a good idea to move around. Check how to avoid the long-distance flight issues. Additional details click here.


Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath

Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath    

They Can Be Dissolved With Apple Cider Vinegar    

Tonsils are two small glands at the sides of the throat. They are part of the body’s barrier against germs and infections, trapping mucus, bacteria and food particles. These tend to calcify, turning into stones called tonsilloliths, which are a source of bad breath and can cause throat irritation, but no major health problems. A way to remove them is with apple cider vinegar, which will dissolve them. They can be caused by excess saliva production or sinus infection. Click here for more details.


Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer

Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer    

It Reduces Saliva Secretion And Blood Flow In The Gums, Among Others    

Smoking is not only unhealthy for your respiratory system and the main cause is lung cancer. It can also seriously affect your oral health. It can result in xerostomia, which the reduction of saliva flow, increasing the risk of tooth decay, and depleting enzymes for proper digestion. It also stains the teeth, causes bad breath and loss of taste. Also, it reduces the blood flow to the gums, leading to gum disease and tooth loss, among others. It also causes oral cancer, which is the sixth most common cancer. Additional info click here.


Poor Oral Health Can Lead To Headaches And Migraines

Poor Oral Health Can Lead To Headaches And Migraines    

Teeth Misalignment, Bruxism And Gum Disease May Be The Causes    

Headaches or migraines are caused mainly by allergies, stress and certain health conditions. However, they can also be related to oral health. Among these issues are misaligned teeth, which result in a bad bite, forcing the jaw muscles to work harder. Also, bruxism or teeth grinding can be a result of excess stress, resulting in sore jaws. It can also flatten the teeth and increase their sensitivity. Tooth decay is related to oral infections and gum disease, in which the pain may appear to originate inside the head instead of the mouth. Click here for more info.


Grape Seed Extract Can Extend The Life Of Tooth Fillings

Grape Seed Extract Can Extend The Life Of Tooth Fillings    

It Toughens The Dentin, The Tissue Below The Hard Enamel    

A recent study has shown that grapes include a natural ingredient that strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of tooth decay. It can also increase the strength of fillings, which usually last from 5 to 7 years. Grape food extract can be found in health food shops and h been suspected of improving the blood flow and heart function. It is obtained as a byproduct of the wine industry. It toughens the dentin, which is the tissue below the hard enamel. Additional information click here.


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Fixing Irregular Teeth With Braces Has Not Only Cosmetic Benefits

Fixing Irregular Teeth With Braces Has Not Only Cosmetic Benefits    

It Will Decrease The Risk Of Gum Disease, Linked To Several Serious Health Conditions    

Some of us are just born with irregular teeth, also known as malocclusions. These are corrected with braces, resulting in a great smile. However, cosmetic reasons are not the only ones. Irregular teeth will increase the risk of gum disease, which, according to studies, can result in a higher probability of heart disease or strokes. Other studies link gingivitis to poor memory and a higher risk of Alzheimer’s. Check all the benefits. Additional details click here.


A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health

A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health    

These Simple Steps Can Help You Cleanse Your Liver    

Modern life can lead sometimes to an unhealthy diet, resulting in poor digestion, bloating, constipation and heartburn. The blame usually goes to the stomach and colon. However, the problem might be in the liver. It is responsible for obtaining blood from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the toxins from it, and producing bile to help digestion. In some cases, the liver is overworking due to a poor diet, or it can be clogged or imbalanced, resulting in headaches and poor oral health and filthy teeth. Learn these simple steps to cleanse your liver. Click here for more details.


Dental Floss Helps Clean Hard-To-Reach Places On The Teeth

Dental Floss Helps Clean Hard-To-Reach Places On The Teeth    

Brushing Cannot Clean Areas Between The Teeth    

Proper oral hygiene will help preserve healthy teeth and gums. Mouth bacteria can attach the enamel and the gum linings in the form of plaque, and the only way to prevent it is with proper cleaning.  Most people consider only brushing their teeth, but there are places where the toothbrush can’t reach, such as the areas between teeth. The tooth has five surfaces and brushing only reaches three of them. Dental floss, which is a thin filament, can access these two remaining sides. Additional info click here.


Yoga Has Benefits For Healthy Teeth

Yoga Has Benefits For Healthy Teeth    

Enhances The Blood Supply To The Gums, Prevents Teeth Grinding And TMJ Disorders    

Yoga is known for relieving stress, calming the mind and making the body flexible. But it can also help to have healthy teeth. This is because it enhances the blood supply to the gums, resulting n strong and healthy teeth. Also, yoga has several exercises, or asanas, that can help with mouth ulcers and pyorrhea, such as teeth hissing. Lowering stress through yoga will help controlling teeth grinding, or bruxism, and also provide a proper posture, reducing the risk of teeth misalignment, and TMJ disorders. More details click here.


Causes Of Excess Salivation And How To Deal With It

Causes Of Excess Salivation And How To Deal With It    

Avoiding Certain Foods Can Help Lower Saliva Production    

Excess production of saliva, also called hypersalivation, could be a symptom of a health condition or a side effect of certain medications. Saliva production is important, because the enzymes it contains mix with the food when chewing, contributing to proper digestion. It also provides calcium for the teeth, washes food particles from teeth and moistens the oral cavity, preventing the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Excess salivation can be caused by pregnancy, oral inflammation or infection, acid reflux. Avoiding citrus foods or alcohol can help lower saliva production. Click here for more info.


Risks Of Brushing Your Teeth Improperly Or With A Hard Toothbrush

Risks Of Brushing Your Teeth Improperly Or With A Hard Toothbrush    

Also, Check For How Long And How Many Times You Must Brush Your Teeth    

Brushing your teeth is the main activity for proper oral health. But an incorrect brushing might harm the gums or the enamel. For example, brushing too energetically or using a hard toothbrush might erode the enamel. Also, one must spend at least two minutes brushing the teeth: vertically on the inner and outer surfaces, always in the direction to the center, and horizontally in the central surface – brushing horizontally on the inner or outer surface might damage the gums. Check all the tips for a correct brushing, and don’t forget to floss. Additional information click here.


Tea Tree Can Help With Oral Hygiene And A Healthy Hair, Among Other Benefits

Tea Tree Can Help With Oral Hygiene And A Healthy Hair, Among Other Benefits    

It Will Get Rid Of Dandruff And Bad Breath    

Tea tree oil is an essential oil also called melaleuca oil. It can be used for skin treatments and to acne. Also, it is food for oral health. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help with oral hygiene and eliminate bacteria responsible for bad breath. It can be also used for getting rid of dandruff in hair, and reduce greasiness and itchiness, removing flaking skin and cleaning hair follicles. Learn how to use tea tree oil for oral hygiene and for healthy hair. More info click here.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems

Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems    

The Disease Is Not Contagious, But The Bacteria May Be Spread Through Saliva    

Periodontal disease signs are bleeding or swollen gums and bad breath. It is caused by an inflammatory reaction to a bacteria in the mouth. However, is it contagious? The inflammatory reaction is not, but the bacteria can be spread through saliva. People with a poor immune system or injuries in the mouth cavities have to be more careful to avoid contagion, so it is a good idea not to share eating utensils or glassware. Click here for more information.


Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes

Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes    

Teeth With Poor Alignment Can Break Easier And Cause Tmj And Headaches    

New advances in braces and techniques for teeth straightening are extending its use to adults, not just kids, and teens. Also, braces are not only used for cosmetic purposes. Teeth with poor alignment break more easily and can force the jaw into an improper position, leading to headaches and TMD (temporomandibular disorder), which affects the joint of the jaw. There are metal brackets cemented to the teeth and brackets that are located behind the teeth, along with custom-made aligners. Additional details click here.


The Factors That Define A Convincing Smile

The Factors That Define A Convincing Smile    

Avoiding The Politician’s Smile    

A recent study proposed to find out what makes a smile genuine and convincing. The result was a balance between the mouth angle, symmetry and the number of teeth shown. A big smile shows many teeth, but was rated as unpleasant or not genuine, such as the politician’s smile. The perfect smile consists of a balance between the width of the smile, teeth color, not showing many teeth or gum and overall, being natural. Click here for more details.


Acidic Foods Weaken The Tooth Enamel

Acidic Foods Weaken The Tooth Enamel    

But There Are Ways To Prevent This    

Acidic foods can weaken and wear away the tooth enamel. These include oranges, lemons, and other citric fruits, pickles, cranberries, tomato, and coffee. However, these are also healthy for the body, so the idea would be eating them with water in order to dilute the acidic attack on the teeth. Also, it might sound a good idea to brush the teeth immediately after eating these foods, but it will prevent the enamel to set up again – it’s better to wait about 30 minutes. This effect can be prevented by combining alkaline foods with a high pH level such as nuts, cheese, bananas, and apples, among others. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Vaping Increases The Risk Of Switching To Cigarettes In Teens And Young Adults

Vaping Increases The Risk Of Switching To Cigarettes In Teens And Young Adults    

It May Also Result In Nicotine Addiction    

Smoking leads to cancer and also lung and throat diseases. As an alternative, many people use electronic cigarettes, also known as vaping. These deliver nicotine through vapor instead of smoke. However, studies show that vaping increases by four the possibility of smoking in teens and young adults. People are ingesting nicotine in both cases, traditional cigarettes and vaping. Therefore, even though vaping does not deliver the products responsible for cancer, there is a high risk or nicotine addiction. More details click here.


Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet For A Quick Weight Loss

Benefits Of Ketogenic Diet For A Quick Weight Loss    

It Will Reduce Inflammation But Might Result Also In Bad Breath    

The ketogenic diet is known for reducing weight quickly. Standard diets are low in fat and about 50% in carbohydrates, but ketogenic diets are high in fat, about 75% and no more than 20% in carbohydrates. This makes the body to use fats a fuel instead of carbohydrates, a state known as ketosis. In this process, fats are broken in ketones. There are health benefits, such as a lower inflammation. However, ketones are foul-smelling, and the body will eliminate them through the breath, so it will result in bad breath. Click here for more info.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Check This And Other Dental Health Myths

Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Check This And Other Dental Health Myths    

There are facts and myths about oral health. The most common is that sugar causes cavities. The truth is that bacteria in the plaque convert sugar into an acid that attacks tooth enamel. Also, mouthwash with alcohol is not effective because it dies up the mouth. Other is whether or not silver fillings have to be replaced. These are 52 percent mercury, but dentists don’t advise to change them if they are in a good shape. Check the full list. More info click here.


These Foods Are Poisonous To Your Dog

These Foods Are Poisonous To Your Dog    

Dogs have a different physiology than humans. This means that they have different needs, and also require different food. For example, bones can cause intestinal blockages and cause chipped or broken teeth. Chocolate has a substance which is very poisonous to dogs, the same as caffeine and dried fruits. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Forgetting To Brush The Teeth Twice Daily Can Lead To Health Conditions

Forgetting To Brush The Teeth Twice Daily Can Lead To Health Conditions    

Sometimes people forget about brushing their teeth twice a day. On the long run, this can have consequences like loose teeth, because of periodontitis, which attacks the bone between the jaw and the tooth, bad breath caused by a build-up of plaque and bacteria, bleeding gums and even cardiovascular disease due to the bacteria that can enter the blood blow. Click here for more info.


These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health

These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health    

Sometimes it is not easy to convince your kids to brush their teeth. However, there are ways to teach them correct oral health habits that will last all their life. One of them is making their own choices, such as asking them when would they like to brush their teeth or to pick their own toothbrush. Also, make the visits to the dentist comfortable. More details click here.


Avoiding Gum Disease On Dogs And Cats

Avoiding Gum Disease On Dogs And Cats    

Gum disease id the most common health condition in dogs and cats. The first symptom is bad breath. According to vets, poor oral health can affect kidneys, liver, and heart. Other symptoms are bleeding gums, blood on chews and eating difficulty. To prevent gum disease, there are special toothbrushes and toothpaste for pets. Additional info click here.


Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions

Saliva Can Diagnose Several Health Conditions    

Saliva is a natural antibacterial and disinfectant for all the germs that try to enter the body through the mouth. It can also provide information about the body’s health condition. For example, dehydration will result in low saliva production and bad breath, if it’s dry and sticky in the morning it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. Also, if its pH balance is acidic, it could be acid reflux. Click here for more details.


Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath

Fish Oil Supplements Can Lead To Heartburn And Bad Breath    

Omega-3 acids are essential for our health. However, our body does not make them so we have to get them from fatty fish, like salmon or tuna, or fish oil supplements. If we cannot eat fish every day, the solution is taking supplements. However, the recommended daily intake can be excessive, resulting in belching, bad breath heartburn and nausea. Fortunately, there are alternative sources of omega-3 acids. More Information click here.


Need To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Immediately? Try These Foods

Need To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Immediately? Try These Foods    

Sometimes you have had a meal with onions or garlic, and you need to take care of the bad breath immediately. Unfortunately, you can’t brush your teeth to get rid of it. There are several solutions, such as eating yogurt, which has probiotics that eliminate the foul-smelling bacteria. Also, green tea has compounds that kill the bacteria in the saliva, and apple has antioxidants which neutralize the acids in the mouth. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Excess Pressure Can Affect Teeth In Scuba Diving

Excess Pressure Can Affect Teeth In Scuba Diving    

Scuba divers experience a higher atmospheric pressure, which can affect dental fillings or loose crowns. The sensation can be similar to a toothache. It can get worse since the air regulator is held in place by the teeth, which can lead to jaw pain. Click here for more information.


Infusing Water With Lemon Will Help Fight Bad Breath

Infusing Water With Lemon Will Help Fight Bad Breath    

Poor hydration will cause a series of conditions in the body, but also will dry the mouth, leading to bad breath. However, some people find water tasteless and boring, which does not motivate them to drink it. An alternative is to infuse it with fruits or herbs. Adding lemon will even prevent bad breath and build immunity. Other ways to increase water consumption is eating fruits and vegetables with high water content, carry a water bottle, and take a glass of water in the morning. Check more ways to increase the water intake. Click here for more information.


Taking Care Of Oral Health During Pregnancy

Taking Care Of Oral Health During Pregnancy    

Poor health during pregnancy will affect the child’s health also. This is especially true for oral health. Babies are born with no harmful bacteria in their mouth, so mothers with cavities can increase the risk of infection in their children. The vomiting from morning sickness can affect the enamel, promoting tooth decay. Brushing the teeth immediately is not a good idea because the enamel will be soft after the acid attack. Instead, rinse them with an antacid or baking soda. Check the advice on oral health while pregnant. More info click here.


Dentist Anxiety And Fear Are Real Issues For Many People

Dentist Anxiety And Fear Are Real Issues For Many People    

Dentist anxiety is a result of the fear the patient has to dental treatment pain or to the dental drill. Some estimates show that about 60% of the people have dentist anxiety. However, there is a more extreme case in 5 to 10% of the patients, described as dental phobia, in which del delay as much as possible the visit to the dentist, and can have a panic attack in the exam room. Dentists are aware of this and have created at least seven scales to measure the fear and anxiety in order to determine the best approach. Additional information click here.


Learning What Works And What Doesn’t For Oral Health

Learning What Works And What Doesn’t For Oral Health    

There are incorrect, but widespread ideas about dental health. For example, cleaning the teeth professionally once a year, or the requirement of wisdom tooth removal, when really these depend on the dentist’s recommendation. Also, changing the toothbrush once every three months, when it depends on the wear of the bristles. However, there are facts, such as the cavities being caused by sugar, or the need for fluoride, which hardens exposed tooth surfaces. Click here for more info.


Green Tea Can Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath, Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes, And Other Health Benefits

Green Tea Can Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath, Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes, And Other Health Benefits    

Green tea has many health benefits. For example, it can help get rid of bad breath because of its antibacterial properties. Also, its antioxidants can prevent many diseases and even lower cardiovascular disease and cancer risk, its caffeine content can improve brain functions, mood, memory and reaction time and also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. It can also boost insulin sensitivity, and reduce blood sugar levels, help to fight diabetes, and improve metabolism, promote weight loss. Learn about all the benefits of green tea. More details click here.


Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes

Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes    

Stained teeth are usually the result of smoking or chewing tobacco. However, there are other causes for stains such as nerve damage related to root canal treatment, Bacteria in the mouth, tooth decay resulting from improper brushing, old age, which causes the enamel to change color, among others. Check all the reasons that can cause tooth stains. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Using Baking Soda Safely For Oral Hygiene

Using Baking Soda Safely For Oral Hygiene    

Baking soda is not only used in the kitchen. It also prevents plaque formation. It forms an alkaline solution when mixed with water, which helps with teeth whitening, among other benefits. However, baking soda does not have the ability to kill bacteria that lead to cavities, can damage enamel and gums. To get the most from baking soda, the best idea is to mix it with other ingredients that will prevent the problems mentioned before. More Information click here.


Japanese Portable Device Will Help Detect Bad Breath And Foul Body Smell

Japanese Portable Device Will Help Detect Bad Breath And Foul Body Smell    

Many body odors can be detected by others, but not by the person that is responsible for the odor – this is the case of bad breath. A new Japanese portable device can detect three types of smells, like bad breath. This is done by detecting substances like ammonia and isovaleric acid that are present in foul smell. It can also detect smells found in a locker room or fast food restaurant. Click here for more information.