Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes    

Some Are Located In The Hair Follicles And Scalp, The Intestine, And Even Cause Bad Breath And Cavities    

The human body is a house for millions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help in maintaining good health. These bacteria also help to contain the growth of harmful bacteria. However, if the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria get out of balance, leading to fungus infections or bacterial yeast. Some of the microorganisms live on the eyelashes and inside the hair follicles. There are other bacteria in the form of yeast in the scalp. A poor diet or other causes could cause an imbalance, leading to rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Other bacteria in the hair is located in the armpits, responsible for the strong smell, which is caused by their combination of fatty acids and proteins in sweat. It is also well-known that there are intestinal bacteria that aids with digestion. In fact, according to specialists, the typical healthy adult digestive system has almost four pounds of microorganisms consisting of over three million genes. There are also bacteria in the mouth which aids with digestion, but there is also another type of microorganisms that are harmful, which are responsible or cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Check all the types of bacteria and microorganisms that live in the human body. More details click here.


Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions

Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions    

Problems with oral health can be the sign that something else is not working well in the body. For example, sudden cavities may be the symptom of diabetes, due to the excess sugar in saliva. Enamel wear can occur because of excess acid due to acid reflux. Persisting bad breath aster brushing and flossing your teeth can be related to lung, throat or stomach cancer. Check all the conditions related to oral health. Click here for more information.


Learning The Causes Of Bad Breath In Babies And Children

Learning The Causes Of Bad Breath In Babies And Children    

Among Them Are A Chronic Sinus Infection And Acid Reflux    

Bad breath is caused by smoking, poor oral health, and certain foods. These are the causes in the case of adults, but in the case of babies and children, the caused might be different. The main cause is a chronic sinus infection, which accumulated mucus in the sinuses, and it decomposes in the mouth, resulting in bad breath. Another cause is swollen tonsils caused by decomposition of trapped debris and bacteria. Acid reflux is another cause of bad breath, due to the fact that n some cases, the stomach valve that prevents the return of the food matter is not completely developed in babies, resulting in heartburn. Without proper oral hygiene, children can get gum disease and tooth decay, leading to bad breath. Check all the caused for bad breath in babies and children. More Information click here.


Getting Whiter Teeth With Diet And Simple Tips

Getting Whiter Teeth With Diet And Simple Tips    

Changing The Toothbrush And Apple Cider Vinegar Will Help    

Whiter teeth can be obtained with diet and simple products, not only with expensive treatment. One of them is getting a new toothbrush every 3 months and brushing also the tongue. This will prevent the growth of bacteria that causes bad breath and discoloration. Also gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar and eating fruits and vegetables helps with whitening. On the other hand, it is a good idea to rinse after eating citrus foods, because it erodes tooth enamel, making it easier to stain. More info click here.


Gum Disease In Dogs Is Five Times More Common Than In Humans

Gum Disease In Dogs Is Five Times More Common Than In Humans    

A survey has shown that more than half of the dog owners don’t brush their pet’s teeth. The most frequent health condition in dogs is related to oral health. According to experts, gum disease is five times more common in dogs than humans, and also, 80% of the dogs have gum disease before they are three years old. Additional info click here.


These Healthy Morning Habits Will Boost Your Day

These Healthy Morning Habits Will Boost Your Day    

The morning is crucial to us. Depending on our attitude, it will prepare us for a day or lower our mood. There are healthy habits that will help us through the day. Among them are waking with the biological alarm, stretching every morning, drinking warm water with lemon to activate the liver, and brushing the tongue to get rid of bad breath. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Smokeless Tobacco Bad For Your Breath And For Your Health

Smokeless Tobacco Bad For Your Breath And For Your Health    

Smoking is hazardous for health. However, some people prefer taking smokeless tobacco, chewing it. This stains the teeth and results in bad breath. Also, a recent study has shown that tobacco has bacteria associated with diarrhea, nausea and even cancer. Additional information click here.


Fluoride In Green Tea Will Help To Eliminate Bad Breath And Preventing Tooth Decay

Fluoride In Green Tea Will Help To Eliminate Bad Breath And Preventing Tooth Decay    

It Will Also Help Lose Weight, Fight Heart Disease, Diabetes, And Many Other Health Benefits    

One of the causes of bad breath is the bacteria in the mouth. Proper hygiene will get rid of it. According to specialists, sipping green tea will also promote oral hygiene, because of its high levels of fluoride, fighting bacteria and tooth decay. It can even be used as a mouthwash. Green tea also has antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and even anti-aging properties. It has additional health properties, including less risk of diabetes, cancer stroke, and heart disease. Also, it will help in losing weight by blocking the growth of fat cells. But there is much more. Check all the multiple health benefits of green tea. Additional info click here.


Facts And Myths On Oral Health

Facts And Myths On Oral Health    

There are truths and myths about oral health. For example, people think that the main cause of cavities is sugar. Really, the main cause is the acid produced by a bacteria which is generated by any carbohydrate. Also, white teeth are not necessarily healthy, for they might have gum disease. Check all the myths. Click here for more information.


Truths And Myths Regarding Bad Breath

Truths And Myths Regarding Bad Breath    

Cupping The Hands To Smell Breath And Checking Serious Health Conditions    

There are myths about bad breath. One of them is cupping the hands to capture the breath and smell it since it is not possible for one person to detect it. This may avoid catching the particles from the back of the tongue, which is where bad breath originates. Also, some people believe is that bad breath is a symptom of a serious health condition. Most of the cases are related to gum disease, but a small percentage is due to problems in kidneys, lungs, sinuses, or intestines. Another myth is about mouthwash. Alcohol-based products tend to dry the tongue, promoting bacterial growth. Click here for more info.


There Are Foods That Will Harm The Tooth Enamel

There Are Foods That Will Harm The Tooth Enamel    

Among Them Are Acidic Foods Such As Citrus And Tomatoes    

There are foods that could be harmful to the teeth. Known foods are sugar-based processed foods, candy, and sugary sodas, which promote the accumulation of plaque that leads to cavities and gum disease if there is not proper oral health. There are other foods that will create an acidic environment in the mouth, which softens and attacks the enamel if not cleaned and increases the risk of teeth sensitivity. Among them are citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and the tomato sauce in pasta. This sauce is even more acidic if it is made from canned tomatoes. Picked and fermented foods are also acidic, but they promote gut health. Since these foods soften the tooth enamel, it is better to rinse the mouth after the meal, but wait 20 minutes to brush the teeth, because the enamel must be given time to harden. Other foods might cause cracks in the teeth, such as popcorn containing unpopped kernels, and chewing ice. People with fillings must be especially careful with these two foods. More Information click here.


Common Oral Problems And How To Treat Them

Common Oral Problems And How To Treat Them    

You can be careful with oral health and have regular visits to the dentist, but the bad breath does not go away. The cause might be an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system, which can be normalized with probiotics. Also, the problem might be dry mouth, which is caused by dehydration in certain medications such as diuretics. Check all the causes. Additional details click here.


Concerned If Brushing Correctly Your Teeth? Try A Video Selfie

Concerned If Brushing Correctly Your Teeth? Try A Video Selfie    

A new study suggests that video selfies of people brushing their teeth can help with oral health. This is because brushing the teeth is often learned and practices with no proper supervision, so that there may be the case that people have brushed the wrong way all their life. Additional info click here.


Stress Can Worsen Oral Health

Stress Can Worsen Oral Health    

Stress affects your body in many ways. One of them is oral health. A dentist can tell if the patient is under stress if there are lesions in the mouth, which result in the immune system weakened by stress. Also grinding teeth, known as bruxism is an unconscious habit generated by stress, as well as having worn teeth. Check all the stress signs. More Information click here.


Electronic Device Sniffs The Molecules In Bad Breath For Medical Diagnosis

Electronic Device Sniffs The Molecules In Bad Breath For Medical Diagnosis    

A team of researchers is working on a portable device that will diagnose diseases by analyzing the breath. Smell is composed of molecules in the air. This means that bad breath can be detected and analyzed by a sensor device, which will identify potential diseases. Click here for more details.


Dental Implants Can Also Be Affected By Gum Disease And Bacterial Infection

Dental Implants Can Also Be Affected By Gum Disease And Bacterial Infection    

Failure To Monitor Them May Cause The Loss Of The Implant And The Patient’s Investment    

Dental implants do not require the same care as regular teeth because they don't have cavities. However, there are some conditions that occur in the same way as with regular teeth. One of them is periodontal disease caused by bacteria that accumulate below the gums, and bacterial plaque, which forms over the crown and can cause gum infection. Bacterial infections around implants can also affect the bone, and there is no painful sensation that can act as a warning. The patient and the dentist will know that the bone is compromised when the implant becomes loose, which can result in the loss of the implant and the patient’s investment. Additional information click here.


Older Adults Require Special Care For A Proper Oral Health

Older Adults Require Special Care For A Proper Oral Health    

They Are At Higher Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay    

Health requirements change as people get older. Oral health is no exception. However, statistics show that only half of seniors visit a dentist every year, and this increases the risk of oral disease. Tooth decay is more common in older adults, as well as gum disease. This increases tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, and also sweet and sour beverages. Also, older adults take more prescription drugs, which can have a side effect, affecting oral health. Among these are dry mouth, which can result in bad breath, cracked lips, and cavities. Brushing can be more difficult, requiring toothbrushes with longer handles, and even better, electric toothbrushes. Also, dentures require cleaning with a special paste. Click here for more details.


Learn What Causes Your Bad Breath Before Choosing A Product To Treat It

Learn What Causes Your Bad Breath Before Choosing A Product To Treat It    

There are many products for bad breath. Before choosing which product to use for fighting bad breath, it is important to know the cause of bad breath. Most OTC products mask the smell for 20 minutes. For example, mints can inhibit dental decay, mouthwashes and sprays with alcohol dry the mouth, and gums boost the production of saliva. More info click here.


Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia

Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia    

Symptoms Include Lack Of Energy, Erectile Dysfunction, Mouth Injuries, Tinnitus, Headaches, And Even Hair Loss    

Testosterone deficiency is a condition that affects 38% of men over 45. It occurs when the testicles are not producing enough testosterone. It is caused by insufficient testosterone production by the testicles, which affects several body functions, such as libido, concentration, mood, and strength. Among the symptoms are tiredness and lack of energy, weight gain, low mood, lack of concentration, reduced strength and endurance, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. However, according to a new research, 70% of the cases could be mistaking testosterone deficiency for natural signs of aging. Another condition that can have similar symptoms as testosterone deficiency is anemia. Other signs of anemia are tiredness and lack of energy, noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations), shortness of breath, and pale skin. there are also headache, tinnitus, food tasting strange, itchiness, and hair loss. There are also oral issues, such as difficulty swallowing, a sore tongue, and painful open sores in the corners of the mouth. Additional info click here.


These Warning Signs Could Result In Cancer

These Warning Signs Could Result In Cancer    

Among Them Are Digestive Problems, Presence Of Blood On Stool Or Urine, And Mouth Injuries    

There are certain symptoms that can be a consequence of potential cancer. One of them is the presence of blood, not as a result of an injury or menstruation, but in the stool, urine, or a cough. Other symptoms are unexplained fever and weight loss. Fever can be caused by an infection, but it is controlled by meds. However, it can be concerning if it is recurring, or lasting over one week. Unexplained weight loss can be caused by the hormones secreted by cancer cells, which cause mass wasting. There are also gastric conditions, such as a persistent heartburn and prolonged reflux, caused by modifications in the lining of the esophagus, and continuous bloating, in the sensation of an abdominal pressure, which can be caused by ovarian cancer, and irregular bowel patterns, alternating between diarrhea and constipation, which can be a sign of an obstruction of the intestine caused by colon cancer. Oral health can also be affected, with the apparition of mouth or tongue persistent sores that have not healed after a month. More details click here.


Chewing Tobacco Has More Health Hazards Than Cigarettes

Chewing Tobacco Has More Health Hazards Than Cigarettes    

Smokeless tobacco will not affect the lungs, but a recent report has shown that it causes more death s than cigarettes. Previously, it was assumed that it was responsible only for oral cancer and cancer of the upper digestive tract. However now it is also related to cardiovascular conditions, adverse pregnancy outcomes, respiratory infections, and poor oral health, even early mortality. More details click here.


The Next Generation Of Toothpaste Contains Bioactive Glass

The Next Generation Of Toothpaste Contains Bioactive Glass    

This Material Can Mineralize The Dentin, Preventing The Formation Of Caries, Among Other Benefits    

There are several types of toothpaste: tartar-removing, whitening, and even for tooth sensitivity, which numbs nerve endings. Researchers are working on a toothpaste that will strengthen the enamel and even help repair it. It is based on bioactive glass. This material bonds well with soft tissue and has antimicrobial properties. It can increase the permanency of tooth fillings and speed up healing of periodontal defects. It can even promote mineral formation in the dentin, repairing the damage in the enamel before it produces dental caries. This mechanism can also help to treat sensitive teeth. More info click here.


Try This Recipe For A Homemade Healthy Mouthwash

Try This Recipe For A Homemade Healthy Mouthwash    

Mouthwash is supposed to eliminate bad breath. However, the alcohol can increase the risk of teeth stains, alter the taste of the mouth, and the sugar dries the mouth, promoting the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, which is what we want to prevent. An alternative is making your own mouthwash which has peppermint il for a fresh breath, clove, which has antimicrobial properties, and apple cider vinegar, which breaks down the plaque. Check the recipe. More info click here.


Taking Care Of Oral Health During Pregnancy

Taking Care Of Oral Health During Pregnancy    

Poor health during pregnancy will affect the child’s health also. This is especially true for oral health. Babies are born with no harmful bacteria in their mouth, so mothers with cavities can increase the risk of infection in their children. The vomiting from morning sickness can affect the enamel, promoting tooth decay. Brushing the teeth immediately is not a good idea because the enamel will be soft after the acid attack. Instead, rinse them with an antacid or baking soda. Check the advice on oral health while pregnant. More info click here.


Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture

Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture    

There is a fad about teeth whitening. Some people are using and promoting the use of a charcoal based mixture prior to brushing to whiten teeth. Actually, dentists say that this substance deteriorates and erodes enamel. More Information click here.


Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment    

This Happens When Vomiting And With Severe Acid Reflux    

Sensitive teeth occur when the exterior layer of the teeth, called enamel, gets worn. The causes are exposure to an acidic environment, such as when drinking soda, with vomiting or when acid reflux is so severe, that the food matter reaches the oral cavity. One way to avoid it is ingesting dairy products after the exposure to acids. According to specialists, milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphates, which help to protect the enamel from erosion. Therefore, in the case of vomiting or acid reflux, it is a good idea to rinse the teeth with milk. Since the acids have softened the enamel, it is better to wait one hour to brush the teeth. In the meanwhile, saliva will gradually clean the traces of acid exposure. Other causes of tooth sensitivity are cavities, gum disease, and intense whitening sessions, among others. Check all the causes of sensitive teeth. Click here for more info.


Wisdom Teeth Can Make Havoc In Your Mouth

Wisdom Teeth Can Make Havoc In Your Mouth    

Not all gum diseases come from germs. In some cases, it can be from a wisdom tooth. These show in the adolescence and in some cases, there is no space for them, so they are partially or totally covered by gums. This condition is called pericoronitis and includes gum inflammation, swelling, pus, among others. What to do about it? More details click here.


Feeling Dizzy Or Tired? You Might Be Dehydrated

Feeling Dizzy Or Tired? You Might Be Dehydrated    

In hot weathers, many people don’t drink enough water because they are not thirsty, and are not aware that they are dehydrated. There are symptoms of dehydration. Some of them are dry skin, bad breath caused by a dry mouth, which results in not producing enough saliva, and headaches because of the low level of minerals and salts. More info click here.


Stress Can Worsen Oral Health

Stress Can Worsen Oral Health    

Stress affects your body in many ways. One of them is oral health. A dentist can tell if the patient is under stress if there are lesions in the mouth, which result in the immune system weakened by stress. Also grinding teeth, known as bruxism is an unconscious habit generated by stress, as well as having worn teeth. Check all the stress signs. More Information click here.


Flossing Reduces The Possibility Of Gum Disease

Flossing Reduces The Possibility Of Gum Disease    

Even when there are now studies that question the effectiveness of flossing, the common sense tells us that flossing will remove plaque, reducing the possibility of gum disease and cavities. An alternate interdental cleaner can be used, such as small brushes, plastic or wooden picks, or a water jet. Click here for more info.


This Toothbrush Will Send A Video To Your Smartphone

This Toothbrush Will Send A Video To Your Smartphone    

This toothbrush will help you check the inside of your mouth. It has a camera that syncs with an app on your smartphone. It can take 10-megapixel photos and stream videos, sending it to an app via Bluetooth and WiFi, so you can check what spots you are missing. Additional information click here.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss    

These Will Also Provide Overall Health Benefits    

According to a study, one of the factors that increase the risk of tooth loss is inflammation caused by certain foods. There are foods that are pro-inflammatory which will affect not only the teeth but also the overall health. Among these are foods with high caloric intake, and containing trans-fats and excess carbohydrates, which must be avoided. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory foods, which will compose a healthy diet. These include ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamin D. More details click here.


These Foods Will Aid In Eliminating Bad Breath

These Foods Will Aid In Eliminating Bad Breath    

They Help To Restore The Bacterial Balance In The Mouth    

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, which produce foul-smelling waste. There are good and bad bacteria in the oral cavity. Good bacteria help to prepare the food for digestion, along with chewing and saliva. Bad bacteria, also called pathogenic bacteria, is responsible for bad breath. Certain conditions, such a poor diet, alter the balance between both bacteria and promotes the growth of the bad one. For example, sugar and carb promote the growth of bad bacteria – poor hygiene, a dry mouth, and gum disease. However, there are foods that will restore the bacterial balance, such as probiotics and fermented foods. Learn what foods to ingest, and what to avoid to restore bacterial balance in the mouth. More info click here.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Most advice for bad breath is related to oral health, avoiding a dry mouth and avoid smoking, among others. But did you know that sugarless yogurt lowers the level of hydrogen sulfide – the bad breath compound on the tongue? Also cinnamon and fennel reduce the mouth bacteria responsible for bad breath. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Prevention Of Oral Diseases In Cats

Prevention Of Oral Diseases In Cats    

At the age of three, 70 percent of the cats have signs of dental disease. This is one of the reasons owners complain about cat breath. Symptoms of gum disease are weight loss, bad breath, and bleeding gums, among others. How to prevent it? There are special brushes and toothpaste for pets. Click here for more details.


Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Most advice for bad breath is related to oral health, avoiding a dry mouth and avoid smoking, among others. But did you know that sugarless yogurt lowers the level of hydrogen sulfide – the bad breath compound on the tongue? Also cinnamon and fennel reduce the mouth bacteria responsible for bad breath. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Taking The Anxiety Away From The Dentist’s Appointment

Taking The Anxiety Away From The Dentist’s Appointment    

An appointment with the dentist is necessary for good oral health, but can also be a cause for anxiety and stress, worse if you dread the sound of the drill. Dentists know it, and they can make a relaxing experience, from the receptionist, the atmosphere with music and aromatherapy. Additional details click here.


New Procedure For Treating Chronic Sinusitis

New Procedure For Treating Chronic Sinusitis    

Sinusitis causes headaches and bad breath. It is treated with antibiotics, but in the case of chronic sufferers, it can affect the quality of life. There is now a new procedure in which a balloon is inserted in one of the sinus passage and it helps crack open the natural passage for draining the sinuses. Additional info click here.


A Proper Oral Hygiene Also Includes Tongue Scraping

A Proper Oral Hygiene Also Includes Tongue Scraping    

Learn How To Clean It Properly    

We have discussed the importance of brushing for good oral hygiene. However, it also includes cleaning the tongue. Foul-smelling bacteria resides not only on the teeth surface or between the teeth, but also in the tongue. Therefore, oral hygiene must include brushing, flossing and also tongue scraping. It requires a tongue scraper, a soft toothbrush or even the same toothbrush used for the teeth. Just extend your tongue, and scrape from the back of the tongue. If there is a gag reflex, you can try humming as a distraction. Additional information click here.


Effect Of Hormones In Oral Health

Effect Of Hormones In Oral Health    

Hormones can affect oral health. In the case of women, estrogen can increase the risk of osteoporosis, joint pain, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. It also affects the fluid in the body, leading to a dry mouth, hence bad breath. In men, low testosterone levels also cause dry mouth. Click here for more information.


Your Friend Has Bad Breath – How Can You Tell Him?

Your Friend Has Bad Breath – How Can You Tell Him?    

Halitosis can ruin a person’s social life, and the worst part is that the sufferer does not have an idea of the reason he or she is being banned away. Believe it not, if you mention the bad breath issue in a careful and tactful manner, the other will be grateful. More details click here.


Hydrogen Peroxide Will Keep Your Home And Body Clean

Hydrogen Peroxide Will Keep Your Home And Body Clean    

Hydrogen peroxide is the safest natural sanitizer for home. It has uses in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and also beauty and health. Some uses in oral health care as a teeth whitener, mouth rinse and for disinfecting toothbrushes. Check all the uses. Click here for more details.


Eating Excess Protein Is Not A Good Idea

Eating Excess Protein Is Not A Good Idea    

It Might Damage The Kidneys And Result In Bad Breath    

Excess protein will result in several imbalances in the body and might be risky for the health. For example, the kidneys may overwork because on the excess nitrogen they have to process with the extra protein. Also, lack of fiber to compensate the protein may cause gastrointestinal issues. Another problem is weight gain and low mood because it decreases the production of serotonin. It also affects the breath, because the low amount of carbohydrates will cause the body to enter a state of ketosis, and these substances are responsible for a smelly breath, Additional information click here.


Charcoal In Toothpaste Will Help Absorb Teeth Stains

Charcoal In Toothpaste Will Help Absorb Teeth Stains    

However, There Are Other Factors To Consider    

Charcoal is used as a filter and has absorbent capacities, being used to treat poisoning and overdoses. Also, many people use a piece of charcoal in their refrigerators to get rid of the bad smells. Recently, it is being added to toothpaste, but does it work? It causes a mild abrasion and absorbs the stains on the teeth, delaying the staining after a professional cleaning. However, it does not have any effect on teeth whitening. Also, there is a risk that the charcoal bits will build up between the teeth gaps. Additional info click here.


Aging Does Not Mean Losing Your Teeth

Aging Does Not Mean Losing Your Teeth

Many people think that tooth loss is inevitable in aging, just like gray hair. However, It is really the result of dental decay and tooth diseases. If these are left untreated, they will result in teeth loss, bad breath and bleeding gums, therefore, the priority is good oral hygiene and a visit to the specialist in case you have an irregular feeling in the mouth. However, if tooth loss occurs, what are the alternatives for replacement? Click here for more info.


Home Mouthwash Recipe

Home Mouthwash Recipe    

Mouthwash will help you get a fresh breath. However, some have alcohol, that can be uncomfortable, and others have sugar, which will only cover you bad breath for some hours and will leave you a dry mouth. The solution is a home mouthwash. How to prepare it? Additional info click here.


Green Tea Has Many Health Benefits

Green Tea Has Many Health Benefits    

Green tea is especially unique due to its production process. However, recent studies have found a substance that can provide relaxation while energizing the body. It also helps in controlling stress and also provides the ability to learn, remember and concentrate. Do you want to know more about the benefits of green tea? More details click here.


The Factors That Define A Convincing Smile

The Factors That Define A Convincing Smile    

Avoiding The Politician’s Smile    

A recent study proposed to find out what makes a smile genuine and convincing. The result was a balance between the mouth angle, symmetry and the number of teeth shown. A big smile shows many teeth, but was rated as unpleasant or not genuine, such as the politician’s smile. The perfect smile consists of a balance between the width of the smile, teeth color, not showing many teeth or gum and overall, being natural. Click here for more details.


Nutmeg Is Beneficial For Chronic Pain, Halitosis Stress And Depression

Nutmeg Is Beneficial For Chronic Pain, Halitosis Stress And Depression    

Nutmeg not only enhances the flavor of foods but also has many health benefits. It relieves chronic pain, and chronic inflammation, being more effective than painkillers. It also induces sleep and helps control bad breath and halitosis due to its anti-bacterial compounds. It also boosts the immunity of gums and teeth. Additional details click here.


Dry Mouth Can Be Related To Dry Eyes, And Even Dry Mucous Membranes

Dry Mouth Can Be Related To Dry Eyes, And Even Dry Mucous Membranes    

It Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Rather Than Dehydration    

A dry mouth is usually linked to dehydration. However, it can be also caused by certain medications, and promote the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath and increase the risk of oral disease and tooth loss. On the other hand, according to studies, the presence of dry mouth is also related to dry eyes, in which the patient may suffer from impaired eyesight, with chronic discomfort and painful wounds and scars on the exterior of the eye. As mentioned, it is not linked to dehydration, but to the lack of a protective film that prevents the teats from evaporating. Tears lubricate the eyes and keep them moist, but they are prone to evaporate. Hence, there are sebaceous glands that secrete a film of fat that rests over the tears and prevents the evaporation. This dryness can also come along with dryness in the mucous membranes, which can be a symptom of a more serious problem, in which the sebaceous glands in the eyes come become blocked or defective. More Information click here.


Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer

Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer    

It Reduces Saliva Secretion And Blood Flow In The Gums, Among Others    

Smoking is not only unhealthy for your respiratory system and the main cause is lung cancer. It can also seriously affect your oral health. It can result in xerostomia, which the reduction of saliva flow, increasing the risk of tooth decay, and depleting enzymes for proper digestion. It also stains the teeth, causes bad breath and loss of taste. Also, it reduces the blood flow to the gums, leading to gum disease and tooth loss, among others. It also causes oral cancer, which is the sixth most common cancer. Additional info click here.


Getting Whiter Teeth With Diet And Simple Tips

Getting Whiter Teeth With Diet And Simple Tips    

Changing The Toothbrush And Apple Cider Vinegar Will Help    

Whiter teeth can be obtained with diet and simple products, not only with expensive treatment. One of them is getting a new toothbrush every 3 months and brushing also the tongue. This will prevent the growth of bacteria that causes bad breath and discoloration. Also gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar and eating fruits and vegetables helps with whitening. On the other hand, it is a good idea to rinse after eating citrus foods, because it erodes tooth enamel, making it easier to stain. More info click here.


Cartoons May Be The Way To Avoid Dentist Anxiety In Kids

Cartoons May Be The Way To Avoid Dentist Anxiety In Kids    

Dentist anxiety is common in kids, making them afraid to have a visit for the dental checkup. An alternative is to provide an audiovisual distraction such as watching their favorite cartoons through an eyeglass system. More info click here.


Nutmeg Is Beneficial For Chronic Pain, Halitosis Stress And Depression

Nutmeg Is Beneficial For Chronic Pain, Halitosis Stress And Depression    

Nutmeg not only enhances the flavor of foods but also has many health benefits. It relieves chronic pain, and chronic inflammation, being more effective than painkillers. It also induces sleep and helps control bad breath and halitosis due to its anti-bacterial compounds. It also boosts the immunity of gums and teeth. Additional details click here.


Sinusitis And Bad Breath

Sinusitis And Bad Breath    

The mucosa in out nose and sinuses produce mucus, which is moved to the back of the nose by cilia and then swallowed. But with sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, the cilia stop working and the mucus builds up, resulting in inflammation and bad breath. How to beat this? More Information click here.


Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care

Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care    

Lack Of Saliva, Gum Disease, And Enamel Loss Are Some Of The Issues    

Elder adults must have a special care for their teeth and oral health in general. One of them is dry mouth because if the decreased saliva flow, which can also be caused by certain medications. Lack of saliva will promote bacterial growth, and also affect digestion. There is also an increased risk of gum disease, due to plaque, poor-fitting dentures and diseases such as cancer, anemia, and diabetes. Attrition is another cause, which is the wear and tear, resulting in a loss of enamel. This can be treated avoiding acidic drinks. Check all the oral issues that appear with age. More details click here.


No More Embarrassing Bad Breath Or Stinky Feet

No More Embarrassing Bad Breath Or Stinky Feet    

There are embarrassing conditions that affect us and sometimes do not seen to have a solution. Bad breath can be avoided by drinking water, hence no dry mouth, staying away from smelly foods such as coffee and cleaning the teeth and the tongue. Check also the solutions for dandruff and smelly feet. More details click here.


Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems

Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems    

The Disease Is Not Contagious, But The Bacteria May Be Spread Through Saliva    

Periodontal disease signs are bleeding or swollen gums and bad breath. It is caused by an inflammatory reaction to a bacteria in the mouth. However, is it contagious? The inflammatory reaction is not, but the bacteria can be spread through saliva. People with a poor immune system or injuries in the mouth cavities have to be more careful to avoid contagion, so it is a good idea not to share eating utensils or glassware. Click here for more information.


How To Identify A Sinus Infection

How To Identify A Sinus Infection    

A constant headache, cough and runny nose can be a sinus infection. This happens when the sinus lining gets inflamed, preventing the sinus from draining and promoting bacteria growth. Some of the symptoms are a yellow or green mucus, and also bad breath because of the discharge that goes through the oral cavity. Click here for more info.


How Smoking Affects Your Mouth And Gums

How Smoking Affects Your Mouth And Gums    

It is well-known that smoking is bad for health. It not only causes lung and throat cancer, but it also has effects in other parts of the body. It will stain the teeth and cause bad breath, reduces the blood flow to the gums and affects nerve cells, resulting in a decreased taste and smell. Other parts of the body also suffer. Click here for more info.


Wisdom Teeth Can Make Havoc In Your Mouth

Wisdom Teeth Can Make Havoc In Your Mouth    

Not all gum diseases come from germs. In some cases, it can be from a wisdom tooth. These show in the adolescence and in some cases, there is no space for them, so they are partially or totally covered by gums. This condition is called pericoronitis and includes gum inflammation, swelling, pus, among others. What to do about it? More details click here.


Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings

Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings    

It Has Been Developed To End Recurrent Caries    

When dentists treat cavities, they cover it with a filling. However, in some cases, bacteria can dig under the fillings and cause new car. This is called recurrent caries. Researchers have developed a new material containing particles of antimicrobial drugs, which will stop the bacterial attack. The objective s storing enough drug in the material, in order to be effective through the entire life or the patient. The new material contains bacterial drugs that self-assemble molecule by molecule. Additional details click here.


Dry Mouth Can Be Related To Dry Eyes, And Even Dry Mucous Membranes

Dry Mouth Can Be Related To Dry Eyes, And Even Dry Mucous Membranes    

It Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Rather Than Dehydration    

A dry mouth is usually linked to dehydration. However, it can be also caused by certain medications, and promote the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath and increase the risk of oral disease and tooth loss. On the other hand, according to studies, the presence of dry mouth is also related to dry eyes, in which the patient may suffer from impaired eyesight, with chronic discomfort and painful wounds and scars on the exterior of the eye. As mentioned, it is not linked to dehydration, but to the lack of a protective film that prevents the teats from evaporating. Tears lubricate the eyes and keep them moist, but they are prone to evaporate. Hence, there are sebaceous glands that secrete a film of fat that rests over the tears and prevents the evaporation. This dryness can also come along with dryness in the mucous membranes, which can be a symptom of a more serious problem, in which the sebaceous glands in the eyes come become blocked or defective. More Information click here.


Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern id that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to a lower immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. More details click here.


Fixing Irregular Teeth With Braces Has Not Only Cosmetic Benefits

Fixing Irregular Teeth With Braces Has Not Only Cosmetic Benefits    

It Will Decrease The Risk Of Gum Disease, Linked To Several Serious Health Conditions    

Some of us are just born with irregular teeth, also known as malocclusions. These are corrected with braces, resulting in a great smile. However, cosmetic reasons are not the only ones. Irregular teeth will increase the risk of gum disease, which, according to studies, can result in a higher probability of heart disease or strokes. Other studies link gingivitis to poor memory and a higher risk of Alzheimer’s. Check all the benefits. Additional details click here.


Benefits Of Bitter Foods For Oral Health

Benefits Of Bitter Foods For Oral Health    

Bitter foods have been in traditional Chinese medicine. They stimulate the taste buds, promoting digestive secretions, and enhancing our digestion. One of these is Gentian root, which normalizes the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, preventing indigestion, bad breath and loss of appetite. Learn more about bitters and their health benefits. Click here for more information.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss    

These Will Also Provide Overall Health Benefits    

According to a study, one of the factors that increase the risk of tooth loss is inflammation caused by certain foods. There are foods that are pro-inflammatory which will affect not only the teeth but also the overall health. Among these are foods with high caloric intake, and containing trans-fats and excess carbohydrates, which must be avoided. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory foods, which will compose a healthy diet. These include ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamin D. More details click here.


Facts And Myths On Oral Health

Facts And Myths On Oral Health    

There are truths and myths about oral health. For example, people think that the main cause of cavities is sugar. Really, the main cause is the acid produced by a bacteria which is generated by any carbohydrate. Also, white teeth are not necessarily healthy, for they might have gum disease. Check all the myths. Click here for more information.


Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache

Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache    

Guava has been part of traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and South America. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids. Among its health benefits are controlling diarrhea, lowering cholesterol, managing diabetes and promoting weight loss, among others. Also, it helps with a toothache because of its antibacterial agents and also with hair loss. Click here for more details.


Receding Gums Require Immediate Treatment

Receding Gums Require Immediate Treatment    

Receding gums are a very slow process. This happens when the gum tissue wears away, however it is not painful for the sufferers. Delaying actions can result in treatments such as gum tissue grafting, bone regeneration, and surgery. What are the causes and what can be done about it? More info click here.


Meet The Black Garlic, Which Doesn’t Affect Your Breath

Meet The Black Garlic, Which Doesn’t Affect Your Breath    

Garlic is a beneficial product that will help with lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, but its downside is its effect on the breath. An Asian delicatessen, called black garlic, does not cause bad breath, but does it have the same health benefits? Click here for more info.


Treating Receding Gums With These Home Preparations

Treating Receding Gums With These Home Preparations    

One of the symptoms of gum disease are the receding gums. It also causes tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums. This can be treated if detected early and there are some home remedies for it. One of them is oil pulling with coconut oil, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can be done with green tea also. Check all the home remedies for receding gums. Additional details click here.


Vaping Increases The Risk Of Switching To Cigarettes In Teens And Young Adults

Vaping Increases The Risk Of Switching To Cigarettes In Teens And Young Adults    

It May Also Result In Nicotine Addiction    

Smoking leads to cancer and also lung and throat diseases. As an alternative, many people use electronic cigarettes, also known as vaping. These deliver nicotine through vapor instead of smoke. However, studies show that vaping increases by four the possibility of smoking in teens and young adults. People are ingesting nicotine in both cases, traditional cigarettes and vaping. Therefore, even though vaping does not deliver the products responsible for cancer, there is a high risk or nicotine addiction. More details click here.


Coffee Causes Bad Breath? Check These Facts And Myths

Coffee Causes Bad Breath? Check These Facts And Myths    

A recent study has shown that the main cause of bad breath is gum disease. Also, contrary to popular belief, neither coffee nor smoking causes bad breath, but both cause a dry mouth, which results in halitosis. Click here for more info.


Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath

Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath    

The Keto diet is based on avoiding most carbs and sugars and eating foods high in fat and protein. Sounds like a dream, but it has side effects. The process of breaking down fat to create energy releases ketones, which are present in the breath, resulting in a very bad smell. Additional info click here.


Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions

Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions    

One of the habits we all should have is daily flossing. Brushing is not enough to remove the plaque on the gums. Gum disease can affect the cardiovascular system, lead to pneumonia, dementia and erectile dysfunction, which is twice as common in people with gum disease. Check all the oral health habits. Additional information click here.


You May Be Stressed And Not Know It – Check These Physical Symptoms Can Be Caused By Stress

You May Be Stressed And Not Know It – Check These Physical Symptoms Can Be Caused By Stress    

Among Them Are Memory Loss, Cavities, Tooth Grinding, Headaches, And Back Pain    

Some people believe that the effects of stress are related only to the mind, such as poor concentration, slow response, confusion and memory loss. However, the brain releases a substance called cortisol when the body goes through stress. Continued stress equals excess cortisol production, which has serious side effects in the body that can be identified as stress symptoms. Among these are headaches, less libido, tightened muscles on the neck and the back, poor cuticles, cavities, and teeth grinding. Click here for more information.


This Breath Detection Device Will Measure Alcohol And Also The Bad Breath

This Breath Detection Device Will Measure Alcohol And Also The Bad Breath    

Bad breath is not easy to spot but annoys the persons around. Now a company specializing in alcohol breath meters is working on breath analyzers for health conditions that cause it, such as diabetes, asthma, and of course, bad breath. Click here for more details.


Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Symptoms Of Gum Disease    

Gum disease can originate a serious infection in your mouth, and extend it to the rest of the body. If untreated, it can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss. Symptoms are blood, red color and swelling, teeth sensitivity and bad breath. Click here for more information.


Green Tea Can Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath, Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes, And Other Health Benefits

Green Tea Can Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath, Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes, And Other Health Benefits    

Green tea has many health benefits. For example, it can help get rid of bad breath because of its antibacterial properties. Also, its antioxidants can prevent many diseases and even lower cardiovascular disease and cancer risk, its caffeine content can improve brain functions, mood, memory and reaction time and also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. It can also boost insulin sensitivity, and reduce blood sugar levels, help to fight diabetes, and improve metabolism, promote weight loss. Learn about all the benefits of green tea. More details click here.


This Interdental Brush Is An Alternative To Flossing

This Interdental Brush Is An Alternative To Flossing    

Many people don’t like flossing because it takes too much time or finds too uncomfortable inserting their fingers in their mouth. The alternative is interdental cleaners, such as the one shown, which address hard-to-reach areas between the teeth. More info click here.


People Believe That Visits Every 6 Months To The Dentist Are Not Necessary If They Feel Well

People Believe That Visits Every 6 Months To The Dentist Are Not Necessary If They Feel Well    

They Might Screen Gum Disease, Cavities, And Even Oral Cancer And Anorexia    

Teeth cleaning is important for oral health. However, many people are not aware that a visit to the dentist every six months is equally important. The reason is that people feel that it is unnecessary to go to the dentist when there is nothing wrong. These visits might help identify gum disease or cavities that the person is unaware of, and even it can help screen oral cancer. Also, mental conditions like anorexia or bulimia are first revealed in the mouth. Additional info click here.


Cucumbers Promote Bone Health And Help Reducing Bad Breath

Cucumbers Promote Bone Health And Help Reducing Bad Breath    

They Also Lower The Level Of Bad Cholesterol And Increase The Level Of The Good One    

Besides being great for salads, cucumbers also have beneficial health properties. They are rich in vitamin K, promoting bone health. Vitamin K is fundamental for bone health and formation, and low levels of this vitamin have been linked to an increase in the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Cucumber seeds lower the level of cholesterol, decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and increasing the good one (HDL). Also, according to recent studies, it reduces the risk of estrogen-related cancers, such as breast, ovary, uterus, and prostate cancer. The fluid in cucumbers also helps fight bad breath. Along with saliva, it cleanses the foul-smelling bacteria from the mouth. Click here for more details.


Opioids Should Not Be The First Choice For Eliminating Tooth Pain

Opioids Should Not Be The First Choice For Eliminating Tooth Pain    

Ibuprofen And Other NSAIDs Have Lower Risk And Fewer Harmful Side Effects    

According to researchers, it is not a good idea to treat dental pain with opioids. These drugs can create addiction and even abuse, leading to overdose. Experts state that prescribing narcotics should be the last resort. It is better to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, combined with acetaminophen, which optimizes efficacy, while reduces adverse effects. On the other hand, opioids are effective in eliminating pain but have serious side effects, such as drowsiness, nausea, and constipation. Additional information click here.


Tonsil Stones Can Be The Source Of Your Bad Breath

Tonsil Stones Can Be The Source Of Your Bad Breath    

Tonsils are one of the mouth’s defenses from germs and bacteria. They trap mucus, dead cells and a bit of food. These tend to harden, turning into a tonsil stone. Even if they look gross, they are normal and can grow inside or behind the tonsil. In fact, almost 25% of head CAT scans showed tonsil stones. However, since they attract bacteria, these can be a source of a sore throat or bad breath. Additional details click here.


Using Baking Soda Safely For Oral Hygiene

Using Baking Soda Safely For Oral Hygiene    

Baking soda is not only used in the kitchen. It also prevents plaque formation. It forms an alkaline solution when mixed with water, which helps with teeth whitening, among other benefits. However, baking soda does not have the ability to kill bacteria that lead to cavities, can damage enamel and gums. To get the most from baking soda, the best idea is to mix it with other ingredients that will prevent the problems mentioned before. More Information click here.


Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment    

This Happens When Vomiting And With Severe Acid Reflux    

Sensitive teeth occur when the exterior layer of the teeth, called enamel, gets worn. The causes are exposure to an acidic environment, such as when drinking soda, with vomiting or when acid reflux is so severe, that the food matter reaches the oral cavity. One way to avoid it is ingesting dairy products after the exposure to acids. According to specialists, milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphates, which help to protect the enamel from erosion. Therefore, in the case of vomiting or acid reflux, it is a good idea to rinse the teeth with milk. Since the acids have softened the enamel, it is better to wait one hour to brush the teeth. In the meanwhile, saliva will gradually clean the traces of acid exposure. Other causes of tooth sensitivity are cavities, gum disease, and intense whitening sessions, among others. Check all the causes of sensitive teeth. Click here for more info.