Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Germ Could Be Responsible For Gum Disease And Rheumatoid Arthritis

A Germ Could Be Responsible For Gum Disease And Rheumatoid Arthritis    

Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis caused by an overactive immune system. Scientists have observed that the patients that suffer from this condition have a tendency to have gum disease. Now a recent study suggests that a germ might be responsible for these two conditions. Click here for more details.


You Brush Your Teeth Every Day, But Are You Sure You Are Doing It Properly?

You Brush Your Teeth Every Day, But Are You Sure You Are Doing It Properly?    

The Importance Of Brushing Before Bedtime, Reaching Hard-To-Get Spots And Avoiding Rising    

One of the first lessons parents teach their children is how to brush their teeth on their own. As adults, they continue brushing the same way, but is it the correct way to brush? According to experts, brushing before bedtime is especially important because oral plaque builds up at night. Also, even if advertising suggests to cover the brush with toothpaste, it is only necessary to use a pea-sized drop. A proper brushing must be focused on hard-to-reach spots, such as the gumline, where food particles can get trapped. Additionally, it is not a good idea to rinse the toothpaste, just spit it – this is because its anti-cavity properties need at least 30 minutes to make a full effect. Check all the advice on proper brushing. Click here for more information.


Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics

Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics    

Mouths are full of bacteria. An injury or a dental treatment can expose the bloodstream to these bacteria. The immune system takes care of them, but in some cases, it might be a good idea to take an antibiotic before the treatment. It is also recommended tor people with certain heart conditions. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

New Technology In Dentures Can Prevent Infections And Save Manufacturing Time

New Technology In Dentures Can Prevent Infections And Save Manufacturing Time    

It Uses 3D Printing And Microcapsules Filled With Antifungal Drugs    

Frequent fungal infections are common in dentures, which cause swelling, inflammation, and redness. These are disinfected with antiseptics, baking soda, and even microwaves, but in these cases, the user must remove the dentures to clean them. A new approach includes the antifungal drugs inside 3D printed dentures, which prevents fungal infections while dentures are in use. The dentures have microscopic capsules filled with antifungal medication, which is released when the microspheres degrade. Also, using 3D printing saves cost and time, compared to manufacturing conventional dentures, which takes days or weeks. More Information click here.


Japanese Portable Device Will Help Detect Bad Breath And Foul Body Smell

Japanese Portable Device Will Help Detect Bad Breath And Foul Body Smell    

Many body odors can be detected by others, but not by the person that is responsible for the odor – this is the case of bad breath. A new Japanese portable device can detect three types of smells, like bad breath. This is done by detecting substances like ammonia and isovaleric acid that are present in foul smell. It can also detect smells found in a locker room or fast food restaurant. Click here for more information.


Avoid Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly Or Using The Wrong Toothbrush

Avoid Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly Or Using The Wrong Toothbrush    

It Might Wear The Enamel And Damage The Gums    

Using an incorrect toothbrush or not brushing properly can cause damage to the tooth enamel and fail to remove the plaque. The objective of brushing the teeth is removing the plaque, which is the white substance over the teeth. An old toothbrush has bristles that are too soft and frayed, and won’t remove the plaque – specialists recommend changing it every 4 months. Brushing too hard might affect the tooth enamel and damage the gums. This worsens if the bristles are too hard. The plaque may also fail to be removed if the brushing time is too short. According to specialists, the average brushing time is 33 seconds, however, to completely remove the plaque, the process should take at least 2 minutes. Additional information click here.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Dentists Promote Flossing Despite The Recent Evidence

Dentists Promote Flossing Despite The Recent Evidence    

Recent articles have put in doubt the effectivity of flossing. However, the dentists have answered informing that having not strong evidence does not prove it is not effective. Also, a person just needs common sense to determine that tiny pieces of food between the teeth will eventually be a cause of plaque and gum disease. Click here for more info.


Cucumbers Promote Bone Health And Help Reducing Bad Breath

Cucumbers Promote Bone Health And Help Reducing Bad Breath    

They Also Lower The Level Of Bad Cholesterol And Increase The Level Of The Good One    

Besides being great for salads, cucumbers also have beneficial health properties. They are rich in vitamin K, promoting bone health. Vitamin K is fundamental for bone health and formation, and low levels of this vitamin have been linked to an increase in the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Cucumber seeds lower the level of cholesterol, decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and increasing the good one (HDL). Also, according to recent studies, it reduces the risk of estrogen-related cancers, such as breast, ovary, uterus, and prostate cancer. The fluid in cucumbers also helps fight bad breath. Along with saliva, it cleanses the foul-smelling bacteria from the mouth. Click here for more details.


A Smile Creates Chemical Reactions In The Brain

A Smile Creates Chemical Reactions In The Brain    

A smile is not only a facial movement. It elevates your mood and creates a sense of well-being. When smiling, serotonin and endorphins are released, because the brain interprets the movement in the face. The smile not only elevates your mood but the persons that interact with you. Additional details click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Drinking Alcohol May Cause Changes In The Bacterial Colony In The Mouth

Drinking Alcohol May Cause Changes In The Bacterial Colony In The Mouth    

It Could Also Cause Alcohol-Related Conditions, Such As Bad Breath And Periodontal Disease    

Drinking alcohol is related to bad breath because it causes dehydration, which leads to dry mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria. But recent studies also linked alcohol consumption to the bacteria responsible for gum disease, which also causes bad breath and a lower abundance of a bacteria related to good oral health called Lactobacillales. The studies also state that the microbial colony in the mouth, composed of more than 700 types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and that drinking alcohol changes this colony. These changes promote alcohol-related diseases, such as periodontal disease, digestive tract cancer, and head and neck cancer. Additional details click here.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Medicinal Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Medicinal Benefits Of Coconut Oil    

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which increase the HDL cholesterol (the good one) and also convert the LDL cholesterol (the bad one) into the good one. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Among its medical benefits are also burning fat because it increases the energy expenditure, memory increase and also reduces bad breath. Check all the health benefits, you will be amazed. More details click here.


Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache

Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache    

Guava has been part of traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and South America. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids. Among its health benefits are controlling diarrhea, lowering cholesterol, managing diabetes and promoting weight loss, among others. Also, it helps with a toothache because of its antibacterial agents and also with hair loss. Click here for more details.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease    

Bacteria In Gum Disease And Inflammation Due To Poor Sleeping Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Heart disease is usually related to poor lifestyle and a bad diet. However, there are other signs, such as bad breath and gum disease, along with insomnia due to work shifting. Gum disease allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream, leading to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Also, shift work and insomnia prevents the body from healing and repairing, increasing the blood pressure and inflammation, leading to heart disease. Additional details click here.


Garlic Not Only Causes Bad Breath, But It Also Has Health Benefits

Garlic Not Only Causes Bad Breath, But It Also Has Health Benefits    

Boosts Immunity, Decreases Inflammation And Helps With Heart Health    

Garlic is usually known as a cause of bad breath and to scare away vampires, but the truth is that it has many health benefits. It boosts the immunity system, protecting against diseases. It also reduces inflammation due to its sulfuric compounds helping with physical damage caused by stress, and recover from swelling and inflammation due to exercise. Another benefit is better heart health, caused by sulfur compounds that relax blood vessels. Click here for more details.


A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health

A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health    

These Simple Steps Can Help You Cleanse Your Liver    

Modern life can lead sometimes to an unhealthy diet, resulting in poor digestion, bloating, constipation and heartburn. The blame usually goes to the stomach and colon. However, the problem might be in the liver. It is responsible for obtaining blood from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the toxins from it, and producing bile to help digestion. In some cases, the liver is overworking due to a poor diet, or it can be clogged or imbalanced, resulting in headaches and poor oral health and filthy teeth. Learn these simple steps to cleanse your liver. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Proper Oral Hygiene Can Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's

Proper Oral Hygiene Can Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's    

It Prevents Gum Disease Which Has Been Related To This Mental Condition    

Brushing the teeth is usually a normal activity in oral hygiene. However, in the long term, incorrect brushing increases the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. This is because brushing the teeth in a wrong way can result in gum disease, which is related to Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study, bacteria associated with gum disease has been found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The bacteria spread from the oral cavity to the brain, where it destroyed nerve cells. Gum disease can be prevented if it is identified at an early stage, which presents conditions called gingivitis. This condition is caused by the inflammation of the gums, resulting from the bacterial plaque buildup on the teeth surface. It is a fairly common condition, suffered by 50% of the adult population, but it is reversible. However, if untreated, a series of bacterial pockets are formed between the tooth and the gum, leading to gum disease, or periodontitis. In this stage, the bacteria is almost impossible to eliminate, but there are several treatments for controlling its growth. Studies in mice have shown that this bacteria can migrate to the brain. Even though there are other conditions related to Alzheimer’s, it is a good idea to have proper oral hygiene to reduce the risk of this condition. More info click here.


Learning How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth To Prevent Oral Disease

Learning How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth To Prevent Oral Disease    

Poor oral health is the most common condition that affects dogs. However, this is preventable, if owners learn how to brush correctly their pet’s teeth. Dogs need a special toothbrush and a special paste – the toothpaste for humans is toxic to them. Learn how to take care of your dog’s teeth, step by step. More Information click here.


Concerned If Brushing Correctly Your Teeth? Try A Video Selfie

Concerned If Brushing Correctly Your Teeth? Try A Video Selfie    

A new study suggests that video selfies of people brushing their teeth can help with oral health. This is because brushing the teeth is often learned and practices with no proper supervision, so that there may be the case that people have brushed the wrong way all their life. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Plain Sparking Water Is A Hydrating As Normal Water

Plain Sparking Water Is A Hydrating As Normal Water    

However, Sparkling Sugary Sodas Or Colas Can Affect Tooth Enamel Or Bone Density    

Sparkling water provides an effervescent sensation in the mouth caused by the CO2. It also has the same hydrating properties as plain water. However, it must be unflavored sparkling water, or seltzer, not sugary soda, which can attack the tooth enamel, and lead to excess weight. Also, some people believe that soda water can affect bone density in women, but it is referred to soda water with cola, not plain soda water. Additional details click here.


Oral Health Will Be Improved By Drinking Much Water

Oral Health Will Be Improved By Drinking Much Water    

Drinking water is very beneficial for the body and for oral health. Poor hydration will result in a dry mouth and a bacterial build-up, which leads to bad breath. Water must have priority over sugary and acidic drinks. More details click here.


Fluoride Improves The Remineralization Of Tooth Enamel, Preventing Cavities

Fluoride Improves The Remineralization Of Tooth Enamel, Preventing Cavities    

It Can Be Found In Drinking Water, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, And Dental Floss    

Fluoride is a substance that can prevent teeth cavities. It is usually added in the water in toothpaste, or in mouthwash, and helps to rebuilt tooth enamel, in a process called remineralization, along with the saliva, phosphorus, and calcium. Oral bacteria form a plaque, which attacks the tooth enamel and forms cavities and leads to tooth decay. Fluoride helps protect the enamel from the bacteria. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about fluoride. Besides toothpaste and drinking water, dental floss is another way to obtain fluoride for the teeth. According to specialists, it is more effective than mouthwash. Additional info click here.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Learn All On Avocado, And Its Benefits On Halitosis

Learn All On Avocado, And Its Benefits On Halitosis    

Avocados have great taste, but also health benefits. It acts as a sunscreen, moisturizes the screen and also helps reduce bad breath removing the bacteria in the intestine that produces bad breath. Want to know everything about avocado, from a great salad to learn all varieties? Additional info click here.


In Japan, Almost 85% Of Wives Complains About Her Partner’s Bad Breath

In Japan, Almost 85% Of Wives Complains About Her Partner’s Bad Breath    

A survey in Japan has found out that almost 85% of the wives complain about their husband’s bad breath. Click here for more information.


The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth In The Morning

The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth In The Morning    

Some people say it’s better to brush the teeth before breakfast, and some prefer to do it afterward. The truth is that by night, there is very little saliva, so the mouth is dry and the bad breath shows up. You can brush before breakfast to get rid of the taste, but if brushing afterward, check first these tips. Click here for more details.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

These Foods Will Give A Bad Breath And Also A Smelly Body Odor

These Foods Will Give A Bad Breath And Also A Smelly Body Odor    

Among Them Are Alcohol, Broccoli, Dairy Products, Onions, And Garlic    

Bad breath is not the only source of foul smells in the body. Certain foods can also release bad smell through the skin. In the case of bad breath, a solution is brushing the teeth or using mouthwash after meals, but if the smells are being released through the sweat and skin, the solution is more complicated. There are foods and drinks that can cause these odors, such as alcohol, which is metabolized into acetic acid and is secreted through the sweat. The combination of sweat and acid is processed by skin bacteria, which leaves a characteristic smell. Also, cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, and dairy products, include sulfur, a substance that smells like rotten eggs, that is released in the sweat. Spicy foods, along with garlic and onions contain sulfur, but also have volatile organic compounds, which gives the characteristic smell to the breath and skin. In some cases, meat and fish can also release a smelly substance through the skin. More info click here.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Oral Health

Taking Care Of Your Pet’s Oral Health    

Pets can get a series of oral health conditions, and some are the same as humans: gingivitis and periodontal disease, receding gums and subsequent tooth loss, cavities, decay, abscesses, and infections. All this will result in bad breath. The problem is that they hide any discomfort because a sick animal may be prey to others. So it is important to brush their teeth with a special brush and toothpaste and a regular visit to the vet. More info click here.


New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath    

It Detects Hydrogen Sulfide Gas After One Minute Of Exposure Of Breath To The Sensor    

Bad breath can be an annoyance or a symptom of a serious health condition. For most people, it is difficult to detect, unless somebody tells them about it. Actually, there are sensors but they require a power source, have low sensitivity, or require time to show the results. Researchers are working on a portable sensor that can detect very small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, which is responsible for the smell of bad breath. It works showing a color change on the sensor surface, after one minute of being exposed to the breath. Additional details click here.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Vodka Not Only For Drinks – Check These Other Uses

Vodka Not Only For Drinks – Check These Other Uses    

A night with excessive vodka will make you feel terrible on the next morning. But believe it or not, it has beauty benefits, provided that it is used diluted. Adding a few drops to the shampoo will help with shiny hair. Its low pH will help normalize the hair’s pH level. It also has astringent properties, helping tighten the skin and avoiding wrinkles. Using it diluted in water, it also kills the bacteria in the mouth, getting rid of bad breath. Check all the benefits. Click here for more information.


A Smile Creates Chemical Reactions In The Brain

A Smile Creates Chemical Reactions In The Brain    

A smile is not only a facial movement. It elevates your mood and creates a sense of well-being. When smiling, serotonin and endorphins are released, because the brain interprets the movement in the face. The smile not only elevates your mood but the persons that interact with you. Additional details click here.


Avoiding Gum Disease On Dogs And Cats

Avoiding Gum Disease On Dogs And Cats    

Gum disease id the most common health condition in dogs and cats. The first symptom is bad breath. According to vets, poor oral health can affect kidneys, liver, and heart. Other symptoms are bleeding gums, blood on chews and eating difficulty. To prevent gum disease, there are special toothbrushes and toothpaste for pets. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Avoid Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly Or Using The Wrong Toothbrush

Avoid Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly Or Using The Wrong Toothbrush    

It Might Wear The Enamel And Damage The Gums    

Using an incorrect toothbrush or not brushing properly can cause damage to the tooth enamel and fail to remove the plaque. The objective of brushing the teeth is removing the plaque, which is the white substance over the teeth. An old toothbrush has bristles that are too soft and frayed, and won’t remove the plaque – specialists recommend changing it every 4 months. Brushing too hard might affect the tooth enamel and damage the gums. This worsens if the bristles are too hard. The plaque may also fail to be removed if the brushing time is too short. According to specialists, the average brushing time is 33 seconds, however, to completely remove the plaque, the process should take at least 2 minutes. Additional information click here.


Dental Floss Helps Clean Hard-To-Reach Places On The Teeth

Dental Floss Helps Clean Hard-To-Reach Places On The Teeth    

Brushing Cannot Clean Areas Between The Teeth    

Proper oral hygiene will help preserve healthy teeth and gums. Mouth bacteria can attach the enamel and the gum linings in the form of plaque, and the only way to prevent it is with proper cleaning.  Most people consider only brushing their teeth, but there are places where the toothbrush can’t reach, such as the areas between teeth. The tooth has five surfaces and brushing only reaches three of them. Dental floss, which is a thin filament, can access these two remaining sides. Additional info click here.


Many Uses Of Coconut Oil: Moisturizer, Mouthwash, Ointment

Many Uses Of Coconut Oil: Moisturizer, Mouthwash, Ointment    

Coconut oil had many health benefits. It can be used as a moisturizer, ointment, deodorant, hair conditioner, even as a natural mouthwash and to remove the eye makeup. More Information click here.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?    

Tonsils are usually a target for infections and in the past, its removal was a common procedure. Now they are removed in case the measures to prevent infection are ineffective. Other reasons are the presence on tonsil stones and halitosis. Additional details click here.


Coffee Causes Bad Breath? Check These Facts And Myths

Coffee Causes Bad Breath? Check These Facts And Myths    

A recent study has shown that the main cause of bad breath is gum disease. Also, contrary to popular belief, neither coffee nor smoking causes bad breath, but both cause a dry mouth, which results in halitosis. Click here for more info.


Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes

Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes    

Stained teeth are usually the result of smoking or chewing tobacco. However, there are other causes for stains such as nerve damage related to root canal treatment, Bacteria in the mouth, tooth decay resulting from improper brushing, old age, which causes the enamel to change color, among others. Check all the reasons that can cause tooth stains. Additional info click here.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings

Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings    

It Has Been Developed To End Recurrent Caries    

When dentists treat cavities, they cover it with a filling. However, in some cases, bacteria can dig under the fillings and cause new car. This is called recurrent caries. Researchers have developed a new material containing particles of antimicrobial drugs, which will stop the bacterial attack. The objective s storing enough drug in the material, in order to be effective through the entire life or the patient. The new material contains bacterial drugs that self-assemble molecule by molecule. Additional details click here.


New Device Will Analyze Breath For Medical Diagnosis

New Device Will Analyze Breath For Medical Diagnosis    

It Will Identify Halitosis, Type 1 Diabetes, Asthma, And Lung Cancer    

Researchers are working on a device that will analyze human exhaled breath, which will help to diagnose specific diseases. It recognizes different biomarker gasses related to a disease. It detects components such as hydrogen, water vapor, acetone, ammonia and carbon monoxide, among others. Some of these components are related to halitosis, type 1 diabetes, lung cancer, and asthma. Click here for more information.


Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath

Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath    

The Keto diet is based on avoiding most carbs and sugars and eating foods high in fat and protein. Sounds like a dream, but it has side effects. The process of breaking down fat to create energy releases ketones, which are present in the breath, resulting in a very bad smell. Additional info click here.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Dentist Anxiety And Fear Are Real Issues For Many People

Dentist Anxiety And Fear Are Real Issues For Many People    

Dentist anxiety is a result of the fear the patient has to dental treatment pain or to the dental drill. Some estimates show that about 60% of the people have dentist anxiety. However, there is a more extreme case in 5 to 10% of the patients, described as dental phobia, in which del delay as much as possible the visit to the dentist, and can have a panic attack in the exam room. Dentists are aware of this and have created at least seven scales to measure the fear and anxiety in order to determine the best approach. Additional information click here.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth

Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth    

They Are A Natural Alternative To Whitening Toothpaste And Expensive Treatments    

White teeth are a sign of proper oral care and hygiene. Some toothpaste brands claim that they remove stains, but they are only eroding the teeth enamel. Whitening treatments can damage the teeth, and also are expensive. Fortunately, there are foods and home ingredients that will help to get white teeth. One of them is baking soda, which has proven effective in removing plaque and getting rid of the yellow color. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps remove teeth stains, sweet potatoes create an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, promoting bacteria that protects the teeth, and onions have sulfurous compounds that have strong antibacterial effects, improving teeth health, and whitening them. Carrots, on the other side, besides their antioxidant and therapeutic compounds, have a crunchy and fibrous texture. This provides a mechanical effect cleaning the plaque and removing food remains from between the teeth. Check all the foods that will help achieve stronger and whiter teeth. More details click here.


Cartoons May Be The Way To Avoid Dentist Anxiety In Kids

Cartoons May Be The Way To Avoid Dentist Anxiety In Kids    

Dentist anxiety is common in kids, making them afraid to have a visit for the dental checkup. An alternative is to provide an audiovisual distraction such as watching their favorite cartoons through an eyeglass system. More info click here.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities

Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities    

Many people have diets high in sugar and low on fiber. This is because of the excess in consumption of sweetened drinks and processed foods. However, dried fruits have the correct balance between sugar and fiber. So, why are dried fruits not being promoted? Additional details click here.


Offering Cakes And Biscuits In Offices Leads To Obesity And Poor Oral Health

Offering Cakes And Biscuits In Offices Leads To Obesity And Poor Oral Health    

In many workplaces, it is common to offer cakes and biscuits during meetings, but it has been found that they promote obesity and poor oral health. This worsens by h fact that employees are sitting all day due to their jobs and cannot move around to get rid of the extra sugar intake. More details click here.


Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Does More Harm Than Good When Whitening Teeth

Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Does More Harm Than Good When Whitening Teeth    

Its Abrasive Properties Wear Down The Enamel, Which Does Not Get Replaced    

Activated charcoal is a substance that can absorb toxic elements, which is the reason why it is used in filtering systems and to remove toxins from the body, such as in the case of food poisoning and even overdoses. There is now toothpaste based on activated charcoal, which is thought to remove stains in the teeth and to whiten them. Some people are considering it as a cheaper alternative to treatments based on peroxide. The truth is that it can remove stains, but also it is an abrasive that will wear down enamel, so the potential negative effects are way greater than the benefits, because, once the enamel wears away, it is not replaced. Therefore, if deciding to use this type of toothpaste, the activated charcoal must be an extra fine powder, and it must be used once a month because it is an abrasive. Also, prolonged use of this toothpaste will result in yellowish teeth, not white. The reason is that, once the enamel wears off, the exposed dentin is yellow. Also, it has not approved by the American Dental Association due to its insufficient clinical data to substantiate the safety claims of charcoal toothpaste. It is better and safer to whiten the teeth at the dentist’s office or to use one kit for whitening at home. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Deal With Them

Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Deal With Them    

Among Them Are Tonsil Stones, Breath Fresheners, And Even Fresh Air    

There are unusual things that may be responsible for bad breath. One of them is tonsil stones, which have a high content of sulfur. This can be dealt with gargling with baking soda, which eliminates the acidity in the mouth. Breath fresheners can also lead to bad breath because the sugar contained in them promote the growth of the bacteria that causes bad breath. Another unusual cause id fresh air, which in excess can dry the mouth and set an environment for bacterial growth. Additional info click here.


Home Mouthwash Recipe

Home Mouthwash Recipe    

Mouthwash will help you get a fresh breath. However, some have alcohol, that can be uncomfortable, and others have sugar, which will only cover you bad breath for some hours and will leave you a dry mouth. The solution is a home mouthwash. How to prepare it? Additional info click here.


Italian Garlic With The Taste But Not The Smell

Italian Garlic With The Taste But Not The Smell    

Garlic is related to great taste, but strong smell. There is a variety of garlic that has a milder flavor, easier to digest, and it is odorless. This variety was almost extinct and now is being produced in Italy. More Information click here.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Want To Know More About Tonsil Stones? Check This

Want To Know More About Tonsil Stones? Check This    

One of the causes of bad breath is tonsil stones. The tonsils are designed to trap viruses and bacteria, which turns into debris that includes food, mucus, and dead cells. All this gets trapped into the ridges of the tonsils and calcifies, which turns into a tonsil stone. It can be removed by a dentist, but other people prefer to remove it themselves, and even share photos and videos, as shown in this article. Additional info click here.


Taking Care Of Oral Health In Dogs And Cats

Taking Care Of Oral Health In Dogs And Cats    

Our pets also need oral care.  Dental disease is the most common health conditions in small animals. The most common symptom is bad breath, yellow teeth, and red or bleeding gums, among others. Use brushes and paste for veterinary use – human products can be harmful to them. Check all the tips for proper oral care in pets. More details click here.


Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath

Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath    

They Can Be Dissolved With Apple Cider Vinegar    

Tonsils are two small glands at the sides of the throat. They are part of the body’s barrier against germs and infections, trapping mucus, bacteria and food particles. These tend to calcify, turning into stones called tonsilloliths, which are a source of bad breath and can cause throat irritation, but no major health problems. A way to remove them is with apple cider vinegar, which will dissolve them. They can be caused by excess saliva production or sinus infection. Click here for more details.


Monday, September 7, 2020

These Foods Will Prevent Bad Breath, Remove Stains And Prevent Plaque Formation

These Foods Will Prevent Bad Breath, Remove Stains And Prevent Plaque Formation    

They Also Help Removing Food Residues From The Teeth    

There are foods that will help to have good breath and proper oral health. These will clean the residues of the food, preventing the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, and the formation f plaque. Among these are strawberries and apple, which contain a natural acid that helps to remove stains from the enamel. Also, apples are fibrous, which help to clear away the extra food left between the teeth. Carrots, cucumbers, and celery are also fibrous but also have a water content that prevents dry mouth, one of the causes of bad breath. Coconut oil is beneficial in a different way, which has teeth-whitening properties. Coconut oil pulling, which is swishing the oil around in the mouth for 3 to 5 minutes, besides removing stains, can decrease plaque formation. Additional info click here.


Myths About Brushing The Teeth And Oral Hygiene

Myths About Brushing The Teeth And Oral Hygiene    

Is It Not A Good Idea To Brush The Teeth Hard, Nor Rinse Them Immediately After    

In most cases, our parents teach us how to brush our teeth, and we get the main habits from them. And, in some cases, it is not the best advice. For example, brushing the teeth hard won’t leave them cleaner. On the contrary, it will erode the hard enamel. Also, brushing immediately after eating is not a good idea. If the food or drinks contained acid, the enamel will be softened, and brushing can do more harm than good. It is better to wait 30 minutes until the saliva can wash away the acids. Another myth is related to rinsing the mouth. Toothpaste contains an ingredient, called fluoride, which helps protect the enamel and cannot deliver this protection if the toothpaste is rinsed immediately. Check all the myths about proper brushing and oral hygiene. Click here for more info.


Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care

Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care    

Lack Of Saliva, Gum Disease, And Enamel Loss Are Some Of The Issues    

Elder adults must have a special care for their teeth and oral health in general. One of them is dry mouth because if the decreased saliva flow, which can also be caused by certain medications. Lack of saliva will promote bacterial growth, and also affect digestion. There is also an increased risk of gum disease, due to plaque, poor-fitting dentures and diseases such as cancer, anemia, and diabetes. Attrition is another cause, which is the wear and tear, resulting in a loss of enamel. This can be treated avoiding acidic drinks. Check all the oral issues that appear with age. More details click here.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Japanese Portable Device Will Help Detect Bad Breath And Foul Body Smell

Japanese Portable Device Will Help Detect Bad Breath And Foul Body Smell    

Many body odors can be detected by others, but not by the person that is responsible for the odor – this is the case of bad breath. A new Japanese portable device can detect three types of smells, like bad breath. This is done by detecting substances like ammonia and isovaleric acid that are present in foul smell. It can also detect smells found in a locker room or fast food restaurant. Click here for more information.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Oral Health Issues Related To A Higher Risk Of Liver Cancer And Other Gastrointestinal Cancers

Oral Health Issues Related To A Higher Risk Of Liver Cancer And Other Gastrointestinal Cancers    

It Shows A Higher Possibility Of Developing Hepatocellular Carcinoma, The Most Common Form Of Liver Cancer    

According to studies, poor oral is related to a 75% increase in the risk of liver cancer. If can increase their risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common form of liver cancer. A study has found an association between oral health issues and several gastrointestinal cancers. Poor oral health can be shown as bleeding gums or ulcers, and also loose teeth. However, liver cancer is not the only issue that can be detected with poor oral health. There are other serious chronic diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. In the study group of patients with liver cancer, 13% have originally reported issues related to poor oral health. One of the functions of the liver is the elimination of bacteria. However, when it is affected by diseases such as cancer, cirrhosis or hepatitis, the liver function will decline and bacteria will survive for longer, causing more potential harm.


Teeth Whitening, The Natural Way

Teeth Whitening, The Natural Way    

There are treatments for teeth whitening. However, they might be harsh on teeth or gums. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives, such as coconut oil pulling, apple cider vinegar, and activated charcoal. Also, girls can give the illusion of whiter teeth using blue-based lipsticks. Click here for more details.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

These Signs Should Lead To An Urgent Appointment To The Dentist

These Signs Should Lead To An Urgent Appointment To The Dentist    

It is recommended to visit a dentist for a checkup every six months. However, there are situations in which it is necessary to visit the dentist immediately. Among these are a toothache, because they will interfere with your daily life, bleeding gums, which can lead to the possibility of infection, bad breath, due to infection and gum disease. Check all the list. Click here for more info.


Causes Of Tonsil Health Conditions

Causes Of Tonsil Health Conditions

Tonsils are located in the throat, one at each side of the base of the tongue. They are part of the lymphatic system and act as filters for germs. Sometimes they get infected with the same bacteria they trap and get swollen, sore and also result in bad breath. In serious cases, they must be removed. Check why. More info click here.


Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?    

Tonsils are usually a target for infections and in the past, its removal was a common procedure. Now they are removed in case the measures to prevent infection are ineffective. Other reasons are the presence on tonsil stones and halitosis. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

You Have Yellow Tongue? Causes And Treatments

You Have Yellow Tongue? Causes And Treatments    

Many people can get alarmed if suddenly they have a yellow tongue. This is common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes, but also can be caused by antibiotics, excess bacterial growth responsible for bad breath, oral care products, and even tobacco and heartburn. Check the full list. More details click here.


Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a dried tree bark used as a spice. It has many health benefits. It can help control diabetes by improving glucose and lipid levels. It also delays the symptoms of Alzheimer, acting as a protein and helping the nerves responsible for carrying impulses from the brain. Its antibacterial properties help to prevent tooth decay, fights cavities and relieve from toothache. It had also benefits for cancer, heart and cough treatments. Get the full list. Additional information click here.


Symptoms Of Oral Cancer

Symptoms Of Oral Cancer    

The most common symptoms of oral cancer are a sore in the mouth that doesn’t cure for 6 weeks and a persistent bad breath. Also, the persistent use of mouthwash can lead to oral cancer due to the inflammation caused by alcohol. Check the symptoms. More Information click here.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes    

Some Are Located In The Hair Follicles And Scalp, The Intestine, And Even Cause Bad Breath And Cavities    

The human body is a house for millions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help in maintaining good health. These bacteria also help to contain the growth of harmful bacteria. However, if the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria get out of balance, leading to fungus infections or bacterial yeast. Some of the microorganisms live on the eyelashes and inside the hair follicles. There are other bacteria in the form of yeast in the scalp. A poor diet or other causes could cause an imbalance, leading to rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Other bacteria in the hair is located in the armpits, responsible for the strong smell, which is caused by their combination of fatty acids and proteins in sweat. It is also well-known that there are intestinal bacteria that aids with digestion. In fact, according to specialists, the typical healthy adult digestive system has almost four pounds of microorganisms consisting of over three million genes. There are also bacteria in the mouth which aids with digestion, but there is also another type of microorganisms that are harmful, which are responsible or cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Check all the types of bacteria and microorganisms that live in the human body. More details click here.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth

Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth    

They Are A Natural Alternative To Whitening Toothpaste And Expensive Treatments    

White teeth are a sign of proper oral care and hygiene. Some toothpaste brands claim that they remove stains, but they are only eroding the teeth enamel. Whitening treatments can damage the teeth, and also are expensive. Fortunately, there are foods and home ingredients that will help to get white teeth. One of them is baking soda, which has proven effective in removing plaque and getting rid of the yellow color. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps remove teeth stains, sweet potatoes create an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, promoting bacteria that protects the teeth, and onions have sulfurous compounds that have strong antibacterial effects, improving teeth health, and whitening them. Carrots, on the other side, besides their antioxidant and therapeutic compounds, have a crunchy and fibrous texture. This provides a mechanical effect cleaning the plaque and removing food remains from between the teeth. Check all the foods that will help achieve stronger and whiter teeth. More details click here.