Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Smoking Affects Your Mouth And Gums

How Smoking Affects Your Mouth And Gums    

It is well-known that smoking is bad for health. It not only causes lung and throat cancer, but it also has effects in other parts of the body. It will stain the teeth and cause bad breath, reduces the blood flow to the gums and affects nerve cells, resulting in a decreased taste and smell. Other parts of the body also suffer. Click here for more info.


Poor Health Can Be The Cause Of Bad Breath

Poor Health Can Be The Cause Of Bad Breath    

Bad breath is not only caused by poor oral hygiene. There are serious health conditions that can also be detected through the breath, such as kidney failure, diabetes, and lung cancer. Another condition that causes bad breath is tooth decay, in which a bacteria destroys the enamel by producing acids. The bad odor is caused by the tooth deterioration. More details click here.


Taking Care Of Your Teeth And Mouth Will Improve Your Digestion And Self-Confidence

Taking Care Of Your Teeth And Mouth Will Improve Your Digestion And Self-Confidence    

Teeth are a fundamental part of the digestive process because they help prepare the food, along with saliva, for the next phase. Besides brushing and flossing, a good idea is to limit sugar because of the increased risk of cavities and also bad breath. Also, a set of healthy teeth boosts self-confidence and a healthy and bright smile will make one appear more professional and employable. Additional info click here.


These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse

These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse    

There are everyday habits that can cause bad breath. For example, sleeping with the mouth open will end in a dry mouth, causing bad breath. Also chewing gum has sugars and carbs that leave a film on the teeth, in which the bacteria holds on to. A low carb diet and brushing the teeth at the wrong time won’t help either. Click here for more details.


Monday, December 30, 2019

Anxious About Visiting The Dentist? Avoiding The Appointment Might Be Even Worse

Anxious About Visiting The Dentist? Avoiding The Appointment Might Be Even Worse    

Forgetting the routine appointment to the dentist can be costly. This is because if you have oral disease, its condition will worsen if not treated, and it will probably be the cause of bad breath. For example, gum disease might result in the gums receding and perhaps loose teeth. Also, cavities, if untreated, will turn into painful annoyances. More Information click here.


A Dry Mouth Is Not The Only Cause Of Bad Breath

A Dry Mouth Is Not The Only Cause Of Bad Breath    

Bad breath can be caused by dehydration or a dry mouth. But even drinking a lot of water, the smell does not go away. Perhaps the diet has many onion or garlic, or even there is excess sugar or sweet, which promote the growth of foul-smelling bacteria. Even the diet may affect the mouth and body smell. Additional details click here.


Poor Oral Health Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Poor Oral Health Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

Is your mouth in a healthy condition? Perhaps it is not aching, but there are disorders that must be looked at. For example, dry mouth may be the result of medications or even diabetes and other serious conditions. A sour taste in the mouth can be the sign of acid reflux. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


Bad Breath Can Be Defeated By A Bacteria

Bad Breath Can Be Defeated By A Bacteria    

Bad breath is caused is caused by a dry mouth, which promotes the growth of the bacteria responsible for the bad smell. Scientists have found out that a probiotic bacteria can help combat the ”stinky” bacteria, which can replace mouthwash. More info click here.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Do You Think You Are Brushing Your Teeth Correctly? Perhaps Not

Do You Think You Are Brushing Your Teeth Correctly? Perhaps Not    

You learned to brush your teeth at an early age, and probably you think that the way you have been brushing your teeth is the correct one. Are you completely sure? Perhaps all your life you have been brushing your teeth the wrong way: too much or too little pressure, too long or too short time, or even you don’t brush your tongue. Check the full list, you’ll be amazed. Additional information click here.


Skipping Breakfast Is Not A Good Idea

Skipping Breakfast Is Not A Good Idea    

Some people miss breakfast because they are late for work or for school or are not hungry. This is not a good idea. Since there is no food, the metabolism slows down, along with the level of sugar. Also, since there was no food, the salivary glands are not stimulated, resulting in a dry mouth and bad breath. Check full list. Click here for more info.


You Have Yellow Tongue? Causes And Treatments

You Have Yellow Tongue? Causes And Treatments    

Many people can get alarmed if suddenly they have a yellow tongue. This is common in pregnant women due to hormonal changes, but also can be caused by antibiotics, excess bacterial growth responsible for bad breath, oral care products, and even tobacco and heartburn. Check the full list. More details click here.


Poor Oral Hygiene Will Affect The Body’s Health, Not Only The Mouth's

Poor Oral Hygiene Will Affect The Body’s Health, Not Only The Mouth's    

The mouth is the gateway to the body and with the food, certain bacteria can also come inside. There are bacteria that will help with digestion. However, a mouth with poor oral care will have bacteria affecting the gums and will also result in affecting the health, increasing the risk of diabetes and even cardiovascular problems. Additional info click here.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Poor Teeth Heath Can Affect Other Parts Of Your Body

Poor Teeth Heath Can Affect Other Parts Of Your Body    

Teeth have a huge impact on your health. Proper hygiene must include brushing and flossing in order to keep them white and avoid bad breath. However, teeth misalignment will result in the wrong positioning of the jaw, altering spinal stability and affecting the curvature of the spine. Interesting isn’t it? Additional info click here.


Meat Diet Related To Bodcdy Smell

Meat Diet Related To Bodcdy Smell    

A study presented that, although body odor is usually related to poor hygiene, it can also result from a diet based on meat products. The smell was more intense in fatty meat. Undigested meat and protein will also affect odor, resulting in bad breath. Click here for more details.


Sinusitis And Bad Breath

Sinusitis And Bad Breath    

The mucosa in out nose and sinuses produce mucus, which is moved to the back of the nose by cilia and then swallowed. But with sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, the cilia stop working and the mucus builds up, resulting in inflammation and bad breath. How to beat this? More Information click here.


Yoga Calms You Mind And Your Breath Also

Yoga Calms You Mind And Your Breath Also    

Yoga can help you if you suffer from bad breath. The main causes are poor oral health and digestive problems. There are yoga poses or asanas that will help in cleaning the toxicity of the intestine, indigestion, and acidity, and improving the respiratory system. Click here for more information.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Avoid These Foods If You Have To Take A Flight

Avoid These Foods If You Have To Take A Flight    

There are foods that must be avoided if you are planning to fly. Any food that causes gasses or bloating, such as beans or carbonated drinks, will worsen its effect because of the lower pressure in the plane. Also, garlic will cause bad breath and body odor because it is absorbed into the bloodstream, annoying other fellow passengers. Check the full list of foods. More info click here.


Peppermint Oil Has Many Health Benefits For Chronic Pain

Peppermint Oil Has Many Health Benefits For Chronic Pain    

Peppermint has many health uses. The essential oil that results from it has no side effects and it is 100% natural. It can be used to relieve sinusitis and cold symptoms, inhaling it can give you an energy boost and can be used as an oral antiseptic and reduce bad breath. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Immune System Disease Related To Bad Breath

Immune System Disease Related To Bad Breath    

Bad breath could be a sign if certain conditions. Some of these are dehydration, diabetes or kidney problems or sinusitis. However, there is another condition in which the immune system attacks the glands that produce moisture in the body, such as saliva, sweat and tear glands. Click here for more info.


Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?

Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?    

Garlic is known to have many health benefits, but does it prevent a cold? It has a compound called allicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, the studies and lab evidence showing that it prevents cold is weak. If suffering from a cold, the most it will contribute to bad breath. More details click here.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

If You Mouth Is Always Dry, Check These Causes

If You Mouth Is Always Dry, Check These Causes    

We have talked about dry mouth resulting from dehydration, but it there are many other causes. Certain medications or diseases, nerve injury to the salivary glands, cancer therapy, and poor habits, such as smoking or chewing tobacco. Additional info click here.


Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition

Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition    

Bad breath can be caused by a dry mouth, product of dehydration, or by poor oral hygiene. But it can mean something far worse such as stomach cancer, which requires an invasive procedure to confirm, or diabetes, which causes a dry mouth, or even kidney failure. These conditions cannot be diagnosed with just one symptom, but it is convenient to speak about them to a specialist. Click here for more details.


Dealing With Bad Breath Or Body Odor In The Office

Dealing With Bad Breath Or Body Odor In The Office    

Addressing other coworker’s bad breath has been never easy. However, it is worse when the body odor must be addressed. The cause can be the diet or just the sweat cells are overworking. One solution is to let HR deal with it. More Information click here.


Can’t Determine The Cause Of Bad Breath? A Visit To The Dentist Can Help

Can’t Determine The Cause Of Bad Breath? A Visit To The Dentist Can Help    

Poor oral hygiene and dehydration cause bad breath. Little particles of food can get trapped between your teeth and begin decomposing. This can be solved with proper flossing. Also, a visit to the dentist is advised to make sure these food particles are not trapped in the crown or in the fillings. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Baking Soda Not Only Useful For Cooking

Baking Soda Not Only Useful For Cooking    

Baking soda has many other uses than preparing cakes. It can be used for oral hygiene, rinsing the mouth with it or using it as toothpaste. This will eliminate all the bad breath better than any other commercial mouthwash. It is also good as a facial scrub and as a deodorant. Click here for more information.


Feeling Dizzy Or Tired? You Might Be Dehydrated

Feeling Dizzy Or Tired? You Might Be Dehydrated    

In hot weathers, many people don’t drink enough water because they are not thirsty, and are not aware that they are dehydrated. There are symptoms of dehydration. Some of them are dry skin, bad breath caused by a dry mouth, which results in not producing enough saliva, and headaches because of the low level of minerals and salts. More info click here.


Gum Disease And Other Health Issues In Dogs

Gum Disease And Other Health Issues In Dogs    

Dogs are good hiding illness. This is because a sick animal can be easy prey to their enemies. So a periodic trip to the vet will show if they are in good health. However, there are symptoms that cannot be ignored. Among these are difficulty in urinating, which can mean urinary tract infection. Also, gum inflammation can mean gingivitis. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Coffee Causes Bad Breath? Check These Facts And Myths

Coffee Causes Bad Breath? Check These Facts And Myths    

A recent study has shown that the main cause of bad breath is gum disease. Also, contrary to popular belief, neither coffee nor smoking causes bad breath, but both cause a dry mouth, which results in halitosis. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath

Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath    

Herbs can be used for water infusions or even cocktails. For example, mint can be used for a mojito, but also infused water with mint is great for treating pain, indigestion, skin irritation and bad breath. Other herbs such as basil, thyme, and coriander also have health benefits and can be used for cocktails. Check the recipes. More details click here.


New Laser Treatment For Gum Disease

New Laser Treatment For Gum Disease    

Chronic bad breath does not disappear after brushing your teeth, using mouthwash or taking mint or parsley. It is usually caused by gum disease or other body condition. In gum disease, tiny pieces of food get trapped between the teeth and gum, which originate foul-smelling bacteria. There is now a laser-based treatment which removes the diseased tissue from the gums, Additional info click here.


Prevention Of Oral Diseases In Cats

Prevention Of Oral Diseases In Cats    

At the age of three, 70 percent of the cats have signs of dental disease. This is one of the reasons owners complain about cat breath. Symptoms of gum disease are weight loss, bad breath, and bleeding gums, among others. How to prevent it? There are special brushes and toothpaste for pets. Click here for more details.


Many Uses Of Coconut Oil: Moisturizer, Mouthwash, Ointment

Many Uses Of Coconut Oil: Moisturizer, Mouthwash, Ointment    

Coconut oil had many health benefits. It can be used as a moisturizer, ointment, deodorant, hair conditioner, even as a natural mouthwash and to remove the eye makeup. More Information click here.


Monday, December 23, 2019

Do You Suspect You Might Have Gum Disease? Check The Symptoms

Do You Suspect You Might Have Gum Disease? Check The Symptoms    

Gum disease can be detected early if we watch for the symptoms. These can be bleeding or swollen gums due to periodontal infections, high sensitivity in teeth, bad breath due to the bacteria and plaque that are causing the gum disease, and receding gum line, with the appearance of longer teeth. Additional details click here.


Symptoms Of Gum Disease

Symptoms Of Gum Disease    

Gum disease can originate a serious infection in your mouth, and extend it to the rest of the body. If untreated, it can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss. Symptoms are blood, red color and swelling, teeth sensitivity and bad breath. Click here for more information.


Mouthwash Found To Reduce Infections In Newborns

Mouthwash Found To Reduce Infections In Newborns    

A product from Glaxo-Smith-Kline sold to treat gum disease and bad breath can be found to reduce infections on the newly-cut umbilical cord stumps in babies. The active ingredient is and an anti-bacterial agent. More info click here.


Aren’t In The Mood Of Brushing Your Teeth? This Is What Might Happen

Aren’t In The Mood Of Brushing Your Teeth? This Is What Might Happen    

We all know that we must brush and floss our teeth every day. But what happens if we don’t? The first consequence is bad breath caused by the buildup of bacteria, which will also turn the teeth yellow. Another result will be gum disease, which will lead to periodontitis and tooth decay and loss. Additional information click here.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Lemons

Health And Beauty Benefits Of Lemons    

Lemons have many uses. They can be used as a deodorizer for the garbage disposal, cleaner for grease on pots and beauty benefits on the hair and skin. Also, lemon juice will help with bad breath. Click here for more info.


Benefits Of A Dental Check Up

Benefits Of A Dental Check Up    

As we age, it is important to give more attention to our oral health and have dental checks. The reasons are that body conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease originate in oral health. Also, a thorough cleaning will get rid of plaque and also get rid of bad breath. More details click here.


Home Mouthwash Recipe

Home Mouthwash Recipe    

Mouthwash will help you get a fresh breath. However, some have alcohol, that can be uncomfortable, and others have sugar, which will only cover you bad breath for some hours and will leave you a dry mouth. The solution is a home mouthwash. How to prepare it? Additional info click here.


Are You On A Diet? Perhaps It Is Causing Bad Breath

Are You On A Diet? Perhaps It Is Causing Bad Breath    

Are you on a diet? Chances are that your breath is worse than your cat’s. This is because there are substances called ketones that are released when the body is burning fat. What to do about it? Click here for more details.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Italian Garlic With The Taste But Not The Smell

Italian Garlic With The Taste But Not The Smell    

Garlic is related to great taste, but strong smell. There is a variety of garlic that has a milder flavor, easier to digest, and it is odorless. This variety was almost extinct and now is being produced in Italy. More Information click here.


Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?    

Tonsils are usually a target for infections and in the past, its removal was a common procedure. Now they are removed in case the measures to prevent infection are ineffective. Other reasons are the presence on tonsil stones and halitosis. Additional details click here.


The Tongue Color, Tip And Texture Can Show Health Issues

The Tongue Color, Tip And Texture Can Show Health Issues    

The tongue can be a roadmap for the body’s health. The color can reveal a lack of nutrients, hemoglobin, circulation problems, excessive use of medications, which also generate bad breath, and dehydration, even melanoma. The tip, texture and tongue coating also provide health information. Interesting, isn’t it? Click here for more information.


Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health Seriously

Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health Seriously    

Incorrect teeth brushing can lead to poor gum hygiene. Plaque along the gum line will result in inflammation and gum disease. This can lead to more serious health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, even Alzheimer’s disease. How to check for gum disease? More info click here.


Friday, December 20, 2019

What To Do If A Co-Worker Has Bad Breath?

What To Do If A Co-Worker Has Bad Breath?    

You have a nice job and you are happy with it. However, one co-worker has bad breath. Bad breath – halitosis – is difficult to detect by the person with the problem, but everybody else is aware of it. So how must one react? Additional information click here.


New Natural Toothpaste

New Natural Toothpaste    

We are always talking about organic and natural food, but what about toothpaste? Toothpaste usually leaves the mouth dry. This natural toothpaste is free of preservatives and leaves a freshened mouth. Click here for more info.


Your Friend Has Bad Breath – How Can You Tell Him?

Your Friend Has Bad Breath – How Can You Tell Him?    

Halitosis can ruin a person’s social life, and the worst part is that the sufferer does not have an idea of the reason he or she is being banned away. Believe it not, if you mention the bad breath issue in a careful and tactful manner, the other will be grateful. More details click here.


Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition In Your Body

Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition In Your Body    

Bad breath is usually caused by poor dental hygiene, or by certain foods such as garlic or onions. But it also can be a sign that something is working wrong in the body, as a result of sinusitis, liver disease, acid reflux, and even excess stress. Additional info click here.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Teeth Whitening, The Natural Way

Teeth Whitening, The Natural Way    

There are treatments for teeth whitening. However, they might be harsh on teeth or gums. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives, such as coconut oil pulling, apple cider vinegar, and activated charcoal. Also, girls can give the illusion of whiter teeth using blue-based lipsticks. Click here for more details.


Symptoms Of Oral Cancer

Symptoms Of Oral Cancer    

The most common symptoms of oral cancer are a sore in the mouth that doesn’t cure for 6 weeks and a persistent bad breath. Also, the persistent use of mouthwash can lead to oral cancer due to the inflammation caused by alcohol. Check the symptoms. More Information click here.


Water Is The Best Nutrient

Water Is The Best Nutrient    

Water is the most vital nutrient, however, it usually gets overlooked. It is well known that we can survive without food but not without water. Dehydration has serious health effects, from fatigue, depression, poor digestion, to bad breath, and migraines. Check the full benefits of water. Additional details click here.


Japanese Ninja Diet Helps Executives Focus On Their Objective

Japanese Ninja Diet Helps Executives Focus On Their Objective    

Japanese ninjas were elite warriors and expert in cover operations. They worked long hours until their objective was achieved. The same happens for today’s executives. Ninjas watched their diet to get the most of energy, and not be revealed to their enemies, avoiding bad breath. Check the ninja diet. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Symptoms Of Toxin Overload In Your Body

Symptoms Of Toxin Overload In Your Body    

Excess toxins in the body can affect you seriously. Not only smog or pesticides in the vegetables but home cleansers, even fatty food. The symptoms are constipation, bad breath, muscle pain, skin problems, excess fatigue, and weight gain. More info click here.


Cucumber Water Has Many Health Benefits

Cucumber Water Has Many Health Benefits    

Drinking water will help us with thirst. However, if we add slices of cucumber, it will have not only great taste, but it will help with staying hydrated, provides vitamins and minerals, and helps with weight loss. Also, it will help in providing great skin and good breath. Additional information click here.


How To Identify And Treat Sinus Problems

How To Identify And Treat Sinus Problems    

Sinusitis is usually caused by allergies and its symptoms are a runny nose, pin around the eyes, headaches and bad breath, among others. It can be treated with home remedies or by OTC medications such as cough suppressants. How can it be avoided? Click here for more info.


Green Tea Has Many Health Benefits

Green Tea Has Many Health Benefits    

Green tea is especially unique due to its production process. However, recent studies have found a substance that can provide relaxation while energizing the body. It also helps in controlling stress and also provides the ability to learn, remember and concentrate. Do you want to know more about the benefits of green tea? More details click here.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Drinking Alcohol May Cause Changes In The Bacterial Colony In The Mouth

Drinking Alcohol May Cause Changes In The Bacterial Colony In The Mouth    

It Could Also Cause Alcohol-Related Conditions, Such As Bad Breath And Periodontal Disease    

Drinking alcohol is related to bad breath because it causes dehydration, which leads to dry mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria. But recent studies also linked alcohol consumption to the bacteria responsible for gum disease, which also causes bad breath and a lower abundance of a bacteria related to good oral health called Lactobacillales. The studies also state that the microbial colony in the mouth, composed of more than 700 types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and that drinking alcohol changes this colony. These changes promote alcohol-related diseases, such as periodontal disease, digestive tract cancer, and head and neck cancer. Additional details click here.


Proper Oral Hygiene Can Help To Heal Serious Cardiovascular Conditions

Proper Oral Hygiene Can Help To Heal Serious Cardiovascular Conditions    

Bacteria Present In Gum Disease Prevent The Recovery From Heart Attacks And Clogged Arteries    

Serious cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attacks, can have a better recovery with proper oral hygiene. According to a study, the bacteria responsible for gum disease, also known as periodontitis, affects the healing of blood vessels. Oral health is a relatively new risk factor that affects cardiovascular disease and can have worse consequences in patients with clogged arteries, also known as atherosclerosis. Bacteria enter the bloodstream through bleeding gums and adhere to clogged arteries, which prevent their healing. Click here for more information.


These Foods Will Aid In Eliminating Bad Breath

These Foods Will Aid In Eliminating Bad Breath    

They Help To Restore The Bacterial Balance In The Mouth    

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth, which produce foul-smelling waste. There are good and bad bacteria in the oral cavity. Good bacteria help to prepare the food for digestion, along with chewing and saliva. Bad bacteria, also called pathogenic bacteria, is responsible for bad breath. Certain conditions, such a poor diet, alter the balance between both bacteria and promotes the growth of the bad one. For example, sugar and carb promote the growth of bad bacteria – poor hygiene, a dry mouth, and gum disease. However, there are foods that will restore the bacterial balance, such as probiotics and fermented foods. Learn what foods to ingest, and what to avoid to restore bacterial balance in the mouth. More info click here.


A Proper Oral Hygiene Also Includes Tongue Scraping

A Proper Oral Hygiene Also Includes Tongue Scraping    

Learn How To Clean It Properly    

We have discussed the importance of brushing for good oral hygiene. However, it also includes cleaning the tongue. Foul-smelling bacteria resides not only on the teeth surface or between the teeth, but also in the tongue. Therefore, oral hygiene must include brushing, flossing and also tongue scraping. It requires a tongue scraper, a soft toothbrush or even the same toothbrush used for the teeth. Just extend your tongue, and scrape from the back of the tongue. If there is a gag reflex, you can try humming as a distraction. Additional information click here.


Monday, December 16, 2019

Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care

Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care    

Lack Of Saliva, Gum Disease, And Enamel Loss Are Some Of The Issues    

Elder adults must have a special care for their teeth and oral health in general. One of them is dry mouth because if the decreased saliva flow, which can also be caused by certain medications. Lack of saliva will promote bacterial growth, and also affect digestion. There is also an increased risk of gum disease, due to plaque, poor-fitting dentures and diseases such as cancer, anemia, and diabetes. Attrition is another cause, which is the wear and tear, resulting in a loss of enamel. This can be treated avoiding acidic drinks. Check all the oral issues that appear with age. More details click here.


Truths And Myths Regarding Bad Breath

Truths And Myths Regarding Bad Breath    

Cupping The Hands To Smell Breath And Checking Serious Health Conditions    

There are myths about bad breath. One of them is cupping the hands to capture the breath and smell it since it is not possible for one person to detect it. This may avoid catching the particles from the back of the tongue, which is where bad breath originates. Also, some people believe is that bad breath is a symptom of a serious health condition. Most of the cases are related to gum disease, but a small percentage is due to problems in kidneys, lungs, sinuses, or intestines. Another myth is about mouthwash. Alcohol-based products tend to dry the tongue, promoting bacterial growth. Click here for more info.


Charcoal Toothpaste May Remove Stains But Do Not Make Teeth Whiter

Charcoal Toothpaste May Remove Stains But Do Not Make Teeth Whiter    

These OTC Products Cannot Remove Years Of Stains Of Coffee And Smoking    

Charcoal toothpaste is today’s fad for teeth whitening. However, they just remove superficial stains, do not whiten the teeth nor change its color, and may have abrasive properties. These OTC products are not effective to remove years of stains due to coffee and smoking, and, in these cases, the only way to obtain white teeth is through professional treatment. Additional information click here.


Stress Is One Of The Causes Of Teeth Grinding

Stress Is One Of The Causes Of Teeth Grinding    

It Results In Flattened Or Chipped Teeth And Headaches Hen Waking Up    

Stress can have effects on the body, such as headaches and loss of sleep. However, it can also affect the teeth in the form of teeth grinding or bruxism. It can happen unconsciously, or at night, while sleeping, resulting in worn, flattened or chipped teeth, and also in headaches when waking up or problems in the temporomandibular joint. Teeth grinding can also be a side effect of drugs for treating depression. Other studies have found a relationship between stress and periodontal disease, including gum infections. More info click here.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Most People Are Not Clearly Aware Of The Objective Of Brushing The Teeth

Most People Are Not Clearly Aware Of The Objective Of Brushing The Teeth    

They Believe It Is For Cleaning The Remains Of The Food    

Most people follow the recommendation to brush twice a day. What are the best times to brush the teeth? First, let’s ask ourselves why we brush out teeth: Most people will say that the objective of brushing is to remove the remains of the food. Wrong! According to dentists, the objective of brushing is to remove the plaque, which is the white stuff that covers the teeth and consists of bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum disease. A dry mouth and sugar in the diet promote the growth of these bacteria. So returning to the original question, brushing before breakfast cleans off the plaque, so it won’t eat the sugar in the breakfast. Brushing before bed is even more important because it removes the remains of the plaque. Click here for more information.


Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Result In Permanent Damage If Left Untreated

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Result In Permanent Damage If Left Untreated    

Symptoms Include Headaches, Tinnitus, Depression, And Oral Health Issues    

Vitamin B12 helps to keep the nervous system and blood cells healthy. However, its deficiency may result in severe health conditions, such as anemia, which can be common among vegetarians and vegans. Among the symptoms are extreme fatigue, headache, tinnitus, and lack of appetite. Additional symptoms include oral health issues, such as sore and red tongue, and mouth ulcers, and also mental issues, such as mood changes, depression, or psychosis. This condition can be extremely dangerous because, if untreated, it can become irreversible. It must be treated as soon as possible - the longer the condition goes untreated increases the risk of permanent damage. Additional details click here.


Energy Drinks Can Be Harmful To Oral Health

Energy Drinks Can Be Harmful To Oral Health    

They Contain Acids, Which Damages Tooth Enamel And Increases Sensitivity    

Energy and sports contain sugar, which is bad for overall health. However, these drinks also contain acid, which can cause serious damage to the tooth enamel. There is a misconception about energy drinks being healthier than sodas and other sugary beverages, but the truth is that energy drinks contain high levels of citric acid which attach the tooth enamel, increasing the sensitivity and the risk of decay and cavities. Recent studies have confirmed that the higher levels of acid in energy drinks deteriorate enamel two times faster than sugary soft drinks. However, there are ways to prevent this harm, such as neutralizing acids with water. Click here for more information.


Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings

Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings    

It Has Been Developed To End Recurrent Caries    

When dentists treat cavities, they cover it with a filling. However, in some cases, bacteria can dig under the fillings and cause new car. This is called recurrent caries. Researchers have developed a new material containing particles of antimicrobial drugs, which will stop the bacterial attack. The objective s storing enough drug in the material, in order to be effective through the entire life or the patient. The new material contains bacterial drugs that self-assemble molecule by molecule. Additional details click here.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth    

Dry Mouth And Acid Reflux Are Some Of The Causes    

Sometimes we can feel a metallic taste in the mouth, similar to iron. This a symptom of a condition called Dysgeusia, which can be caused by acid reflux, dry mouth or dehydration, among others. There are home remedies such as oil pulling, baking soda, or green tea. These will help get rid of the odor-causing bacteria, and the excess plaque, and also have antioxidant properties. Check the recipes. More Information click here.


Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way

Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way    

Brush All Surfaces, In The Proper Angle, And Don't Forget The Tongue    

Brushing the teeth is a fundamental activity for good oral health. However, sometimes we are not aware that we are making mistakes while brushing. One of them is not covering all surfaces, inner and outer, at a 45-degree angle, and also the chewing surfaces. Another common issue is not brushing the tongue, leaving the bacteria responsible for bad breath and gum disease. Other problems are brushing for less than two minutes, using a worn toothbrush, or even using a toothbrush that is too hard, which can wear the tooth enamel. Click here for more details.


Various Health Conditions Can Be Detected By The Color Of The Tongue

Various Health Conditions Can Be Detected By The Color Of The Tongue    

It Can Help Identify Dehydration, Infections And Even Heart Issues    

The color of the tongue can help diagnose health issues. The normal color should be pink, which is a sign of good health. If it is pale, the cause can be poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency. A white tongue can be the symptom of dehydration or a fungal infection, while a gray color can reveal digestive issues. A red tongue can be caused by infection or inflammation, but if it's redder, the cause can be cardiovascular disease. A purple color can be the symptom of a kidney or lung condition (not to be confused with the purple color of red wine or some drinks). Check all the tongue colors that can reveal a health condition. Additional info click here.


Unhealthily Hair Can Reveal Other Conditions In The Body

Unhealthily Hair Can Reveal Other Conditions In The Body    

It Can Be A Sight Of Excess Anxiety And Even Poor Dental Health    

Hair issues can be a symptom of other health conditions. One of them is anxiety which affects several areas of the body. It increases steroid production, leading to excessive scalp oil production or even hair loss. Another effect of anxiety is a condition called Trichotillomania, which causes people to pull their hair, leading to baldness or bald patches. Also, the hair can reveal poor dental health. Studies have revealed that the way the hair fibers are arranged have a correlation with an increased risk of needing fillings. They have linked bald spots with tooth infections, which can be caused by a weak immune system in the teeth can cause the hair follicles to go on a resting phase. Check other hair issues related to health conditions. More details click here.


Friday, December 13, 2019

Learning How To Take Care Of Babies’ Teeth And Gums

Learning How To Take Care Of Babies’ Teeth And Gums    

Use A Small Amount Of Fluoridated Toothpaste    

Most people know how to take care of their teeth, brush them and avoid gum disease. What about babies? As soon as the first tooth appears, there are tips to follow for good oral health. One of them is using fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and repairs the early damage – just remember to use a bit of fluoride toothpaste for the baby. Also brush the baby’s teeth with a soft washcloth, if he is under one year, twice a day. A healthy diet is also important. Check all the advice for good oral health in babies. Click here for more info.


Cranberry Prevents Gum Disease In The Elderly, Good For Oral Health

Cranberry Prevents Gum Disease In The Elderly, Good For Oral Health    

Gum Disease Can Lead To Heart Disease, Stroke, And Dementia    

Researchers have shown the benefits of cranberry for oral health in the elderly. Poor oral health is one of the causes of health issues in nursing homes. The bacteria that originates gum disease can result in more serious conditions like heart disease, stroke, dementia, and diabetes, among others. The actual treatment in nursing homes consists chlorhexidine, which causes staining, alters the taste and has not been studied in the elderly population. Additional details click here.


Cucumber Reduces Facial Swelling, Puffy Eyes And Also Helps With Bad Breath

Cucumber Reduces Facial Swelling, Puffy Eyes And Also Helps With Bad Breath    

Its Phytochemicals Will Kill The Foul-Smelling Bacteria    

Cucumbers have excellent health properties, besides being the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world. They hydrate the body and also have the ability to lower the temperature of the blood. It also eases facial swelling and puffy eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps with had breath – just place a slice of cucumber in the mouth for 30 seconds, and its phytochemicals will get rid of the foul-smelling bacteria. It will also boost your energy in the afternoon due to its vitamin B and carbohydrates. Check all the health benefits of cucumber. More Information click here.


Garlic Not Only Causes Bad Breath, But It Also Has Health Benefits

Garlic Not Only Causes Bad Breath, But It Also Has Health Benefits    

Boosts Immunity, Decreases Inflammation And Helps With Heart Health    

Garlic is usually known as a cause of bad breath and to scare away vampires, but the truth is that it has many health benefits. It boosts the immunity system, protecting against diseases. It also reduces inflammation due to its sulfuric compounds helping with physical damage caused by stress, and recover from swelling and inflammation due to exercise. Another benefit is better heart health, caused by sulfur compounds that relax blood vessels. Click here for more details.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Brushing The Teeth Can Trigger Nausea And Morning Sickness In Pregnancy

Brushing The Teeth Can Trigger Nausea And Morning Sickness In Pregnancy    

It Can Be Avoided With An Odorless Toothpaste And A Smaller Toothbrush    

Morning sickness is one of the signs of pregnancy. However, there is one extreme type of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarumin, in which many things can trigger nausea and vomiting. One of the triggers can be brushing the teeth and rinsing them. One way to avoid it is skipping the toothpaste or using toothpaste with little or no smell, and using smaller toothbrushes, even children’s toothbrushes. However, if the morning sickness is not controlled, poor oral care is not an option. According to specialists, periodontal disease during pregnancy is linked to low-weight babies and the risk of infant mortalities. More info click here.


Opioids Should Not Be The First Choice For Eliminating Tooth Pain

Opioids Should Not Be The First Choice For Eliminating Tooth Pain    

Ibuprofen And Other NSAIDs Have Lower Risk And Fewer Harmful Side Effects    

According to researchers, it is not a good idea to treat dental pain with opioids. These drugs can create addiction and even abuse, leading to overdose. Experts state that prescribing narcotics should be the last resort. It is better to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, combined with acetaminophen, which optimizes efficacy, while reduces adverse effects. On the other hand, opioids are effective in eliminating pain but have serious side effects, such as drowsiness, nausea, and constipation. Additional information click here.


Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment    

This Happens When Vomiting And With Severe Acid Reflux    

Sensitive teeth occur when the exterior layer of the teeth, called enamel, gets worn. The causes are exposure to an acidic environment, such as when drinking soda, with vomiting or when acid reflux is so severe, that the food matter reaches the oral cavity. One way to avoid it is ingesting dairy products after the exposure to acids. According to specialists, milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphates, which help to protect the enamel from erosion. Therefore, in the case of vomiting or acid reflux, it is a good idea to rinse the teeth with milk. Since the acids have softened the enamel, it is better to wait one hour to brush the teeth. In the meanwhile, saliva will gradually clean the traces of acid exposure. Other causes of tooth sensitivity are cavities, gum disease, and intense whitening sessions, among others. Check all the causes of sensitive teeth. Click here for more info.


Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern id that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to a lower immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. More details click here.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Fluoride In Green Tea Will Help To Eliminate Bad Breath And Preventing Tooth Decay

Fluoride In Green Tea Will Help To Eliminate Bad Breath And Preventing Tooth Decay    

It Will Also Help Lose Weight, Fight Heart Disease, Diabetes, And Many Other Health Benefits    

One of the causes of bad breath is the bacteria in the mouth. Proper hygiene will get rid of it. According to specialists, sipping green tea will also promote oral hygiene, because of its high levels of fluoride, fighting bacteria and tooth decay. It can even be used as a mouthwash. Green tea also has antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and even anti-aging properties. It has additional health properties, including less risk of diabetes, cancer stroke, and heart disease. Also, it will help in losing weight by blocking the growth of fat cells. But there is much more. Check all the multiple health benefits of green tea. Additional info click here.


This New Material Can Solidify And Strengthen The Tooth Enamel

This New Material Can Solidify And Strengthen The Tooth Enamel    

It Could Be Mixed With Toothpaste And Included In The Daily Oral Cleansing    

Dental treatments, such as cavities and rebuilding tooth enamel are done in a surgical procedure by the dentist. However, there is a new material that can change this radically. It uses a process called remineralization, which consists of proteins that contain amino acids responsible for manufacturing minerals that solidify and strengthen the tooth’s hard enamel. This product can be added to OTC formulations and added to toothpaste, gels, and solutions. This would allow people to fortify their enamel as part of the daily oral hygiene program. Click here for more details.


Study: Gum Disease Associated With Stomach Cancer

Study: Gum Disease Associated With Stomach Cancer    

Bacteria Responsible For Gum Disease Also Causes Inflammation Leading To Stomach Cancer    

Recent research has found a relationship between gum disease and stomach cancer. The bacteria responsible for gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. However, researchers have also linked this bacteria to a process of chronic inflammation that can result in stomach cancer. This is an additional reason for proper oak hygiene, proper brushing and flossing, and a visit to the dentist twice a year. More Information click here.


Teeth Grinding Can Wear Out The Enamel And Even Affect The Tooth Support Bone

Teeth Grinding Can Wear Out The Enamel And Even Affect The Tooth Support Bone    

It Is Also Called Bruxism And Is Caused By Anxiety Or Stress    

Teeth grinding, or bruxism is caused by stress, anxiety and even poor alignment. It has serious consequences because it wears the tooth enamel, and usually occurs at night, when we are asleep and not conscious. One of the signs is waking up with a deep headache and a sore jaw. Worn-down enamel exposes the dentin, showing a change in the color of the teeth to orange or yellow. Also, exposed dentin increases teeth sensitivity. Another issue is the risk of cracking the enamel and also affecting the bone that supports the tooth, along with the bone. The jaw muscles and the temporomandibular joint also suffer from the repetitive grinding. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Taking Care Of Tooth Enamel If You Have Sensitive Teeth

Taking Care Of Tooth Enamel If You Have Sensitive Teeth    

There Are Special Toothpaste And Mouthwashes That Will Strengthen It    

Sensitive teeth occur when the enamel wears up, exposing microscopic tubules connected to nerves. The cause can be cavities, teeth grinding, or brushing excessively hard, among others. There are ways to treat them, such as using a special toothpaste, which blocks the microscopic tubes. Also, too hot or too cold liquids will trigger tooth sensitivity. Similarly, brush your teeth gently, better with an electric toothbrush or with soft bristles. Anxiety can be a cause for teeth grinding, which wears the enamel. This can be avoided with a mouthguard. There are mouthwashes that contain fluoride, which will strengthen the enamel – make sure it does not contain alcohol. Check all the advice for sensitive teeth. Click here for more information.


The Sharp Pain In Your Teeth Or The Excess Sensitivity Can Be A Cavity

The Sharp Pain In Your Teeth Or The Excess Sensitivity Can Be A Cavity    

Learn To Identify All The Symptoms    

Cavities are caused by the bacteria in the plaque, which attacks the tooth enamel. Improper brushing and flossing will leave plaque in certain areas, such as between the teeth, resulting in a cavity. The most common symptom is a toothache, which happens when the bacteria has drilled into the sensitive tooth areas, causing an inflammation. Another symptom is excess sensitivity with acidic, hot or cold foods. Worn tooth enamel exposes microscopic tubes, which allow nerve cells to be stimulated by these foods. Also, cavities can be detected visually, either as a hole in the teeth or as a different color. Check all the symptoms of cavities. More info click here.


These Foods Will Help Whiten The Teeth And Provide A Better Oral Health

These Foods Will Help Whiten The Teeth And Provide A Better Oral Health    

Apples And Other Fruits Contain A Substance That Removes Stains From The Teeth    

A smile is our letter of introduction when we meet someone. And the teeth are pearly white, we will give a better impression. There are dental treatments that will give you that white smile. However, excess coffee and smoking will stain them again. Fortunately, there are other foods that will keep maintaining your teeth white. One of them is apples, which contains malic acid a component that removes the stains from the teeth, and also promotes chewing, resulting in saliva production, which cleans the teeth. Other fruits with malic acid are strawberries, cherries, peaches, and bananas. Another food is cheese, which contains lactic acid and is a whitening agent, increases the pH level of the mouth, and strengthens the tooth enamel. Pineapples have bromelin, an enzyme that acts as a stain remover. Check all the foods that will help whiten the teeth. Additional information click here.


Restricting Carbohydrates, May Lead To Weight Loss, But Also Other Effects

Restricting Carbohydrates, May Lead To Weight Loss, But Also Other Effects    

Among These Are Extreme Fatigue, Bad Breath, Sugar Craving, And Hair Loss    

Carbohydrates have a bad reputation in terms of gaining excess weight, but the truth is that it gives the body the energy it requires and also improves the alertness and endurance. There are various effects that can happen when a person cuts the ingestion of carbs. Among them is weight loss, but this weight is related to the water stored in the cells. An excessive sensation of fatigue, because carbs also act as the brain’s energy source. Another consequence is bad breath, because the lost water results in a dry mouth, and also because the body is burning fat instead of carbs, a process called ketosis. The ketosis is released through the body and the mouth, in the form of a fruity smell or even nail polish remover. There are also good consequences, which are less hunger and less risk of diabetes. Also, there is a craving for sugar, which can be controlled. Another consequence is temporary hair loss as a result of the restriction of sugar and carbs. Check all the good and bad effects of a carbohydrate restriction. Click here for more info.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Deal With Them

Unusual Causes Of Bad Breath And How To Deal With Them    

Among Them Are Tonsil Stones, Breath Fresheners, And Even Fresh Air    

There are unusual things that may be responsible for bad breath. One of them is tonsil stones, which have a high content of sulfur. This can be dealt with gargling with baking soda, which eliminates the acidity in the mouth. Breath fresheners can also lead to bad breath because the sugar contained in them promote the growth of the bacteria that causes bad breath. Another unusual cause id fresh air, which in excess can dry the mouth and set an environment for bacterial growth. Additional info click here.


Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

It Is Related To Decomposed Bacteria, Including Gastric Issues Like Acid Reflux, Vomiting And Bowel Obstruction    

Bad breath can have many causes. However, there are cases in which the smell is fetid, similar to stools. This might be a symptom of an underlying health condition. The most common cause is poor oral hygiene, including chronic dry mouth, oral infections, and inflammation of the mouth, nose or throat. Sinus infection is another cause since the mucus trapped in the sinuses contains bacteria that is decomposing. The smell of feces can also come from an abscessed tooth, as a result of tooth decay, which contains a buildup of pus, which has this particular smell. There are also gastrointestinal causes, like bacterial content in prolonged vomiting and also in acid reflux. The most critical condition is a bowel obstruction, which the intestine is blocked and the digested food and stool is forced to back up, resulting in a breath smelling like stool. This last condition is critical and life-threatening. Check all the causes that can lead to breath with a smell similar to feces. More details click here.


Getting Rid Of Bad Breath After Eating Cheese

Getting Rid Of Bad Breath After Eating Cheese    

It Is Caused By A Certain Type Of Bacteria That Digests Milk Solids    

Most people like the flavor of cheese, but do not like what happens afterward. When we eat, there are bacteria in the gastrointestinal system to aid in digestion. This also includes the mouth. When bacteria digest milk solids, including lactose, proteins, and lipids, they create hydrogen sulfide, which as a foul odor. Certain microorganisms, called gram-negative bacteria, install themselves in places that are difficult to brush, such as below the gum line, between the teeth, and on the groves on the tongue. Using mouthwash does not help, because it kills all bacteria, including the foul-smelling one. To get rid of the bad breath, a good idea is to use a toothpaste with fluoride and a tongue scraper twice a day, and also floss the teeth. Additional info click here.