Friday, February 28, 2020

Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions

Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions    

Problems with oral health can be the sign that something else is not working well in the body. For example, sudden cavities may be the symptom of diabetes, due to the excess sugar in saliva. Enamel wear can occur because of excess acid due to acid reflux. Persisting bad breath aster brushing and flossing your teeth can be related to lung, throat or stomach cancer. Check all the conditions related to oral health. Click here for more information.


Benefits Of A Dental Check Up

Benefits Of A Dental Check Up    

As we age, it is important to give more attention to our oral health and have dental checks. The reasons are that body conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease originate in oral health. Also, a thorough cleaning will get rid of plaque and also get rid of bad breath. More details click here.


Oral Health Will Be Improved By Drinking Much Water

Oral Health Will Be Improved By Drinking Much Water    

Drinking water is very beneficial for the body and for oral health. Poor hydration will result in a dry mouth and a bacterial build-up, which leads to bad breath. Water must have priority over sugary and acidic drinks. More details click here.


Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures    

A study suggests that certain drugs can affect the outcome of a dental implant procedure. It advises taking drugs for high blood pressure and avoid taking meds against heartburn. These drugs can alter how the bone tissue accepts the dental implant. Click here for more details.


Baking Soda Not Only Useful For Cooking

Baking Soda Not Only Useful For Cooking    

Baking soda has many other uses than preparing cakes. It can be used for oral hygiene, rinsing the mouth with it or using it as toothpaste. This will eliminate all the bad breath better than any other commercial mouthwash. It is also good as a facial scrub and as a deodorant. Click here for more information.


Brushing Your Teeth The Correct Way And Other Questions You Might Have On Oral Care

Brushing Your Teeth The Correct Way And Other Questions You Might Have On Oral Care    

Do you know which toothbrush to use? Soft or hard bristles? Small or bigger head? How much time should you take brushing your teeth? This interview will clarify many questions you might have about brushing your teeth and also explain the correct way to do it. Click here for more details.


Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?    

Tonsils are usually a target for infections and in the past, its removal was a common procedure. Now they are removed in case the measures to prevent infection are ineffective. Other reasons are the presence on tonsil stones and halitosis. Additional details click here.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes

Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes    

Stained teeth are usually the result of smoking or chewing tobacco. However, there are other causes for stains such as nerve damage related to root canal treatment, Bacteria in the mouth, tooth decay resulting from improper brushing, old age, which causes the enamel to change color, among others. Check all the reasons that can cause tooth stains. Additional info click here.


Electric Toothbrush Used Incorrectly Will Affect Tooth Enamel

Electric Toothbrush Used Incorrectly Will Affect Tooth Enamel    

Investing in an electric toothbrush can be a good idea for oral health, but using it incorrectly can do more harm than benefit. An electric toothbrush requires minimum contact with the tooth – the toothbrush makes the cleaning movement. Applying pressure like a traditional toothbrush will harm the enamel. Click here for more information.


Estrogen Treatment For Osteoporosis Linked To A Decrease In The Risk Of Gum Disease

Estrogen Treatment For Osteoporosis Linked To A Decrease In The Risk Of Gum Disease    

It Can Help Avoid Tooth Loss And Jaw Bone Damage Due To Bacteria    

A study has shown that the treatment for osteoporosis can also prevent gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Women over 50 with estrogen treatment to avoid osteoporosis also had a lower risk of suffering from periodontitis. Former studies have related osteoporosis and tooth loss, but few have examined the link with periodontitis, which can result in tooth loss and the destruction of the jaw bone due to bacteria. Additional details click here.


Flaky Lips Related To Dry Mouth And Bad Breath

Flaky Lips Related To Dry Mouth And Bad Breath    

Places with cold and dry weather will cause cracked and flaky lips. However, dehydration can also cause cracks in the lips, which will also result in a dry mouth and in bad breath. More Information click here.


Opioids Should Not Be The First Choice For Eliminating Tooth Pain

Opioids Should Not Be The First Choice For Eliminating Tooth Pain    

Ibuprofen And Other NSAIDs Have Lower Risk And Fewer Harmful Side Effects    

According to researchers, it is not a good idea to treat dental pain with opioids. These drugs can create addiction and even abuse, leading to overdose. Experts state that prescribing narcotics should be the last resort. It is better to use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, combined with acetaminophen, which optimizes efficacy, while reduces adverse effects. On the other hand, opioids are effective in eliminating pain but have serious side effects, such as drowsiness, nausea, and constipation. Additional information click here.


Learning To Identify When You Have Sinus Infection

Learning To Identify When You Have Sinus Infection    

In cold weather, a runny nose might mean a cold or a sinus infection. A cold is caused by a virus, which might turn into a sinus infection, which is bacterial. This can be identified by the facial pain, the color of the discharge, and the bad breath caused by the mucus. Click here for more info.


New Drug Can Stimulate Teeth To Repair Themselves

New Drug Can Stimulate Teeth To Repair Themselves    

It is known that teeth enamel cannot be repaired once it is damaged. Recent research might prove this is not true anymore. A drug that activates the stem cells in the teeth can stimulate the repair is being tested in animals, which can turn the tooth filling process into a thing of the past. Additional details click here.


Poor Oral Hygiene Will Affect The Body’s Health, Not Only The Mouth's

Poor Oral Hygiene Will Affect The Body’s Health, Not Only The Mouth's    

The mouth is the gateway to the body and with the food, certain bacteria can also come inside. There are bacteria that will help with digestion. However, a mouth with poor oral care will have bacteria affecting the gums and will also result in affecting the health, increasing the risk of diabetes and even cardiovascular problems. Additional info click here.


Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care

Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care    

Lack Of Saliva, Gum Disease, And Enamel Loss Are Some Of The Issues    

Elder adults must have a special care for their teeth and oral health in general. One of them is dry mouth because if the decreased saliva flow, which can also be caused by certain medications. Lack of saliva will promote bacterial growth, and also affect digestion. There is also an increased risk of gum disease, due to plaque, poor-fitting dentures and diseases such as cancer, anemia, and diabetes. Attrition is another cause, which is the wear and tear, resulting in a loss of enamel. This can be treated avoiding acidic drinks. Check all the oral issues that appear with age. More details click here.


Avoid These Habits If You Want To Have Healthy Teeth

Avoid These Habits If You Want To Have Healthy Teeth    

Certain habits damage our teeth. One of them is taking sugary drinks, soda, and even smoothies. Other is chewing ice, which will affect the enamel. Coffee and tea can cause a sudden temperature change, leading to a crack. An also, but not so usual, mouth piercings, which cause infection, and using the teeth as a tool to remove labels or open soda. Click here for more information.


Estrogen Treatment For Osteoporosis Linked To A Decrease In The Risk Of Gum Disease

Estrogen Treatment For Osteoporosis Linked To A Decrease In The Risk Of Gum Disease    

It Can Help Avoid Tooth Loss And Jaw Bone Damage Due To Bacteria    

A study has shown that the treatment for osteoporosis can also prevent gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Women over 50 with estrogen treatment to avoid osteoporosis also had a lower risk of suffering from periodontitis. Former studies have related osteoporosis and tooth loss, but few have examined the link with periodontitis, which can result in tooth loss and the destruction of the jaw bone due to bacteria. Additional details click here.


Energy Drinks Can Be Harmful To Oral Health

Energy Drinks Can Be Harmful To Oral Health    

They Contain Acids, Which Damages Tooth Enamel And Increases Sensitivity    

Energy and sports contain sugar, which is bad for overall health. However, these drinks also contain acid, which can cause serious damage to the tooth enamel. There is a misconception about energy drinks being healthier than sodas and other sugary beverages, but the truth is that energy drinks contain high levels of citric acid which attach the tooth enamel, increasing the sensitivity and the risk of decay and cavities. Recent studies have confirmed that the higher levels of acid in energy drinks deteriorate enamel two times faster than sugary soft drinks. However, there are ways to prevent this harm, such as neutralizing acids with water. Click here for more information.


Essential Oils Can Take Care Of Bad Breath. Hair Loss And Anxiety

Essential Oils Can Take Care Of Bad Breath. Hair Loss And Anxiety    

They Don’t Have The Side Effect Of Substances With Harsh Chemicals    

Essential oils have a number of uses and don’t have the side effects of products with strong chemicals, such as air fresheners. Among them is lavender oil, which treats hair loss, headaches and improves mental health. Also, peppermint oil can treat heartburn and other digestive conditions, cure bad breath and combat fatigue and anxiety. Oregano oil is very powerful, which can treat fungal infections, sinus congestion, and herpes. Lemon oil can treat oral bacterial infections and headaches. Check the complete list of essential oils and their health benefits. More info click here.


Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath

Tonsil Stones Are A Source Of Bad Breath    

They Can Be Dissolved With Apple Cider Vinegar    

Tonsils are two small glands at the sides of the throat. They are part of the body’s barrier against germs and infections, trapping mucus, bacteria and food particles. These tend to calcify, turning into stones called tonsilloliths, which are a source of bad breath and can cause throat irritation, but no major health problems. A way to remove them is with apple cider vinegar, which will dissolve them. They can be caused by excess saliva production or sinus infection. Click here for more details.


Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy

Losing Teeth Can Also Reduce Your Life Expectancy    

Stress and poor health to mouth cause mouth disease before any other part in the body, according to specialists. Further research has related the retention of teeth to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or osteoporosis. Now, a recent study has stated that losing five teeth at the age of 65 could be a sign of reduced life expectancy. Click here for more information.


New Natural Toothpaste

New Natural Toothpaste    

We are always talking about organic and natural food, but what about toothpaste? Toothpaste usually leaves the mouth dry. This natural toothpaste is free of preservatives and leaves a freshened mouth. Click here for more info.


Forgetting To Brush The Teeth Twice Daily Can Lead To Health Conditions

Forgetting To Brush The Teeth Twice Daily Can Lead To Health Conditions    

Sometimes people forget about brushing their teeth twice a day. On the long run, this can have consequences like loose teeth, because of periodontitis, which attacks the bone between the jaw and the tooth, bad breath caused by a build-up of plaque and bacteria, bleeding gums and even cardiovascular disease due to the bacteria that can enter the blood blow. Click here for more info.


Smokeless Tobacco Bad For Your Breath And For Your Health

Smokeless Tobacco Bad For Your Breath And For Your Health    

Smoking is hazardous for health. However, some people prefer taking smokeless tobacco, chewing it. This stains the teeth and results in bad breath. Also, a recent study has shown that tobacco has bacteria associated with diarrhea, nausea and even cancer. Additional information click here.


These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse

These Habits Can Make Bad Breath Even Worse    

There are everyday habits that can cause bad breath. For example, sleeping with the mouth open will end in a dry mouth, causing bad breath. Also chewing gum has sugars and carbs that leave a film on the teeth, in which the bacteria holds on to. A low carb diet and brushing the teeth at the wrong time won’t help either. Click here for more details.


Asian Food Spices Are Tasty An Also Beneficial

Asian Food Spices Are Tasty An Also Beneficial    

Asian food requires spices that not only have unique flavors but also have health benefits. For example, curry contains fiber, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C, and E, which strengthens cardiovascular functions and enriches skin and hair, among others. Cardamom refreshes the breath and it can be used as a breath refresher after meals, improving digestion, asthma, and bronchitis. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Learn All On Avocado, And Its Benefits On Halitosis

Learn All On Avocado, And Its Benefits On Halitosis    

Avocados have great taste, but also health benefits. It acts as a sunscreen, moisturizes the screen and also helps reduce bad breath removing the bacteria in the intestine that produces bad breath. Want to know everything about avocado, from a great salad to learn all varieties? Additional info click here.


Sinusitis And Bad Breath

Sinusitis And Bad Breath    

The mucosa in out nose and sinuses produce mucus, which is moved to the back of the nose by cilia and then swallowed. But with sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, the cilia stop working and the mucus builds up, resulting in inflammation and bad breath. How to beat this? More Information click here.


Myths About Brushing The Teeth And Oral Hygiene

Myths About Brushing The Teeth And Oral Hygiene    

Is It Not A Good Idea To Brush The Teeth Hard, Nor Rinse Them Immediately After    

In most cases, our parents teach us how to brush our teeth, and we get the main habits from them. And, in some cases, it is not the best advice. For example, brushing the teeth hard won’t leave them cleaner. On the contrary, it will erode the hard enamel. Also, brushing immediately after eating is not a good idea. If the food or drinks contained acid, the enamel will be softened, and brushing can do more harm than good. It is better to wait 30 minutes until the saliva can wash away the acids. Another myth is related to rinsing the mouth. Toothpaste contains an ingredient, called fluoride, which helps protect the enamel and cannot deliver this protection if the toothpaste is rinsed immediately. Check all the myths about proper brushing and oral hygiene. Click here for more info.


Learning The Causes Of Bad Breath In Babies And Children

Learning The Causes Of Bad Breath In Babies And Children    

Among Them Are A Chronic Sinus Infection And Acid Reflux    

Bad breath is caused by smoking, poor oral health, and certain foods. These are the causes in the case of adults, but in the case of babies and children, the caused might be different. The main cause is a chronic sinus infection, which accumulated mucus in the sinuses, and it decomposes in the mouth, resulting in bad breath. Another cause is swollen tonsils caused by decomposition of trapped debris and bacteria. Acid reflux is another cause of bad breath, due to the fact that n some cases, the stomach valve that prevents the return of the food matter is not completely developed in babies, resulting in heartburn. Without proper oral hygiene, children can get gum disease and tooth decay, leading to bad breath. Check all the caused for bad breath in babies and children. More Information click here.


Quick And Natural Way To Get Rid Of Garlic Breath

Quick And Natural Way To Get Rid Of Garlic Breath    

Garlic has health benefits and enhances the flavor of the food, but the downside is the bad breath. A study has shown that raw apple or lettuce can help in controlling it. A study showed that the volatile compounds generated by garlic were reduced by 50%. Click here for more info.


Vaping Increases The Risk Of Switching To Cigarettes In Teens And Young Adults

Vaping Increases The Risk Of Switching To Cigarettes In Teens And Young Adults    

It May Also Result In Nicotine Addiction    

Smoking leads to cancer and also lung and throat diseases. As an alternative, many people use electronic cigarettes, also known as vaping. These deliver nicotine through vapor instead of smoke. However, studies show that vaping increases by four the possibility of smoking in teens and young adults. People are ingesting nicotine in both cases, traditional cigarettes and vaping. Therefore, even though vaping does not deliver the products responsible for cancer, there is a high risk or nicotine addiction. More details click here.


Restricting Carbohydrates, May Lead To Weight Loss, But Also Other Effects

Restricting Carbohydrates, May Lead To Weight Loss, But Also Other Effects    

Among These Are Extreme Fatigue, Bad Breath, Sugar Craving, And Hair Loss    

Carbohydrates have a bad reputation in terms of gaining excess weight, but the truth is that it gives the body the energy it requires and also improves the alertness and endurance. There are various effects that can happen when a person cuts the ingestion of carbs. Among them is weight loss, but this weight is related to the water stored in the cells. An excessive sensation of fatigue, because carbs also act as the brain’s energy source. Another consequence is bad breath, because the lost water results in a dry mouth, and also because the body is burning fat instead of carbs, a process called ketosis. The ketosis is released through the body and the mouth, in the form of a fruity smell or even nail polish remover. There are also good consequences, which are less hunger and less risk of diabetes. Also, there is a craving for sugar, which can be controlled. Another consequence is temporary hair loss as a result of the restriction of sugar and carbs. Check all the good and bad effects of a carbohydrate restriction. Click here for more info.


Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way

Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way    

Brush All Surfaces, In The Proper Angle, And Don't Forget The Tongue    

Brushing the teeth is a fundamental activity for good oral health. However, sometimes we are not aware that we are making mistakes while brushing. One of them is not covering all surfaces, inner and outer, at a 45-degree angle, and also the chewing surfaces. Another common issue is not brushing the tongue, leaving the bacteria responsible for bad breath and gum disease. Other problems are brushing for less than two minutes, using a worn toothbrush, or even using a toothbrush that is too hard, which can wear the tooth enamel. Click here for more details.


Dental Pulp Diseases Lead To Painful Conditions And Even Tooth Loss

Dental Pulp Diseases Lead To Painful Conditions And Even Tooth Loss    

Cavities are caused by germs and poor oral health. But if cavities are not treated, they will reach the soft center, also known as pulp, which has the nerves and blood vessels, which can lead to tooth loss. Apart from being very painful, it can have additional consequences, such as inflammation and infection in the pulp and also in the gum. Another consequence is pulp calcification, in which the pulp tissue hardens and compresses the nerves, resulting in extreme pain. More Information click here.


Dentists Might Be Over-Prescribing Opioid-Based Painkillers

Dentists Might Be Over-Prescribing Opioid-Based Painkillers    

Opioids are used only for treating chronic pain. It is widely prescribed for back pain, arthritis, and joint pain. It has the side effect of causing addiction and losing effectiveness over time. However, dentists also prescribe it based on patients' complain about tooth pain or gum diseases. What can be the alternative? Click here for more info.


Dealing With Bad Breath Or Body Odor In The Office

Dealing With Bad Breath Or Body Odor In The Office    

Addressing other coworker’s bad breath has been never easy. However, it is worse when the body odor must be addressed. The cause can be the diet or just the sweat cells are overworking. One solution is to let HR deal with it. More Information click here.


Constipation Affects Your Skin And Also Your Breath

Constipation Affects Your Skin And Also Your Breath    

Constipation is defined as passing a dry, hard stool, which is difficult and painful to move. It can be caused by frequent ingestion of laxatives, irritable bowel syndrome, ignoring to pass the bowel movement, dehydration, lack of fiber in the diet, and certain drugs, among others. One of the signs is bad breath, due to the accumulation of toxic wastes in the body, which causes gasses to come out through the mouth and also causes skin problems, and rectal issues, due to the hardening of the stool. Additional info click here.


Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?

Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?    

Garlic is known to have many health benefits, but does it prevent a cold? It has a compound called allicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, the studies and lab evidence showing that it prevents cold is weak. If suffering from a cold, the most it will contribute to bad breath. More details click here.


Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Does More Harm Than Good When Whitening Teeth

Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Does More Harm Than Good When Whitening Teeth    

Its Abrasive Properties Wear Down The Enamel, Which Does Not Get Replaced    

Activated charcoal is a substance that can absorb toxic elements, which is the reason why it is used in filtering systems and to remove toxins from the body, such as in the case of food poisoning and even overdoses. There is now toothpaste based on activated charcoal, which is thought to remove stains in the teeth and to whiten them. Some people are considering it as a cheaper alternative to treatments based on peroxide. The truth is that it can remove stains, but also it is an abrasive that will wear down enamel, so the potential negative effects are way greater than the benefits, because, once the enamel wears away, it is not replaced. Therefore, if deciding to use this type of toothpaste, the activated charcoal must be an extra fine powder, and it must be used once a month because it is an abrasive. Also, prolonged use of this toothpaste will result in yellowish teeth, not white. The reason is that, once the enamel wears off, the exposed dentin is yellow. Also, it has not approved by the American Dental Association due to its insufficient clinical data to substantiate the safety claims of charcoal toothpaste. It is better and safer to whiten the teeth at the dentist’s office or to use one kit for whitening at home. Additional information click here.


Benefits Of Probiotics For Your Overall Health

Benefits Of Probiotics For Your Overall Health    

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help with the digestion of food, treating diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps with oral health preventing periodontal disease. Click here for more details.


Sinusitis Can Result In Bad Breath And Toothache

Sinusitis Can Result In Bad Breath And Toothache    

The Cause Is Contaminated Mucus Flowing From The Sinuses    

One of the causes of bad breath is sinusitis. This condition occurs when there is a bacterial infection in the sinuses. These are cavities behind the cheekbones and forehead, which filter and humidify the air as we breathe. There are done with the help of a mucous membrane that also captures pollutant, and is drained into the nasal cavity. However, an infection might obstruct the drainage, resulting in sinusitis. Its symptoms are a headache, nasal dripping and bad breath, among others. This happens because the contaminated mucus can also flow into the oral cavity, leading to bad breath and toothache. Click here for more information.


These Foods Will Prevent Bad Breath, Remove Stains And Prevent Plaque Formation

These Foods Will Prevent Bad Breath, Remove Stains And Prevent Plaque Formation    

They Also Help Removing Food Residues From The Teeth    

There are foods that will help to have good breath and proper oral health. These will clean the residues of the food, preventing the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, and the formation f plaque. Among these are strawberries and apple, which contain a natural acid that helps to remove stains from the enamel. Also, apples are fibrous, which help to clear away the extra food left between the teeth. Carrots, cucumbers, and celery are also fibrous but also have a water content that prevents dry mouth, one of the causes of bad breath. Coconut oil is beneficial in a different way, which has teeth-whitening properties. Coconut oil pulling, which is swishing the oil around in the mouth for 3 to 5 minutes, besides removing stains, can decrease plaque formation. Additional info click here.


Yellow Teeth Show Poor Oral Hygiene – Learn The Causes And How To Avoid It

Yellow Teeth Show Poor Oral Hygiene – Learn The Causes And How To Avoid It    

It Includes Coffee, Smoking, And Red Wine    

Yellow teeth give the appearance of poor oral hygiene and personal appearance. There are several causes for this, such as smoking. Coffee stains more when it contains sugar lactose because it can damage tooth enamel, which increases the risk of teeth yellowing. The same enamel damage happens with red wine. Also, if the surface plaque is not removed at the dentist’s appointment, it will increase teeth yellowing. Usually, a person brushes his teeth after each major meal. However, snacking all day means that food particles are always present in the mouth, which does not get brushed. Additional info click here.


Is Chlorophyll A Panacea For Many Health Conditions?

Is Chlorophyll A Panacea For Many Health Conditions?    

There is now a chlorophyll fad. This substance is responsible for converting sunlight into energy in plants, but does it have health benefits? It is said to promote healing, fight bad breath, herpes and cancer. Also, certain studies have shown that it helps to lower LDL, the bad cholesterol, and also losing excess weight. More details click here.


Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Dealing With It

Fear And Anxiety To Dentistry Is Real – Dealing With It    

Dentists Are Committed To Keeping The Patient As Comfortable As Possible    

Fear and anxiety to the dentist’s office are not uncommon. In some cases, pain, gum disease or tooth loss forces the patient to the visit. The dentists are doing everything to provide a serene atmosphere and caring staff and do everything to keep the patient comfortable. According to a research, there are patients that are genetically predisposed to fear of dentistry. The reason might be an irrational distrust for the dentist. On the other side, patients are aware that if they do not trust the dentist and go through the required procedure, the pain will increase, the gum will continue pleading and the oral discomfort will continue. Click here for more info.


Grape Seed Extract Can Extend The Life Of Tooth Fillings

Grape Seed Extract Can Extend The Life Of Tooth Fillings    

It Toughens The Dentin, The Tissue Below The Hard Enamel    

A recent study has shown that grapes include a natural ingredient that strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of tooth decay. It can also increase the strength of fillings, which usually last from 5 to 7 years. Grape food extract can be found in health food shops and h been suspected of improving the blood flow and heart function. It is obtained as a byproduct of the wine industry. It toughens the dentin, which is the tissue below the hard enamel. Additional information click here.


Long-Distance Flights Can Result In Bad Breath, Constipation, And Headaches

Long-Distance Flights Can Result In Bad Breath, Constipation, And Headaches    

Long-distance flights affect the body in many ways. The low pressure in the cabin, similar to 8000 feet, will result in oxygen deprivation. This will dry the mouth, causing bad breath and affect the taste buds, which can be avoided by drinking water and using a nasal spray. Also, the low oxygen condition can cause headaches and dizziness. Sitting for an extended period of time can affect the veins of the legs, cause back pain and constipation, so it’s a good idea to move around. Check how to avoid the long-distance flight issues. Additional details click here.


Plain Sparking Water Is A Hydrating As Normal Water

Plain Sparking Water Is A Hydrating As Normal Water    

However, Sparkling Sugary Sodas Or Colas Can Affect Tooth Enamel Or Bone Density    

Sparkling water provides an effervescent sensation in the mouth caused by the CO2. It also has the same hydrating properties as plain water. However, it must be unflavored sparkling water, or seltzer, not sugary soda, which can attack the tooth enamel, and lead to excess weight. Also, some people believe that soda water can affect bone density in women, but it is referred to soda water with cola, not plain soda water. Additional details click here.


Study: Dentist Visit Fright May Be Inherited

Study: Dentist Visit Fright May Be Inherited    

Some people are simply terrorized by the idea of going to the dentist. They can’t stand the dentist’s drill, the anesthesia needles, or an extraction. Therefore they create every excuse for not going to a checkup, risking their oral health. A study suggests that this can be inherited from our parents. More Information click here.


Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions

Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions    

One of the habits we all should have is daily flossing. Brushing is not enough to remove the plaque on the gums. Gum disease can affect the cardiovascular system, lead to pneumonia, dementia and erectile dysfunction, which is twice as common in people with gum disease. Check all the oral health habits. Additional information click here.


This Invention Can Turn Flossing Into A Thing Of The Past

This Invention Can Turn Flossing Into A Thing Of The Past    

Believe it or not, there might be a way to have excellent oral health, no bad breath, and also avoid flossing. This is because of a new patented interdental cleaner more efficient than a brush, floss or pick. And unlike regular flossing, it won’t affect the gums. More details click here.


Dentists Might Be Over-Prescribing Opioid-Based Painkillers

Dentists Might Be Over-Prescribing Opioid-Based Painkillers    

Opioids are used only for treating chronic pain. It is widely prescribed for back pain, arthritis, and joint pain. It has the side effect of causing addiction and losing effectiveness over time. However, dentists also prescribe it based on patients' complain about tooth pain or gum diseases. What can be the alternative? Click here for more info.


These Common Foods Will Ruin Your Breath

These Common Foods Will Ruin Your Breath    

There are things we eat that cause bad breath, but sometimes we are not aware of it. For example, coffee reacts with body fluids and creates a strong acid that results in bad breath. Also tuna sandwiches, which when combined with mayonnaise, produces bad breath. Gyros is another food – its acid tomatoes and onions don’t do a favor to tour breath. Check all the list. Click here for more information.


E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer

E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer    

Wish to quit smoking? Good idea because, apart from the cancer risk, also gives you bad breath. Perhaps you have thought of getting one e-cigarette. However, it has been recently found out that the vapors of these e-cigarettes weaken the defense of the oral cavity, increasing the risk of oral cancer. More info click here.


Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern id that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to a lower immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. More details click here.


Bad Breath Can Be Defeated By A Bacteria

Bad Breath Can Be Defeated By A Bacteria    

Bad breath is caused is caused by a dry mouth, which promotes the growth of the bacteria responsible for the bad smell. Scientists have found out that a probiotic bacteria can help combat the ”stinky” bacteria, which can replace mouthwash. More info click here.


Water Is The Best Nutrient

Water Is The Best Nutrient    

Water is the most vital nutrient, however, it usually gets overlooked. It is well known that we can survive without food but not without water. Dehydration has serious health effects, from fatigue, depression, poor digestion, to bad breath, and migraines. Check the full benefits of water. Additional details click here.


Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions

Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions    

Problems with oral health can be the sign that something else is not working well in the body. For example, sudden cavities may be the symptom of diabetes, due to the excess sugar in saliva. Enamel wear can occur because of excess acid due to acid reflux. Persisting bad breath aster brushing and flossing your teeth can be related to lung, throat or stomach cancer. Check all the conditions related to oral health. Click here for more information.


Asian Food Spices Are Tasty An Also Beneficial

Asian Food Spices Are Tasty An Also Beneficial    

Asian food requires spices that not only have unique flavors but also have health benefits. For example, curry contains fiber, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, C, and E, which strengthens cardiovascular functions and enriches skin and hair, among others. Cardamom refreshes the breath and it can be used as a breath refresher after meals, improving digestion, asthma, and bronchitis. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath

Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath    

The Keto diet is based on avoiding most carbs and sugars and eating foods high in fat and protein. Sounds like a dream, but it has side effects. The process of breaking down fat to create energy releases ketones, which are present in the breath, resulting in a very bad smell. Additional info click here.


Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions

Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions    

One of the habits we all should have is daily flossing. Brushing is not enough to remove the plaque on the gums. Gum disease can affect the cardiovascular system, lead to pneumonia, dementia and erectile dysfunction, which is twice as common in people with gum disease. Check all the oral health habits. Additional information click here.


Estrogen Treatment For Osteoporosis Linked To A Decrease In The Risk Of Gum Disease

Estrogen Treatment For Osteoporosis Linked To A Decrease In The Risk Of Gum Disease    

It Can Help Avoid Tooth Loss And Jaw Bone Damage Due To Bacteria    

A study has shown that the treatment for osteoporosis can also prevent gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Women over 50 with estrogen treatment to avoid osteoporosis also had a lower risk of suffering from periodontitis. Former studies have related osteoporosis and tooth loss, but few have examined the link with periodontitis, which can result in tooth loss and the destruction of the jaw bone due to bacteria. Additional details click here.


The Many Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide

The Many Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide    

Hydrogen peroxide is usually related to changing the hair color. However, it has many other uses: it is a disinfectant for small cuts or sores, and swishing a tablespoon in your mouth will help get rid of bad breath – and since it is also a bleaching agent, it will whiten your teeth. More Information click here.


Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way

Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way    

Brush All Surfaces, In The Proper Angle, And Don't Forget The Tongue    

Brushing the teeth is a fundamental activity for good oral health. However, sometimes we are not aware that we are making mistakes while brushing. One of them is not covering all surfaces, inner and outer, at a 45-degree angle, and also the chewing surfaces. Another common issue is not brushing the tongue, leaving the bacteria responsible for bad breath and gum disease. Other problems are brushing for less than two minutes, using a worn toothbrush, or even using a toothbrush that is too hard, which can wear the tooth enamel. Click here for more details.


Do You Find Flossing Too Complicated? Try This Alternative

Do You Find Flossing Too Complicated? Try This Alternative    

Flossing is an important part of dental hygiene, but there are people who refuse to floss because it is time-consuming, use braces, have limited dexterity, among others. There is an alternative to flossing. This interdental kit is the solution to the problems in flossing. More info click here.


How To Determine If You Are Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly

How To Determine If You Are Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly    

There are common mistakes when brushing the teeth. One of them is using the toothbrush for too much time. Its average life is 200 uses or two months, and a worn-out toothbrush does not clean well. Other is taking too little time to brush the teeth. Rinsing after cleaning the teeth is also a mistake because it gets rid of the beneficial ingredients of the toothpaste. Click here for more information.


Excessive Garlic Consumption Can Have Harmful Health Effects

Excessive Garlic Consumption Can Have Harmful Health Effects    

It Can Affect Liver Function, Cause Heartburn, And Bad Breath    

Even though garlic makes food taste better and is beneficial for the body, eating it daily can lead to harmful side effects. It can affect the liver, which is responsible for protein metabolism, blood purification, fat metabolism, and removing ammonia from the body. Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which can e toxic to the liver toxicity if ingested in large quantities. It can also result in diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting if eaten with an empty stomach. Also, there is a well-known effect, in which the excess Sulphur can be released through the skin or breath causing bad body odor and bad breath. Click here for more details.


Poor Oral Health Can Lead To Headaches And Migraines

Poor Oral Health Can Lead To Headaches And Migraines    

Teeth Misalignment, Bruxism And Gum Disease May Be The Causes    

Headaches or migraines are caused mainly by allergies, stress and certain health conditions. However, they can also be related to oral health. Among these issues are misaligned teeth, which result in a bad bite, forcing the jaw muscles to work harder. Also, bruxism or teeth grinding can be a result of excess stress, resulting in sore jaws. It can also flatten the teeth and increase their sensitivity. Tooth decay is related to oral infections and gum disease, in which the pain may appear to originate inside the head instead of the mouth. Click here for more info.


This Is The Reason Of Why Garlic Produces Bad Breath

This Is The Reason Of Why Garlic Produces Bad Breath    

Garlic has great taste and it also has many health benefits. However, the downside is the bad breath. This is because it releases an enzyme with a strong scent that is absorbed into the body, gets into the blood, and released into the lungs. It can also be secreted through the pores of the skin. How can it be neutralized? Additional info click here.


Benefits Of Cinnamon For Oral Health

Benefits Of Cinnamon For Oral Health    

A study on test animals has shown that cinnamon decreases the production of gastric acid when eating, which reduces the body temperature. Other benefits of cinnamon are as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory boost, which has similar effects to oregano or garlic, minus the bad breath. Click here for more information.


Older Adults Require Special Care For A Proper Oral Health

Older Adults Require Special Care For A Proper Oral Health    

They Are At Higher Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay    

Health requirements change as people get older. Oral health is no exception. However, statistics show that only half of seniors visit a dentist every year, and this increases the risk of oral disease. Tooth decay is more common in older adults, as well as gum disease. This increases tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, and also sweet and sour beverages. Also, older adults take more prescription drugs, which can have a side effect, affecting oral health. Among these are dry mouth, which can result in bad breath, cracked lips, and cavities. Brushing can be more difficult, requiring toothbrushes with longer handles, and even better, electric toothbrushes. Also, dentures require cleaning with a special paste. Click here for more details.


Cucumber Reduces Facial Swelling, Puffy Eyes And Also Helps With Bad Breath

Cucumber Reduces Facial Swelling, Puffy Eyes And Also Helps With Bad Breath    

Its Phytochemicals Will Kill The Foul-Smelling Bacteria    

Cucumbers have excellent health properties, besides being the fourth most cultivated vegetable in the world. They hydrate the body and also have the ability to lower the temperature of the blood. It also eases facial swelling and puffy eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps with had breath – just place a slice of cucumber in the mouth for 30 seconds, and its phytochemicals will get rid of the foul-smelling bacteria. It will also boost your energy in the afternoon due to its vitamin B and carbohydrates. Check all the health benefits of cucumber. More Information click here.


Well-being Related To Maintaining A Healthy Body And Mind

Well-being Related To Maintaining A Healthy Body And Mind    

Maintaining overall health is important for the mind and the body. The mind benefits from mental stimulation, such as Sudoku, and by keeping the stress level low. The body benefits from a balanced diet and workout, sleeping properly and practicing good oral hygiene to repair the daily damage to the teeth. Click here for more details.


This New Toothbrush Has Artificial Intelligence To Learn The User’s Habits

This New Toothbrush Has Artificial Intelligence To Learn The User’s Habits    

Recently a new toothbrush has been launched, which includes artificial intelligence, according to the manufacturers. It learns the brushing habits of the user, and refines the accuracy, the more it is used. It captures the data regarding brushed areas, frequency, and duration, and synced with an app. Its research has shown that children are more motivated to brush when playing a mobile game, while adults are reminded to brush in case they forget. Additional info click here.


Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Cayenne pepper is a natural solution for getting rid of bad breath by increasing saliva production which also helps with digestion. It cleanses, detoxifies and improves circulation. Its active ingredient is called capsaicin, which creates a distraction in the brain, relieving headaches and joint pain. Other medicinal benefits are helping to fight the flu and prevention of allergies by boosting the immune system and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Check all the health benefits. Click here for more information.


Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture

Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture    

There is a fad about teeth whitening. Some people are using and promoting the use of a charcoal based mixture prior to brushing to whiten teeth. Actually, dentists say that this substance deteriorates and erodes enamel. More Information click here.


Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System

Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System    

Going to the dentist can be more important than just checking your teeth and fixing cavities. The bacteria in your mouth can damage not only your gums and teeth, but can also lead to gum disease, which can clog your blood vessels, and even infect your cardiovascular system. Check all the consequences of poor oral health. More details click here.


These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health

These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health    

Sometimes it is not easy to convince your kids to brush their teeth. However, there are ways to teach them correct oral health habits that will last all their life. One of them is making their own choices, such as asking them when would they like to brush their teeth or to pick their own toothbrush. Also, make the visits to the dentist comfortable. More details click here.


Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment But Also Has Many Side Effects

Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment But Also Has Many Side Effects    

Among Them Are Nausea, Constipation And Vomiting, Hair Loss, Mood Changes, And Oral Injuries    

Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the worst news that a person can receive. Many patients have doubts and are confused about cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy. The objective of this treatment is to destroy the cells that are growing fast, like cancer cells, but unfortunately, it also targets other fast-reproducing, healthy cells, such as hair follicles, mouth, digestive tract, and bone marrow. It can also affect the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and nervous system. The most common side effect is hair loss because the chemotherapy drug affects the hair follicles. It will also affect hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs, and genitals. However, not every chemotherapy drug causes hair loss. another common symptom is nausea and vomiting. The drug has an effect on the gastrointestinal system, causing the nausea sensation or actual vomiting. Other gastric issues are constipation and diarrhea, which can be prevented by eating high-fiber foods and staying hydrated. Chemotherapy can also affect oral health, causing mouth sores, and also mood changes, including anxiety and depression, and have a negative effect on the cognition. Click here for more information.


Study: Half Of Older Adults In US Don’t Get Their Teeth Checked, Increasing The Risk For Other Health Conditions

Study: Half Of Older Adults In US Don’t Get Their Teeth Checked, Increasing The Risk For Other Health Conditions    

A study has shown that more than half of older adults in the US never get their teeth checked. This is a result of the various types of dental insurance. This increases the risk of tooth decay, which can lead to pneumonia in elders, and also affects the ability to eat, swallow, and speak.  Click here for more info.


Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?

Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?    

Garlic is known to have many health benefits, but does it prevent a cold? It has a compound called allicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, the studies and lab evidence showing that it prevents cold is weak. If suffering from a cold, the most it will contribute to bad breath. More details click here.


Cigarette Alternatives Can Be As Harmful As Or Even More Harmful Than Cigarettes

Cigarette Alternatives Can Be As Harmful As Or Even More Harmful Than Cigarettes    

Smokers are more aware of the dangers of smoking cigarettes and are looking for alternatives. E-cigarettes use vapor to deliver nicotine and flavors, but doctors are still studying the long-term effects, and the flavors are approved for use in foods, but they can be harmful in the lungs. Also, there is a water pipe called Hookah, which can deliver high doses of nicotine. Check all the list. Additional details click here.


Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer

Smoking Seriously Affects Oral Health And Is The Cause Of Oral Cancer    

It Reduces Saliva Secretion And Blood Flow In The Gums, Among Others    

Smoking is not only unhealthy for your respiratory system and the main cause is lung cancer. It can also seriously affect your oral health. It can result in xerostomia, which the reduction of saliva flow, increasing the risk of tooth decay, and depleting enzymes for proper digestion. It also stains the teeth, causes bad breath and loss of taste. Also, it reduces the blood flow to the gums, leading to gum disease and tooth loss, among others. It also causes oral cancer, which is the sixth most common cancer. Additional info click here.


Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes

Braces Not Only Required For Cosmetic Purposes    

Teeth With Poor Alignment Can Break Easier And Cause Tmj And Headaches    

New advances in braces and techniques for teeth straightening are extending its use to adults, not just kids, and teens. Also, braces are not only used for cosmetic purposes. Teeth with poor alignment break more easily and can force the jaw into an improper position, leading to headaches and TMD (temporomandibular disorder), which affects the joint of the jaw. There are metal brackets cemented to the teeth and brackets that are located behind the teeth, along with custom-made aligners. Additional details click here.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Annoyed By A Dry Mouth? How To Avoid It

Annoyed By A Dry Mouth? How To Avoid It    

A dry mouth promotes the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, which results in bad breath. So a good idea is to avoid a dry mouth and find out what causes it. For example, most of the common medications have dry mouth as a side effect. Check the full medication list. Additional details click here.


Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night    

A study has found a relation between youngsters who stay late at night and tooth decay. This is because they neglect to brush their teeth, wake up later, skip breakfast and take sugary drinks and food. Click here for more details.


You May Be Stressed And Not Know It – Check These Physical Symptoms Can Be Caused By Stress

You May Be Stressed And Not Know It – Check These Physical Symptoms Can Be Caused By Stress    

Among Them Are Memory Loss, Cavities, Tooth Grinding, Headaches, And Back Pain    

Some people believe that the effects of stress are related only to the mind, such as poor concentration, slow response, confusion and memory loss. However, the brain releases a substance called cortisol when the body goes through stress. Continued stress equals excess cortisol production, which has serious side effects in the body that can be identified as stress symptoms. Among these are headaches, less libido, tightened muscles on the neck and the back, poor cuticles, cavities, and teeth grinding. Click here for more information.


Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?    

Tonsils are usually a target for infections and in the past, its removal was a common procedure. Now they are removed in case the measures to prevent infection are ineffective. Other reasons are the presence on tonsil stones and halitosis. Additional details click here.


Avoiding The Gag Reflex And Vomiting While Brushing The Teeth

Avoiding The Gag Reflex And Vomiting While Brushing The Teeth    

The Cause Can Be An Incorrect Pattern For Brushing The Teeth Or Cleaning The Tongue    

There are cases in which brushing the teeth causes a gag reflex, feeling like throwing up. A gag reflex is a protective mechanism that stops the entrance of foreign unwanted material to the throat. There are various causes, such as an incorrect brushing pattern, in which the toothbrush gets in contact with the soft palate, triggering vomiting. The culprit is usually a toothbrush with a head that is too large for the size of the mouth. Another cause is a wrong procedure for cleaning the tongue, in which the tongue cleaner contacts the back of the tongue. Other reasons are pregnancy and dental worries. Check how to prevent the gag reflex. Click here for more info.