Monday, March 30, 2020

Unusual Smell In Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of Kidney Or Liver Disease

Unusual Smell In Bad Breath Can Be A Symptom Of Kidney Or Liver Disease    

It Can Also Be A Sign Of Sinus Infection Or Poor Digestion    

Bad breath is usually caused by poor hygiene. However, sometimes there can be breath can smell unusual, as well as the sweat or the vagina. These might be a symptom of a certain health condition. For example, the breath can have a fruity odor, which might be related to uncontrolled diabetes. If the breath and the skin are smelling bad, it can lead to a serious condition, such as liver and kidney disease. And if the bad breath occurs after being sick, it can be a sign of excess bacteria on the bums or an acute sinus infection. Also, the bad breath can remain even after the teeth have been brushed, the smell can originate in the gut, as a result of poor digestion. Check also the cases when the skin and vagina have unusual smells. Click here for more details.


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