Monday, March 30, 2020

Dehydration Has Adverse Effects On The Body

Dehydration Has Adverse Effects On The Body    

It Causes Bad Breath, Dry Mouth, And Also Dry Eyes, Among Others    

Dehydration will have adverse effects on the body. Most of the body is composed of water and if this balance is altered, it will have negative consequences. One of them is bad breath, caused by a lower level of moisture in the mouth. Saliva not only contains enzymes to aid food digestion but also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which is responsible for bad breath. It will also cause a dry tongue, causing an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth, caused by the lack of saliva production. This is not solved just by drinking a small amount of water, there must be enough water to restart saliva secretion. Dehydration has also consequences on the kidneys, resulting in a dark orange urine. Eyes are also affected, because it affects the production of tears to moisturize them, resulting in dry eyes. Click here for more info.


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