Friday, October 23, 2020

Obtaining A Celebrity Smile

Obtaining A Celebrity Smile    

It Includes Cosmetic Dentistry, Whitening Procedures, And Limiting Foods That Stain And Harm The Teeth    

There are ways to get a celebrity smile. It is a great presentation card to any person, and, according to a poll, more than 80% of people answered that they would have a conversation with a stranger who greeted them with a great natural smile. One way is via cosmetic dentistry, which includes porcelain veneers, dental bonding, crowns, and dental implants. Another way is taking care of the diet and limiting sugar and soda drinks, which erode the enamel. Alcohol also turns into sugar. Also, limiting certain habits, such as coffee and smoking, which damage and stain the teeth. There are also proper ways to brush the teeth, but an electric toothbrush has much more brushes per minute than with manual brushing. In addition, there are procedures to whiten teeth. Even though there are OTC strips for a do-it-yourself procedure, it takes at least two weeks, and specialized and professional teeth whitening treatments are much better. Additional details click here.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Benefits Of Sugar-Free Gum For Oral And Gastric Health

Benefits Of Sugar-Free Gum For Oral And Gastric Health    

There will be times in which you cannot brush your teeth after a meal. An alternative is to chew sugar-free gum. This promotes the production of saliva, which neutralizes the plaque acids, preventing tooth decay. Also, the saliva’s enzymes will aid the digestion. Click here for more details.


This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill

This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill    

It Is Ideal For Children, Of People With Sensitivity To Anesthesia    

There is a treatment for cavities that does require the trauma of drilling the teeth. It consists of a brush on liquid called silver diamine fluorite (SDF). According to specialists, this treatment does not only help children but also people with special needs who cannot endure anesthesia and also adults with dementia who may have a negative reaction to the drill. It works like an antibiotic on tooth decay, is painless, and much less expensive than a cavity treatment. This liquid kills bacteria, hardens the tooth, and prevents decay, It avoids needles, drilling, sedation, and extended time on the dentist’s seat. However, there is a downside. The treated area turns black. According to specialists, this means that this silver is reacting property with the bacteria and the procedure is working. The stained areas are only the ones affected by bacteria, not the healthy ones. Also, another advantage is that the substance is still present in the bacteria, even after the bacteria has been killed. Therefore, the new bacteria is killed by the substance in the dead bacteria, preventing further advance. They proceeded is not a cure for cavities, but stops most of them, if not all. More info click here.


Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Cayenne pepper is a natural solution for getting rid of bad breath by increasing saliva production which also helps with digestion. It cleanses, detoxifies and improves circulation. Its active ingredient is called capsaicin, which creates a distraction in the brain, relieving headaches and joint pain. Other medicinal benefits are helping to fight the flu and prevention of allergies by boosting the immune system and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Check all the health benefits. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Acid Reflux Can Be Associated With Asthma

Acid Reflux Can Be Associated With Asthma    

Acidic Food Matter Can Return To The Oral Cavity, Causing Bad Breath, And To The Throat, Leading To Respiratory Issues    

Acid reflux occurs when the acidic food matter from the stomach returns to the esophagus. This causes a painful sensation in the chest, called heartburn. This condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In some cases, the food matter reaches the throat and the mouth, which results in bad breath and tooth decay. However, the acid can also be in contact with the airway, causing them to swell, resulting in shortness of breath, constant coughing, and it can even affect the vocal cords, resulting in a hoarse voice. This increases the risk of respiratory conditions, such as asthma. However, a recent study showed that there be a bidirectional relationship, in which people with asthma have a greater risk of developing GERD, and people with GERD have a high probability to develop asthma. In this case, treating the acid reflux and the GERD reduced the asthma symptoms. One of the consequences of an asthma attack is a tightening of the airways, causing pressure on the esophagus, resulting in a regurgitation of the food matter. Also, GERD symptoms, such as burping and shortness of breath, could be a sign of asthma.


These Foods Will Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath In A Week

These Foods Will Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath In A Week    

There are foods that will help get rid of bad breath in a week. One of them is apple, which has polyphenols that clean the mouth naturally. Also, mint leaves and ginger, that mask the smell and kill the bacteria, and green tea fights the odor-causing bacteria. Check all the foods. Click here for more information.


New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath    

It Detects Hydrogen Sulfide Gas After One Minute Of Exposure Of Breath To The Sensor    

Bad breath can be an annoyance or a symptom of a serious health condition. For most people, it is difficult to detect, unless somebody tells them about it. Actually, there are sensors but they require a power source, have low sensitivity, or require time to show the results. Researchers are working on a portable sensor that can detect very small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, which is responsible for the smell of bad breath. It works showing a color change on the sensor surface, after one minute of being exposed to the breath. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain

Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain    

New Treatment Involves Botox To Release The Jaw Muscles    

Teeth grinding and jaw tension do not only affect the jaw. The muscle tension in the jaw can also stress other areas, leading to neck and shoulder pain, and upper back pain. Also, tooth grinding will result in unnatural tooth wear and damage of the enamel. According to specialists, Botox can help to release the jaw muscles, but it only lasts for three or four months. For a longer and definitive cure, it is suggested to learn to control the stress that causes jaw tension. More details click here.


Benefits Of Whitening Toothpaste And Other Oral Health Myths

Benefits Of Whitening Toothpaste And Other Oral Health Myths    

Also, Gum Disease Can Be Transmitted By Sharing Utensils With A Baby And Bleeding Gums Are Related To Heart Disease    

There are many fats and myths about oral are. One of them is regarding whitening toothpaste. These can clean superficial stains in the enamel from coffee and wine, but deeper stains require to be removed professionally. Some toothpaste claim to remove them too, however, they use abrasive materials which wear down the enamel, harming it. Also sharing utensils with a baby, and if it increases the risk of tooth disease. The bacteria from the mother or from the baby can be transferred to the other, which increases the risk of gum disease. Also, there is a fact relating to gum disease and heart disease. The harmful bacteria in the mouth will enter the bloodstream via the bleeding gums and sores and cause inflammation, and.promote the formation of plaque inside the arteries. Click here for more details.


Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way

Brushing Your Teeth The Proper Way    

Brush All Surfaces, In The Proper Angle, And Don't Forget The Tongue    

Brushing the teeth is a fundamental activity for good oral health. However, sometimes we are not aware that we are making mistakes while brushing. One of them is not covering all surfaces, inner and outer, at a 45-degree angle, and also the chewing surfaces. Another common issue is not brushing the tongue, leaving the bacteria responsible for bad breath and gum disease. Other problems are brushing for less than two minutes, using a worn toothbrush, or even using a toothbrush that is too hard, which can wear the tooth enamel. Click here for more details.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Oral Health Issues Related To A Higher Risk Of Liver Cancer And Other Gastrointestinal Cancers

Oral Health Issues Related To A Higher Risk Of Liver Cancer And Other Gastrointestinal Cancers    

It Shows A Higher Possibility Of Developing Hepatocellular Carcinoma, The Most Common Form Of Liver Cancer    

According to studies, poor oral is related to a 75% increase in the risk of liver cancer. If can increase their risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common form of liver cancer. A study has found an association between oral health issues and several gastrointestinal cancers. Poor oral health can be shown as bleeding gums or ulcers, and also loose teeth. However, liver cancer is not the only issue that can be detected with poor oral health. There are other serious chronic diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. In the study group of patients with liver cancer, 13% have originally reported issues related to poor oral health. One of the functions of the liver is the elimination of bacteria. However, when it is affected by diseases such as cancer, cirrhosis or hepatitis, the liver function will decline and bacteria will survive for longer, causing more potential harm.


Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache

Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache    

Guava has been part of traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and South America. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids. Among its health benefits are controlling diarrhea, lowering cholesterol, managing diabetes and promoting weight loss, among others. Also, it helps with a toothache because of its antibacterial agents and also with hair loss. Click here for more details.


Fast Food Causes Bad Breath And Also Acid Reflux

Fast Food Causes Bad Breath And Also Acid Reflux    

Fast food may provide immediate satisfaction, but they are a source of extra calories, along with bad breath. The reason is the greasy residues, which interact with the digestive enzymes, causing bad breath and also increases acidity in the gastrointestinal system, resulting in acid reflux. Also, if the person has diabetes, the breath smell gets worse, because excess sugar promotes the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Click here for more info.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening

Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening    

There are foods, such as coffee and wine that will stain the teeth. Even that there are commercial products available, there are also natural home remedies to whiten teeth. Among these are baking soda with lemon, apples, oil pulling, and hydrogen peroxide. Check all the recipes. More Information click here.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Worried About White Spots In Tonsils? Check What Causes It How To Deal With It

Worried About White Spots In Tonsils? Check What Causes It How To Deal With It    

Tonsils are one of the body’s mechanisms to trap bacteria and microorganisms. In some cases, they get infected and have to be removed. Since their job is getting rid of bacteria, sometimes there are deposits in the form of white spots. One of the causes is tonsil stones, which are hardened deposits of bacteria and food particles, among others, and result in bad breath. Additional information click here.


Chewing Gum Will Help Control Stress And Bad Breath

Chewing Gum Will Help Control Stress And Bad Breath    

There are some simple tips when you think you are stressing out. One of them is chewing gum, which relieves anxiety and stress, and also it stimulates the production of saliva, which moistens a dry mouth and helps getting rid of bad breath. Check all the tips to get rid of stress. Additional details click here.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth

Getting Rid Of The Metallic Taste In The Mouth    

Dry Mouth And Acid Reflux Are Some Of The Causes    

Sometimes we can feel a metallic taste in the mouth, similar to iron. This a symptom of a condition called Dysgeusia, which can be caused by acid reflux, dry mouth or dehydration, among others. There are home remedies such as oil pulling, baking soda, or green tea. These will help get rid of the odor-causing bacteria, and the excess plaque, and also have antioxidant properties. Check the recipes. More Information click here.


This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill

This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill    

It Is Ideal For Children, Of People With Sensitivity To Anesthesia    

There is a treatment for cavities that does require the trauma of drilling the teeth. It consists of a brush on liquid called silver diamine fluorite (SDF). According to specialists, this treatment does not only help children but also people with special needs who cannot endure anesthesia and also adults with dementia who may have a negative reaction to the drill. It works like an antibiotic on tooth decay, is painless, and much less expensive than a cavity treatment. This liquid kills bacteria, hardens the tooth, and prevents decay, It avoids needles, drilling, sedation, and extended time on the dentist’s seat. However, there is a downside. The treated area turns black. According to specialists, this means that this silver is reacting property with the bacteria and the procedure is working. The stained areas are only the ones affected by bacteria, not the healthy ones. Also, another advantage is that the substance is still present in the bacteria, even after the bacteria has been killed. Therefore, the new bacteria is killed by the substance in the dead bacteria, preventing further advance. They proceeded is not a cure for cavities, but stops most of them, if not all. More info click here.


New Smart Toothbrush Detects Bacterial Film And Informs In Real-Time If The User Has Missed A Spot

New Smart Toothbrush Detects Bacterial Film And Informs In Real-Time If The User Has Missed A Spot    

It Has Sensors That Create A Map Of The Mouth And See Through The Toothpaste’s Foam    

There is a new smart toothbrush that detects the buildup of bacterial film in the teeth and gums in real-time. These increases brushing efficacy, and evaluate the user's brushing technique and bacterial buildup their mouth and alerts, also in real-time if an area is clean if it requires a longer time to brush, or all the bacterial buildup has been removed, via a visual indicator. It also pairs to a Bluetooth app and has sensors in the toothbrush handle, which can create a map of the user's mouth, verifying where they have brushed their teeth, or if they have missed a spot. They can even see through the foam of the toothpaste. The App also gives the user feedback on the brushing procedure, personalized data, and oral care tips.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Ayurvedic Medicine Can Help You With Bad Breath

Ayurvedic Medicine Can Help You With Bad Breath    

Oil pulling has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a way to improve oral health, detoxify the blood and heal sinus issues. It can be done with coconut, sesame or olive oil, swishing it around the mouth for 10 to 20 minutes. It can help also with sensitive or painful teeth, yellow or stained teeth, and bad breath. More info click here.


Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety

Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety    

Like Snoring, People Might Not Be Aware Of It    

Studies have shown that grinding teeth, known as bruxism, is caused by stress and anxiety in the 70% of cases, especially in women. The symptoms are an aching jaw, facial pain, and teeth sensitivity. Worries result in teeth clenching. Also, the cause can be genetic. Like snoring, people are not aware they grind their teeth until they wake up with a sore jaw, or at a dental visit. It can also be connected to talking while sleeping. It can also cause earaches, which lead to poor sleeping. More info click here.


Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System

Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System    

Going to the dentist can be more important than just checking your teeth and fixing cavities. The bacteria in your mouth can damage not only your gums and teeth, but can also lead to gum disease, which can clog your blood vessels, and even infect your cardiovascular system. Check all the consequences of poor oral health. More details click here.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions

Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions    

One of the habits we all should have is daily flossing. Brushing is not enough to remove the plaque on the gums. Gum disease can affect the cardiovascular system, lead to pneumonia, dementia and erectile dysfunction, which is twice as common in people with gum disease. Check all the oral health habits. Additional information click here.


Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Most advice for bad breath is related to oral health, avoiding a dry mouth and avoid smoking, among others. But did you know that sugarless yogurt lowers the level of hydrogen sulfide – the bad breath compound on the tongue? Also cinnamon and fennel reduce the mouth bacteria responsible for bad breath. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain

Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain    

New Treatment Involves Botox To Release The Jaw Muscles    

Teeth grinding and jaw tension do not only affect the jaw. The muscle tension in the jaw can also stress other areas, leading to neck and shoulder pain, and upper back pain. Also, tooth grinding will result in unnatural tooth wear and damage of the enamel. According to specialists, Botox can help to release the jaw muscles, but it only lasts for three or four months. For a longer and definitive cure, it is suggested to learn to control the stress that causes jaw tension. More details click here.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Italian Garlic With The Taste But Not The Smell

Italian Garlic With The Taste But Not The Smell    

Garlic is related to great taste, but strong smell. There is a variety of garlic that has a milder flavor, easier to digest, and it is odorless. This variety was almost extinct and now is being produced in Italy. More Information click here.


Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening

Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening    

There are foods, such as coffee and wine that will stain the teeth. Even that there are commercial products available, there are also natural home remedies to whiten teeth. Among these are baking soda with lemon, apples, oil pulling, and hydrogen peroxide. Check all the recipes. More Information click here.


Green Apples Good For Oral Cleansing

Green Apples Good For Oral Cleansing    

When we think about apples, we usually address the red apples. Green apples have also many health benefits. It reduces the risk of asthma, and blood clots because of its flavonoids and a substance called rutin. Also helps with digestion and controls bad breath. It can also act as a teeth cleanser by eliminating the bacteria in the teeth and tongue. Click here for more details.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Study: Poor Oral Health And Gum Disease Related To Dementia In Seniors

Study: Poor Oral Health And Gum Disease Related To Dementia In Seniors    

A study published years ago revealed a relation between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Recently another disease has shown a relationship between gum disease and cognitive decline or dementia. The cause might be bacterial inflammation. Click here for more information.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Oral Health Issues Related To A Higher Risk Of Liver Cancer And Other Gastrointestinal Cancers

Oral Health Issues Related To A Higher Risk Of Liver Cancer And Other Gastrointestinal Cancers    

It Shows A Higher Possibility Of Developing Hepatocellular Carcinoma, The Most Common Form Of Liver Cancer    

According to studies, poor oral is related to a 75% increase in the risk of liver cancer. If can increase their risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common form of liver cancer. A study has found an association between oral health issues and several gastrointestinal cancers. Poor oral health can be shown as bleeding gums or ulcers, and also loose teeth. However, liver cancer is not the only issue that can be detected with poor oral health. There are other serious chronic diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. In the study group of patients with liver cancer, 13% have originally reported issues related to poor oral health. One of the functions of the liver is the elimination of bacteria. However, when it is affected by diseases such as cancer, cirrhosis or hepatitis, the liver function will decline and bacteria will survive for longer, causing more potential harm.


Proper Oral Hygiene Can Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's

Proper Oral Hygiene Can Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's    

It Prevents Gum Disease Which Has Been Related To This Mental Condition    

Brushing the teeth is usually a normal activity in oral hygiene. However, in the long term, incorrect brushing increases the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. This is because brushing the teeth in a wrong way can result in gum disease, which is related to Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study, bacteria associated with gum disease has been found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The bacteria spread from the oral cavity to the brain, where it destroyed nerve cells. Gum disease can be prevented if it is identified at an early stage, which presents conditions called gingivitis. This condition is caused by the inflammation of the gums, resulting from the bacterial plaque buildup on the teeth surface. It is a fairly common condition, suffered by 50% of the adult population, but it is reversible. However, if untreated, a series of bacterial pockets are formed between the tooth and the gum, leading to gum disease, or periodontitis. In this stage, the bacteria is almost impossible to eliminate, but there are several treatments for controlling its growth. Studies in mice have shown that this bacteria can migrate to the brain. Even though there are other conditions related to Alzheimer’s, it is a good idea to have proper oral hygiene to reduce the risk of this condition. More info click here.


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Using Baking Soda Safely For Oral Hygiene

Using Baking Soda Safely For Oral Hygiene    

Baking soda is not only used in the kitchen. It also prevents plaque formation. It forms an alkaline solution when mixed with water, which helps with teeth whitening, among other benefits. However, baking soda does not have the ability to kill bacteria that lead to cavities, can damage enamel and gums. To get the most from baking soda, the best idea is to mix it with other ingredients that will prevent the problems mentioned before. More Information click here.


New Ultrasonic Toothbrush For Dogs

New Ultrasonic Toothbrush For Dogs    

It Prevents Periodontitis, Getting Rid Of Bacteria In 60 Seconds    

Pets also oral health issues. In fact, 80% of the dogs over 3 years have periodontal disease, which consists in the inflammation of the gums due to tartar buildup. If left without treatment, it can result in internal organ damage and lower quality of life in the past. There is a new device to prevent this condition, consisting of an ultrasound pet toothbrush. It is vibration-free and uses silent ultrasound technology. According to the manufacturer, it guarantees to clean the gums deeply, and also get rid of bad breath. The process is very gentle and prevents tartar buildup, preventing periodontitis. It comes with its own toothpaste and gets rid of bacteria in 45 to 60 seconds.


Poor Oral Health And Decayed Teeth May Affect Your Job Expectations

Poor Oral Health And Decayed Teeth May Affect Your Job Expectations    

We have mentioned before that poor oral health will lead to gum disease, bad breath, and tooth loss. This can lead to serious health conditions and a poor digestion. Also, it will affect your social life. Last but not least, it will reduce your possibility of getting your dream job. More Information click here.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease    

Bacteria In Gum Disease And Inflammation Due To Poor Sleeping Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Heart disease is usually related to poor lifestyle and a bad diet. However, there are other signs, such as bad breath and gum disease, along with insomnia due to work shifting. Gum disease allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream, leading to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Also, shift work and insomnia prevents the body from healing and repairing, increasing the blood pressure and inflammation, leading to heart disease. Additional details click here.


Understanding Anorexia And Bulimia

Understanding Anorexia And Bulimia    

These Eating Disorders Can Lead To Extreme Fatigue, Acid Reflux, And Oral Health Problems    

Anorexia and bulimia are two eating disorders that typically appear in teenagers. They have a misleading body image of themselves, believing that they have excess weight. It gets worse when they compare themselves with people on Instagram or other social networks. Anorexia sufferers choose calorie restriction in the form of harsh diets, which lead to poor nourishment. They also tend to get rid of these calories by excessive exercising and inducing vomiting. This also has a side effect on oral health due to the attack of stomach acids on the tooth enamel and also causes bad breath. Other health consequences are constipation, extreme fatigue, and loss of menstruation. Bulimia is different, but the result is similar to anorexia. Sufferers have episodes of excess eating, even when they are full, and compensate the intake eliminating it via laxatives, vomits, or enemas. The overeating will also cause oral health issues, but will also lead to acid reflux and heartburn.


Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety

Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism Is Mostly Caused By Stress Or Anxiety    

Like Snoring, People Might Not Be Aware Of It    

Studies have shown that grinding teeth, known as bruxism, is caused by stress and anxiety in the 70% of cases, especially in women. The symptoms are an aching jaw, facial pain, and teeth sensitivity. Worries result in teeth clenching. Also, the cause can be genetic. Like snoring, people are not aware they grind their teeth until they wake up with a sore jaw, or at a dental visit. It can also be connected to talking while sleeping. It can also cause earaches, which lead to poor sleeping. More info click here.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment

Tooth Sensitivity Can Be Caused By Exposure To An Acidic Environment    

This Happens When Vomiting And With Severe Acid Reflux    

Sensitive teeth occur when the exterior layer of the teeth, called enamel, gets worn. The causes are exposure to an acidic environment, such as when drinking soda, with vomiting or when acid reflux is so severe, that the food matter reaches the oral cavity. One way to avoid it is ingesting dairy products after the exposure to acids. According to specialists, milk and yogurt contain calcium and phosphates, which help to protect the enamel from erosion. Therefore, in the case of vomiting or acid reflux, it is a good idea to rinse the teeth with milk. Since the acids have softened the enamel, it is better to wait one hour to brush the teeth. In the meanwhile, saliva will gradually clean the traces of acid exposure. Other causes of tooth sensitivity are cavities, gum disease, and intense whitening sessions, among others. Check all the causes of sensitive teeth. Click here for more info.


Learning How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth To Prevent Oral Disease

Learning How To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth To Prevent Oral Disease    

Poor oral health is the most common condition that affects dogs. However, this is preventable, if owners learn how to brush correctly their pet’s teeth. Dogs need a special toothbrush and a special paste – the toothpaste for humans is toxic to them. Learn how to take care of your dog’s teeth, step by step. More Information click here.


New Natural Toothpaste

New Natural Toothpaste    

We are always talking about organic and natural food, but what about toothpaste? Toothpaste usually leaves the mouth dry. This natural toothpaste is free of preservatives and leaves a freshened mouth. Click here for more info.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Brushing The Teeth Can Trigger Nausea And Morning Sickness In Pregnancy

Brushing The Teeth Can Trigger Nausea And Morning Sickness In Pregnancy    

It Can Be Avoided With An Odorless Toothpaste And A Smaller Toothbrush    

Morning sickness is one of the signs of pregnancy. However, there is one extreme type of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarumin, in which many things can trigger nausea and vomiting. One of the triggers can be brushing the teeth and rinsing them. One way to avoid it is skipping the toothpaste or using toothpaste with little or no smell, and using smaller toothbrushes, even children’s toothbrushes. However, if the morning sickness is not controlled, poor oral care is not an option. According to specialists, periodontal disease during pregnancy is linked to low-weight babies and the risk of infant mortalities. More info click here.


Opioid-Based Painkillers Can Increase The Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay

Opioid-Based Painkillers Can Increase The Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay    

They Are A Common Treatment For Back Pain And Other Chronic Pains    

One of the treatments for back pain is opioid-based painkillers, which have the risk of creating addiction and lose effectivity over time. They also have negative effects on oral health and dental hygiene. Among them is craving for sugar, which increases the risk of tooth decay, and also dry mouth, resulting in bad breath. Also, opioids have euphoric effects, which can lead to tooth grinding. Extended use of opioids can even result in pre-cancerous oral conditions and oral cancer. Additional details click here.


Home Mouthwash Recipe

Home Mouthwash Recipe    

Mouthwash will help you get a fresh breath. However, some have alcohol, that can be uncomfortable, and others have sugar, which will only cover you bad breath for some hours and will leave you a dry mouth. The solution is a home mouthwash. How to prepare it? Additional info click here.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Feeling Dizzy Or Tired? You Might Be Dehydrated

Feeling Dizzy Or Tired? You Might Be Dehydrated    

In hot weathers, many people don’t drink enough water because they are not thirsty, and are not aware that they are dehydrated. There are symptoms of dehydration. Some of them are dry skin, bad breath caused by a dry mouth, which results in not producing enough saliva, and headaches because of the low level of minerals and salts. More info click here.


Friday, October 2, 2020

These Body Signs Can Show A Potential Cardiovascular Disease

These Body Signs Can Show A Potential Cardiovascular Disease    

Among Them Are Rotten Gums And Loose Teeth, A Halo Around The Iris Of The Eye, And Blue Lips    

The body can show some signs to indicate that there are potential cardiovascular problems. Among them are rotten gums and loose teeth, which means that the mouth is full of harmful bacteria, which can enter the bloodstream via the bleeding gums, causing an inflammation of the blood vessels, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. Another sign is a gray halo around the iris, which is the colored part of the eye. These are fat deposits, starts at the top or bottom of the eye until it completes a ring, and does not interfere with vision. According to specialists, this halo is present in 45% of people over 40 years, and 70% of people over 60 years. This halo has been related to a higher risk of coronary heart disease. Blue lips are also a sign of heart issues, due to the low concentration of oxygen in the blood, which shows on the lips. Blue lips can also appear with cold weather and at a high altitude. Check all the signs that the body can show a potential cardiovascular disease. Click here for more information.


Anxious About Visiting The Dentist? Avoiding The Appointment Might Be Even Worse

Anxious About Visiting The Dentist? Avoiding The Appointment Might Be Even Worse    

Forgetting the routine appointment to the dentist can be costly. This is because if you have oral disease, its condition will worsen if not treated, and it will probably be the cause of bad breath. For example, gum disease might result in the gums receding and perhaps loose teeth. Also, cavities, if untreated, will turn into painful annoyances. More Information click here.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health

These Habits Can Help You Kids With A Good Oral Health    

Sometimes it is not easy to convince your kids to brush their teeth. However, there are ways to teach them correct oral health habits that will last all their life. One of them is making their own choices, such as asking them when would they like to brush their teeth or to pick their own toothbrush. Also, make the visits to the dentist comfortable. More details click here.


Offering Cakes And Biscuits In Offices Leads To Obesity And Poor Oral Health

Offering Cakes And Biscuits In Offices Leads To Obesity And Poor Oral Health    

In many workplaces, it is common to offer cakes and biscuits during meetings, but it has been found that they promote obesity and poor oral health. This worsens by h fact that employees are sitting all day due to their jobs and cannot move around to get rid of the extra sugar intake. More details click here.


Getting Rid Of Morning Bad Breath

Getting Rid Of Morning Bad Breath    

Morning bad breath is caused by excess growth of bacteria in the mouth, due to the dryness after low saliva production in the night. Brushing your teeth addresses bacteria and plaque in the teeth, but a tongue scraper and brushing the inner mouth walls will complete the job. Click here for more info.