Monday, August 31, 2020

Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening

Natural Home Recipes For Teeth Whitening    

There are foods, such as coffee and wine that will stain the teeth. Even that there are commercial products available, there are also natural home remedies to whiten teeth. Among these are baking soda with lemon, apples, oil pulling, and hydrogen peroxide. Check all the recipes. More Information click here.


Home Mouthwash Recipe

Home Mouthwash Recipe    

Mouthwash will help you get a fresh breath. However, some have alcohol, that can be uncomfortable, and others have sugar, which will only cover you bad breath for some hours and will leave you a dry mouth. The solution is a home mouthwash. How to prepare it? Additional info click here.


Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath

Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath    

Herbs can be used for water infusions or even cocktails. For example, mint can be used for a mojito, but also infused water with mint is great for treating pain, indigestion, skin irritation and bad breath. Other herbs such as basil, thyme, and coriander also have health benefits and can be used for cocktails. Check the recipes. More details click here.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Learn What Causes Your Bad Breath Before Choosing A Product To Treat It

Learn What Causes Your Bad Breath Before Choosing A Product To Treat It    

There are many products for bad breath. Before choosing which product to use for fighting bad breath, it is important to know the cause of bad breath. Most OTC products mask the smell for 20 minutes. For example, mints can inhibit dental decay, mouthwashes and sprays with alcohol dry the mouth, and gums boost the production of saliva. More info click here.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Avoid Bad Breath With Your Own Natural Mouthwash

Avoid Bad Breath With Your Own Natural Mouthwash    

Antiseptic mouthwashes kill the bacteria, but also have alcohol and sugar compounds that will dry your mouth and promote the growth of the bacteria that you wanted to get rid of. Also, when swirling the mouthwash, you actually ingest some of it. Some of its ingredients can increase the risk of heart attack and hypertension. So an alternative is making your own natural mouthwash. More info click here.


Health Benefits Of Yogurt For Your Breath And Digestion

Health Benefits Of Yogurt For Your Breath And Digestion    

Yogurt has many health benefits. The bacteria in the yogurt can improve digesting and also enhances the immune system. Also, bad breath, which has foul smell caused by hydrogen-sulfide compounds, can be reduced if yogurt is added to the daily diet. Click here for more info.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Persistent Symptoms Can Be A Sign Of A Serious Health Condition, Such As Cancer

Persistent Symptoms Can Be A Sign Of A Serious Health Condition, Such As Cancer    

Among These Are Persistent Bloating, Blood In Stools, Back Pain, And Oral Sores    

Most health issues have symptoms that disappear once the condition is diagnosed and treated. But, in some cases, the symptoms persist, which can be the sign of a more serious condition, such as cancer. Among these symptoms are a persistent cough, which can worsen if the person is also coughing blood. Another sign is a constant feeling of bloating, which can be the result of a poor diet or stress. But if it persists and there is also fatigue, weight loss and back pain, it can be a sign of a serious issue. In the case of women, constant bloating may be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Other signs may show up in the digestive process, such as blood in stools, a symptom of hemorrhoids or colon cancer, trouble swallowing, which can be related to cancer in the esophagus, and constant heartburn or indigestion, which can be associated to stomach cancer. Oral sores are not serious, but if it shows with red sores and does not heal, it can be a symptom of oral cancer, especially if the patient is a smoker. Other symptoms are a lump in the cheek, difficulty in moving the jaw, or mouth pain.


Charcoal In Toothpaste Will Help Absorb Teeth Stains

Charcoal In Toothpaste Will Help Absorb Teeth Stains    

However, There Are Other Factors To Consider    

Charcoal is used as a filter and has absorbent capacities, being used to treat poisoning and overdoses. Also, many people use a piece of charcoal in their refrigerators to get rid of the bad smells. Recently, it is being added to toothpaste, but does it work? It causes a mild abrasion and absorbs the stains on the teeth, delaying the staining after a professional cleaning. However, it does not have any effect on teeth whitening. Also, there is a risk that the charcoal bits will build up between the teeth gaps. Additional info click here.


Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions

Your Mouth Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions    

Problems with oral health can be the sign that something else is not working well in the body. For example, sudden cavities may be the symptom of diabetes, due to the excess sugar in saliva. Enamel wear can occur because of excess acid due to acid reflux. Persisting bad breath aster brushing and flossing your teeth can be related to lung, throat or stomach cancer. Check all the conditions related to oral health. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

New Device Will Analyze Breath For Medical Diagnosis

New Device Will Analyze Breath For Medical Diagnosis    

It Will Identify Halitosis, Type 1 Diabetes, Asthma, And Lung Cancer    

Researchers are working on a device that will analyze human exhaled breath, which will help to diagnose specific diseases. It recognizes different biomarker gasses related to a disease. It detects components such as hydrogen, water vapor, acetone, ammonia and carbon monoxide, among others. Some of these components are related to halitosis, type 1 diabetes, lung cancer, and asthma. Click here for more information.


Quick Remedies For Bad Breath

Quick Remedies For Bad Breath    

A cup of coffee or a dish seasoned with garlic can result in bad breath for the rest of the day. However, there are other ways to avoid it. Proper dental hygiene will remove the plaque on the teeth and tongue, which promotes the bacteria growth that causes bad breath and gum disease. A dry mouth is also responsible for the foul-smelling bacteria. Click here for more details.


Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes

Stained Teeth Can Have Many Causes    

Stained teeth are usually the result of smoking or chewing tobacco. However, there are other causes for stains such as nerve damage related to root canal treatment, Bacteria in the mouth, tooth decay resulting from improper brushing, old age, which causes the enamel to change color, among others. Check all the reasons that can cause tooth stains. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Natural Alternatives For Oral Care Bad Breath

Natural Alternatives For Oral Care Bad Breath    

Fluoride was thought to reduce cavities but research has shown that it is associated with bone cancer, brain conditions, and thyroid disease. However, there are natural ingredients that are beneficial for oral health. Among them are cloves and clove oil for toothache pain relief, coconut oil for pulling around the mouth and will help remove debris, and sunbathing for vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium for bones and teeth. Additional information click here.


Avoid These Foods If You Have To Take A Flight

Avoid These Foods If You Have To Take A Flight    

There are foods that must be avoided if you are planning to fly. Any food that causes gasses or bloating, such as beans or carbonated drinks, will worsen its effect because of the lower pressure in the plane. Also, garlic will cause bad breath and body odor because it is absorbed into the bloodstream, annoying other fellow passengers. Check the full list of foods. More info click here.


Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath

Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath    

Herbs can be used for water infusions or even cocktails. For example, mint can be used for a mojito, but also infused water with mint is great for treating pain, indigestion, skin irritation and bad breath. Other herbs such as basil, thyme, and coriander also have health benefits and can be used for cocktails. Check the recipes. More details click here.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Tonsillitis Is Not Contagious, But What Causes It Is

Tonsillitis Is Not Contagious, But What Causes It Is    

It Can Be Caused By Bacteria Or Virus, In Crowded Places, Such As Schools    

Tonsillitis is a common condition, which appears in children about the age of two years and it's very uncommon in adults. It is the inflammation of two small lymph nodes that are located on the back of the throat, which are part of that immune system, preventing viruses and bacteria entering the body through the oral cavity and the nose. However, there are cases in which the virus and bacteria can infect the tonsils, which will result in irritation and inflammation, resulting in tonsillitis, a reaction of the body to inflammation. Therefore, it is a condition that is not contagious. However, it can be caused by viruses and bacteria, which in turn are contagious. If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, the symptom will be a strep throat and it spreads when a person has contact with the saliva or mucus of someone who has been already infected. Contagion can occur in places where people are crowded, and in the case of children, in schools, and daycare centers. In the case of viral tonsillitis. Its symptoms are common cold and influenza, which can also be transmitted, dispensing the virus, and resulting in tonsillitis. The most common symptoms are scratchy or a sore feeling in the throat. Also, right and swollen tonsils make swallowing difficult or painful, and it also causes bad breath. y to four H and bad breath.


Long-Distance Flights Can Result In Bad Breath, Constipation, And Headaches

Long-Distance Flights Can Result In Bad Breath, Constipation, And Headaches    

Long-distance flights affect the body in many ways. The low pressure in the cabin, similar to 8000 feet, will result in oxygen deprivation. This will dry the mouth, causing bad breath and affect the taste buds, which can be avoided by drinking water and using a nasal spray. Also, the low oxygen condition can cause headaches and dizziness. Sitting for an extended period of time can affect the veins of the legs, cause back pain and constipation, so it’s a good idea to move around. Check how to avoid the long-distance flight issues. Additional details click here.


Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics

Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics    

Mouths are full of bacteria. An injury or a dental treatment can expose the bloodstream to these bacteria. The immune system takes care of them, but in some cases, it might be a good idea to take an antibiotic before the treatment. It is also recommended tor people with certain heart conditions. Click here for more info.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Green Tea Can Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath, Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes, And Other Health Benefits

Green Tea Can Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath, Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes, And Other Health Benefits    

Green tea has many health benefits. For example, it can help get rid of bad breath because of its antibacterial properties. Also, its antioxidants can prevent many diseases and even lower cardiovascular disease and cancer risk, its caffeine content can improve brain functions, mood, memory and reaction time and also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. It can also boost insulin sensitivity, and reduce blood sugar levels, help to fight diabetes, and improve metabolism, promote weight loss. Learn about all the benefits of green tea. More details click here.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss    

These Will Also Provide Overall Health Benefits    

According to a study, one of the factors that increase the risk of tooth loss is inflammation caused by certain foods. There are foods that are pro-inflammatory which will affect not only the teeth but also the overall health. Among these are foods with high caloric intake, and containing trans-fats and excess carbohydrates, which must be avoided. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory foods, which will compose a healthy diet. These include ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamin D. More details click here.


Avoid These Behaviors If You Want To Have Strong Teeth

Avoid These Behaviors If You Want To Have Strong Teeth    

A good smile is part of the personal image. But stained teeth, bad breath, and poor oral health can affect the social and professional life. For good oral health, here are some habits to avoid, like teeth grinding, using the teeth to open items, and taking too much sugar which can result in cavities. Additional information click here.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

There Are Foods That Will Harm The Tooth Enamel

There Are Foods That Will Harm The Tooth Enamel    

Among Them Are Acidic Foods Such As Citrus And Tomatoes    

There are foods that could be harmful to the teeth. Known foods are sugar-based processed foods, candy, and sugary sodas, which promote the accumulation of plaque that leads to cavities and gum disease if there is not proper oral health. There are other foods that will create an acidic environment in the mouth, which softens and attacks the enamel if not cleaned and increases the risk of teeth sensitivity. Among them are citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and the tomato sauce in pasta. This sauce is even more acidic if it is made from canned tomatoes. Picked and fermented foods are also acidic, but they promote gut health. Since these foods soften the tooth enamel, it is better to rinse the mouth after the meal, but wait 20 minutes to brush the teeth, because the enamel must be given time to harden. Other foods might cause cracks in the teeth, such as popcorn containing unpopped kernels, and chewing ice. People with fillings must be especially careful with these two foods. More Information click here.


Causes Of Excess Salivation And How To Deal With It

Causes Of Excess Salivation And How To Deal With It    

Avoiding Certain Foods Can Help Lower Saliva Production    

Excess production of saliva, also called hypersalivation, could be a symptom of a health condition or a side effect of certain medications. Saliva production is important, because the enzymes it contains mix with the food when chewing, contributing to proper digestion. It also provides calcium for the teeth, washes food particles from teeth and moistens the oral cavity, preventing the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Excess salivation can be caused by pregnancy, oral inflammation or infection, acid reflux. Avoiding citrus foods or alcohol can help lower saliva production. Click here for more info.


This New Toothbrush Has Artificial Intelligence To Learn The User’s Habits

This New Toothbrush Has Artificial Intelligence To Learn The User’s Habits    

Recently a new toothbrush has been launched, which includes artificial intelligence, according to the manufacturers. It learns the brushing habits of the user, and refines the accuracy, the more it is used. It captures the data regarding brushed areas, frequency, and duration, and synced with an app. Its research has shown that children are more motivated to brush when playing a mobile game, while adults are reminded to brush in case they forget. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Water Is The Best Nutrient

Water Is The Best Nutrient    

Water is the most vital nutrient, however, it usually gets overlooked. It is well known that we can survive without food but not without water. Dehydration has serious health effects, from fatigue, depression, poor digestion, to bad breath, and migraines. Check the full benefits of water. Additional details click here.


No More Embarrassing Bad Breath Or Stinky Feet

No More Embarrassing Bad Breath Or Stinky Feet    

There are embarrassing conditions that affect us and sometimes do not seen to have a solution. Bad breath can be avoided by drinking water, hence no dry mouth, staying away from smelly foods such as coffee and cleaning the teeth and the tongue. Check also the solutions for dandruff and smelly feet. More details click here.


Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities

Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities    

Many people have diets high in sugar and low on fiber. This is because of the excess in consumption of sweetened drinks and processed foods. However, dried fruits have the correct balance between sugar and fiber. So, why are dried fruits not being promoted? Additional details click here.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth

Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth    

They Are A Natural Alternative To Whitening Toothpaste And Expensive Treatments    

White teeth are a sign of proper oral care and hygiene. Some toothpaste brands claim that they remove stains, but they are only eroding the teeth enamel. Whitening treatments can damage the teeth, and also are expensive. Fortunately, there are foods and home ingredients that will help to get white teeth. One of them is baking soda, which has proven effective in removing plaque and getting rid of the yellow color. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps remove teeth stains, sweet potatoes create an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, promoting bacteria that protects the teeth, and onions have sulfurous compounds that have strong antibacterial effects, improving teeth health, and whitening them. Carrots, on the other side, besides their antioxidant and therapeutic compounds, have a crunchy and fibrous texture. This provides a mechanical effect cleaning the plaque and removing food remains from between the teeth. Check all the foods that will help achieve stronger and whiter teeth. More details click here.


Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Will Reduce The Risk Of Teeth Loss    

These Will Also Provide Overall Health Benefits    

According to a study, one of the factors that increase the risk of tooth loss is inflammation caused by certain foods. There are foods that are pro-inflammatory which will affect not only the teeth but also the overall health. Among these are foods with high caloric intake, and containing trans-fats and excess carbohydrates, which must be avoided. On the other hand, there are anti-inflammatory foods, which will compose a healthy diet. These include ingredients such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and vitamin D. More details click here.


Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath

Infused Herbal Water For Treating Bad Breath    

Herbs can be used for water infusions or even cocktails. For example, mint can be used for a mojito, but also infused water with mint is great for treating pain, indigestion, skin irritation and bad breath. Other herbs such as basil, thyme, and coriander also have health benefits and can be used for cocktails. Check the recipes. More details click here.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain

Jaw Tension Can Lead To Tooth Grinding And Even Neck And Back Pain    

New Treatment Involves Botox To Release The Jaw Muscles    

Teeth grinding and jaw tension do not only affect the jaw. The muscle tension in the jaw can also stress other areas, leading to neck and shoulder pain, and upper back pain. Also, tooth grinding will result in unnatural tooth wear and damage of the enamel. According to specialists, Botox can help to release the jaw muscles, but it only lasts for three or four months. For a longer and definitive cure, it is suggested to learn to control the stress that causes jaw tension. More details click here.


Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition

Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition    

Bad breath can be caused by a dry mouth, product of dehydration, or by poor oral hygiene. But it can mean something far worse such as stomach cancer, which requires an invasive procedure to confirm, or diabetes, which causes a dry mouth, or even kidney failure. These conditions cannot be diagnosed with just one symptom, but it is convenient to speak about them to a specialist. Click here for more details.


Your Tongue Can Give You Information About Your Health

Your Tongue Can Give You Information About Your Health    

The tongue is composed of small nodules, called taste buds. In some cases, a white film shows over the tongue. This can be dead bacteria, a product of an infection, or perhaps the taste bud is dried out, resulting from breathing through your mouth or from medications. Also, the tongue color cue can diagnose kidney or digestive problems. Click here for more information.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night    

A study has found a relation between youngsters who stay late at night and tooth decay. This is because they neglect to brush their teeth, wake up later, skip breakfast and take sugary drinks and food. Click here for more details.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Baking Soda Not Only Useful For Cooking

Baking Soda Not Only Useful For Cooking    

Baking soda has many other uses than preparing cakes. It can be used for oral hygiene, rinsing the mouth with it or using it as toothpaste. This will eliminate all the bad breath better than any other commercial mouthwash. It is also good as a facial scrub and as a deodorant. Click here for more information.


Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a dried tree bark used as a spice. It has many health benefits. It can help control diabetes by improving glucose and lipid levels. It also delays the symptoms of Alzheimer, acting as a protein and helping the nerves responsible for carrying impulses from the brain. Its antibacterial properties help to prevent tooth decay, fights cavities and relieve from toothache. It had also benefits for cancer, heart and cough treatments. Get the full list. Additional information click here.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Which Foods To Eat (And Avoid) For Healthy Teeth

Which Foods To Eat (And Avoid) For Healthy Teeth    

There are foods that will help with having healthy teeth and good oral care. For example, calcium will maintain the teeth and bones well, and will also aid with cleaning the plaque and fighting bad breath. Also look for snacks such as cheese, cranberries, and raisins. On the other hand, avoid acidic foods, like citrus, coffee, fermented food, meat, and pickles. Also, green tea is an excellent choice because it controls bacteria and lowers the risk of cavities. Check the full list of foods. More Information click here.


Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Oral Health

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Oral Health    

Coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat, but this fat is composed of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). They are metabolized differently and have more health benefits. Among others, kills harmful bacteria in the mouth causing tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Check the other benefits of coconut oil. Click here for more details.


Scientists Explain The Perfect Smile

Scientists Explain The Perfect Smile    

The perfect smile is subjective. However, science has now an explanation. For example, the width of the smile must be at least half of the face. Also, white teeth are good, but no mere than the whites of the eyes – else the teeth become dominant over the eyes. Check all the tips for a perfect smile. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Most People Are Not Clearly Aware Of The Objective Of Brushing The Teeth

Most People Are Not Clearly Aware Of The Objective Of Brushing The Teeth    

They Believe It Is For Cleaning The Remains Of The Food    

Most people follow the recommendation to brush twice a day. What are the best times to brush the teeth? First, let’s ask ourselves why we brush out teeth: Most people will say that the objective of brushing is to remove the remains of the food. Wrong! According to dentists, the objective of brushing is to remove the plaque, which is the white stuff that covers the teeth and consists of bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum disease. A dry mouth and sugar in the diet promote the growth of these bacteria. So returning to the original question, brushing before breakfast cleans off the plaque, so it won’t eat the sugar in the breakfast. Brushing before bed is even more important because it removes the remains of the plaque. Click here for more information.


Meet The Black Garlic, Which Doesn’t Affect Your Breath

Meet The Black Garlic, Which Doesn’t Affect Your Breath    

Garlic is a beneficial product that will help with lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, but its downside is its effect on the breath. An Asian delicatessen, called black garlic, does not cause bad breath, but does it have the same health benefits? Click here for more info.


Acid Reflux Can Be Associated With Asthma

Acid Reflux Can Be Associated With Asthma    

Acidic Food Matter Can Return To The Oral Cavity, Causing Bad Breath, And To The Throat, Leading To Respiratory Issues    

Acid reflux occurs when the acidic food matter from the stomach returns to the esophagus. This causes a painful sensation in the chest, called heartburn. This condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In some cases, the food matter reaches the throat and the mouth, which results in bad breath and tooth decay. However, the acid can also be in contact with the airway, causing them to swell, resulting in shortness of breath, constant coughing, and it can even affect the vocal cords, resulting in a hoarse voice. This increases the risk of respiratory conditions, such as asthma. However, a recent study showed that there be a bidirectional relationship, in which people with asthma have a greater risk of developing GERD, and people with GERD have a high probability to develop asthma. In this case, treating the acid reflux and the GERD reduced the asthma symptoms. One of the consequences of an asthma attack is a tightening of the airways, causing pressure on the esophagus, resulting in a regurgitation of the food matter. Also, GERD symptoms, such as burping and shortness of breath, could be a sign of asthma.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Older Adults Require Special Care For A Proper Oral Health

Older Adults Require Special Care For A Proper Oral Health    

They Are At Higher Risk Of Gum Disease And Tooth Decay    

Health requirements change as people get older. Oral health is no exception. However, statistics show that only half of seniors visit a dentist every year, and this increases the risk of oral disease. Tooth decay is more common in older adults, as well as gum disease. This increases tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, and also sweet and sour beverages. Also, older adults take more prescription drugs, which can have a side effect, affecting oral health. Among these are dry mouth, which can result in bad breath, cracked lips, and cavities. Brushing can be more difficult, requiring toothbrushes with longer handles, and even better, electric toothbrushes. Also, dentures require cleaning with a special paste. Click here for more details.


Bad Breath Can Be Defeated By A Bacteria

Bad Breath Can Be Defeated By A Bacteria    

Bad breath is caused is caused by a dry mouth, which promotes the growth of the bacteria responsible for the bad smell. Scientists have found out that a probiotic bacteria can help combat the ”stinky” bacteria, which can replace mouthwash. More info click here.


Avoid These Behaviors If You Want To Have Strong Teeth

Avoid These Behaviors If You Want To Have Strong Teeth    

A good smile is part of the personal image. But stained teeth, bad breath, and poor oral health can affect the social and professional life. For good oral health, here are some habits to avoid, like teeth grinding, using the teeth to open items, and taking too much sugar which can result in cavities. Additional information click here.


Monday, August 10, 2020

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night    

A study has found a relation between youngsters who stay late at night and tooth decay. This is because they neglect to brush their teeth, wake up later, skip breakfast and take sugary drinks and food. Click here for more details.


Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems

Periodontal Disease Can Affect People With Poor Immune Systems    

The Disease Is Not Contagious, But The Bacteria May Be Spread Through Saliva    

Periodontal disease signs are bleeding or swollen gums and bad breath. It is caused by an inflammatory reaction to a bacteria in the mouth. However, is it contagious? The inflammatory reaction is not, but the bacteria can be spread through saliva. People with a poor immune system or injuries in the mouth cavities have to be more careful to avoid contagion, so it is a good idea not to share eating utensils or glassware. Click here for more information.


How Local Anesthetics Work In Dental Procedures

How Local Anesthetics Work In Dental Procedures    

There Usually Have No Side Effects Or Allergy Reactions    

Dental procedures are painful, therefore, the dentist must apply a substance to suppress the pain signals that travel through the nerves, which is called anesthesia. The most common form is local anesthesia which suppresses pain in a certain area of the mouth during a dental procedure. It is not like general anesthesia, which is used for surgery, requires specialists, and sleeps the patient. There are two types of local anesthetics. One of them is topical, which is applied like a spray and numbs the surface of the gums before applying the injectable anesthetic, which blocks nerve endings and dulls the mouth tissues. The local injectable anesthetic is usually lidocaine and contains a vasoconstrictor to extend the effect by narrowing the blood vessels in the anesthetized area. There are normally no side effects nor allergic reactions. However, the vasoconstrictor might increase the heartbeat for some minutes. Additional info click here.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Dentists Promote Flossing Despite The Recent Evidence

Dentists Promote Flossing Despite The Recent Evidence    

Recent articles have put in doubt the effectivity of flossing. However, the dentists have answered informing that having not strong evidence does not prove it is not effective. Also, a person just needs common sense to determine that tiny pieces of food between the teeth will eventually be a cause of plaque and gum disease. Click here for more info.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Study: Dentist Visit Fright May Be Inherited

Study: Dentist Visit Fright May Be Inherited    

Some people are simply terrorized by the idea of going to the dentist. They can’t stand the dentist’s drill, the anesthesia needles, or an extraction. Therefore they create every excuse for not going to a checkup, risking their oral health. A study suggests that this can be inherited from our parents. More Information click here.


Dentist Anxiety And Fear Are Real Issues For Many People

Dentist Anxiety And Fear Are Real Issues For Many People    

Dentist anxiety is a result of the fear the patient has to dental treatment pain or to the dental drill. Some estimates show that about 60% of the people have dentist anxiety. However, there is a more extreme case in 5 to 10% of the patients, described as dental phobia, in which del delay as much as possible the visit to the dentist, and can have a panic attack in the exam room. Dentists are aware of this and have created at least seven scales to measure the fear and anxiety in order to determine the best approach. Additional information click here.