Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Stress Can Affect Oral Health, Causing Tooth Grinding, Aching Jaw, And Bad Breath

Stress Can Affect Oral Health, Causing Tooth Grinding, Aching Jaw, And Bad Breath    

Acid Reflux Caused By Stress Releases A Compound Responsible For Foul-Smelling Breath    

Stress can affect overall health, including oral health. One of the consequences is bruxism, also known as tooth grinding and clenching the jaw, which occurs while sleeping. The signs are shortened teeth and an aching jaw when waking up. Stress also causes an aching or clicking jaw as a result of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) and the lack of relaxation in the jaw muscle. Root canal problems can occur if tooth grinding is severe. Also, bad breath is an indirect consequence of stress, which causes acid reflux and other compounds that are released through the mouth. Click here for more information.


Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Check This And Other Dental Health Myths

Does Sugar Cause Cavities? Check This And Other Dental Health Myths    

There are facts and myths about oral health. The most common is that sugar causes cavities. The truth is that bacteria in the plaque convert sugar into an acid that attacks tooth enamel. Also, mouthwash with alcohol is not effective because it dies up the mouth. Other is whether or not silver fillings have to be replaced. These are 52 percent mercury, but dentists don’t advise to change them if they are in a good shape. Check the full list. More info click here.


Avoid Bad Breath With Your Own Natural Mouthwash

Avoid Bad Breath With Your Own Natural Mouthwash    

Antiseptic mouthwashes kill the bacteria, but also have alcohol and sugar compounds that will dry your mouth and promote the growth of the bacteria that you wanted to get rid of. Also, when swirling the mouthwash, you actually ingest some of it. Some of its ingredients can increase the risk of heart attack and hypertension. So an alternative is making your own natural mouthwash. More info click here.


Monday, June 29, 2020

Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Bad Breath Smelling Like Feces Can Be The Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

It Is Related To Decomposed Bacteria, Including Gastric Issues Like Acid Reflux, Vomiting And Bowel Obstruction    

Bad breath can have many causes. However, there are cases in which the smell is fetid, similar to stools. This might be a symptom of an underlying health condition. The most common cause is poor oral hygiene, including chronic dry mouth, oral infections, and inflammation of the mouth, nose or throat. Sinus infection is another cause since the mucus trapped in the sinuses contains bacteria that is decomposing. The smell of feces can also come from an abscessed tooth, as a result of tooth decay, which contains a buildup of pus, which has this particular smell. There are also gastrointestinal causes, like bacterial content in prolonged vomiting and also in acid reflux. The most critical condition is a bowel obstruction, which the intestine is blocked and the digested food and stool is forced to back up, resulting in a breath smelling like stool. This last condition is critical and life-threatening. Check all the causes that can lead to breath with a smell similar to feces. More details click here.


Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings

Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings    

It Has Been Developed To End Recurrent Caries    

When dentists treat cavities, they cover it with a filling. However, in some cases, bacteria can dig under the fillings and cause new car. This is called recurrent caries. Researchers have developed a new material containing particles of antimicrobial drugs, which will stop the bacterial attack. The objective s storing enough drug in the material, in order to be effective through the entire life or the patient. The new material contains bacterial drugs that self-assemble molecule by molecule. Additional details click here.


Do You Think You Are Brushing Your Teeth Correctly? Perhaps Not

Do You Think You Are Brushing Your Teeth Correctly? Perhaps Not    

You learned to brush your teeth at an early age, and probably you think that the way you have been brushing your teeth is the correct one. Are you completely sure? Perhaps all your life you have been brushing your teeth the wrong way: too much or too little pressure, too long or too short time, or even you don’t brush your tongue. Check the full list, you’ll be amazed. Additional information click here.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Sharp Pain In Your Teeth Or The Excess Sensitivity Can Be A Cavity

The Sharp Pain In Your Teeth Or The Excess Sensitivity Can Be A Cavity    

Learn To Identify All The Symptoms    

Cavities are caused by the bacteria in the plaque, which attacks the tooth enamel. Improper brushing and flossing will leave plaque in certain areas, such as between the teeth, resulting in a cavity. The most common symptom is a toothache, which happens when the bacteria has drilled into the sensitive tooth areas, causing an inflammation. Another symptom is excess sensitivity with acidic, hot or cold foods. Worn tooth enamel exposes microscopic tubes, which allow nerve cells to be stimulated by these foods. Also, cavities can be detected visually, either as a hole in the teeth or as a different color. Check all the symptoms of cavities. More info click here.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night

Tooth Cavities More Common In Youngsters Who Stay Late At Night    

A study has found a relation between youngsters who stay late at night and tooth decay. This is because they neglect to brush their teeth, wake up later, skip breakfast and take sugary drinks and food. Click here for more details.


Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health Seriously

Gum Disease Can Affect Your Health Seriously    

Incorrect teeth brushing can lead to poor gum hygiene. Plaque along the gum line will result in inflammation and gum disease. This can lead to more serious health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, even Alzheimer’s disease. How to check for gum disease? More info click here.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Researchers Are Working On Bioengineered Tooth Replacements

Researchers Are Working On Bioengineered Tooth Replacements    

These Would Not Have Complications Of Artificial Teeth, Including Implant Failure    

Lost teeth can be replaced by artificial implants, which include crowns and bridges. However, even though they are the standard in oral therapy, these implants do not have the properties of natural teeth which can have complications resulting in implant failure. Researchers are working on bioengineered teeth, which resemble natural tooth buds, including the stem cell niche, enamel, and formation of mineralized tissue. They are made from postnatal dental cells encased in a protective cell, that are implanted in laboratory rats. These can lead to a clinically relevant therapy for tooth replacement. Additional information click here.


Japanese Ninja Diet Helps Executives Focus On Their Objective

Japanese Ninja Diet Helps Executives Focus On Their Objective    

Japanese ninjas were elite warriors and expert in cover operations. They worked long hours until their objective was achieved. The same happens for today’s executives. Ninjas watched their diet to get the most of energy, and not be revealed to their enemies, avoiding bad breath. Check the ninja diet. Click here for more information.


Acidic Foods Weaken The Tooth Enamel

Acidic Foods Weaken The Tooth Enamel    

But There Are Ways To Prevent This    

Acidic foods can weaken and wear away the tooth enamel. These include oranges, lemons, and other citric fruits, pickles, cranberries, tomato, and coffee. However, these are also healthy for the body, so the idea would be eating them with water in order to dilute the acidic attack on the teeth. Also, it might sound a good idea to brush the teeth immediately after eating these foods, but it will prevent the enamel to set up again – it’s better to wait about 30 minutes. This effect can be prevented by combining alkaline foods with a high pH level such as nuts, cheese, bananas, and apples, among others. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

There Are Foods That Will Harm The Tooth Enamel

There Are Foods That Will Harm The Tooth Enamel    

Among Them Are Acidic Foods Such As Citrus And Tomatoes    

There are foods that could be harmful to the teeth. Known foods are sugar-based processed foods, candy, and sugary sodas, which promote the accumulation of plaque that leads to cavities and gum disease if there is not proper oral health. There are other foods that will create an acidic environment in the mouth, which softens and attacks the enamel if not cleaned and increases the risk of teeth sensitivity. Among them are citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and the tomato sauce in pasta. This sauce is even more acidic if it is made from canned tomatoes. Picked and fermented foods are also acidic, but they promote gut health. Since these foods soften the tooth enamel, it is better to rinse the mouth after the meal, but wait 20 minutes to brush the teeth, because the enamel must be given time to harden. Other foods might cause cracks in the teeth, such as popcorn containing unpopped kernels, and chewing ice. People with fillings must be especially careful with these two foods. More Information click here.


Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production

Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production    

It Helps With Digestion, Healthy Teeth, And Also With Anxiety And Stress Due To Its Repetitive Movements    

Chewing gum has health benefits. It doubles the production of saliva, which helps digestion by neutralizing the acids in foods. The additional saliva smoothens the flow of solid and liquid foods across the esophagus. Also has positive effects on heartburn, but the chewing gum must have fruity flavor – mint flavor relaxed the stomach valve, resulting in acid reflux. It also reduces nausea and also controls the irritability of the stomach. Also, a component present in saliva called iron phosphate helps with healthy teeth. It has also cognitive benefits, such as refreshing the memory and reducing depression. The repetitive chewing movements reduce the levels of stress and depression. Click here for more details.


Electric Toothbrush Used Incorrectly Will Affect Tooth Enamel

Electric Toothbrush Used Incorrectly Will Affect Tooth Enamel    

Investing in an electric toothbrush can be a good idea for oral health, but using it incorrectly can do more harm than benefit. An electric toothbrush requires minimum contact with the tooth – the toothbrush makes the cleaning movement. Applying pressure like a traditional toothbrush will harm the enamel. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Smart Toothbrush For Children Works Like A Gaming Wand

Smart Toothbrush For Children Works Like A Gaming Wand    

This smart toothbrush presented at CES 2017 is targeted at children 3 to 7 years and teaches them how to brush properly by using it as a gaming wand. The toothbrush detects the exact brushing position and brushing movements and identifies the surface of each tooth, orientation, angle and brushing force. It connects to a mobile device via Bluetooth. Additional information click here.


This Will Make You Think Twice Before Having A Soft Drink

This Will Make You Think Twice Before Having A Soft Drink    

A bottle of soft drink will get rid of your thirst, but it has downsides. It contains sugar in the form of fructose corn syrup (the unhealthiest of all), caffeine and water that might be impure. All with almost no nutrients. It increases the blood sugar level, blood pressure, promotes fat buildup, tooth decay and its sugar content results in bad breath. More Information click here.


Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Check The Many Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a dried tree bark used as a spice. It has many health benefits. It can help control diabetes by improving glucose and lipid levels. It also delays the symptoms of Alzheimer, acting as a protein and helping the nerves responsible for carrying impulses from the brain. Its antibacterial properties help to prevent tooth decay, fights cavities and relieve from toothache. It had also benefits for cancer, heart and cough treatments. Get the full list. Additional information click here.


Monday, June 22, 2020

Enlarged Adenoids Can Cause Snoring And Also Breathing And Sleeping Problems

Enlarged Adenoids Can Cause Snoring And Also Breathing And Sleeping Problems    

They Can Also Sinus And Ear Infections    

Adenoid glands are part of the immune system and are located behind the nose. They help to trap germs that access the body through the nose or the mouth. They fight infection, causing the glands to grow, resulting in snoring and breathing problems – however, they can remain enlarged, even when the infection is cured. The adenoids increase in size in children until they are 6 years old, and then begin to decrease, disappearing when they are 16. There are cases in which they don’t decrease and remain with a large size until adult age. Besides infection, there are other causes that enlarge the adenoids, such as allergies, excess pollution, or smoking. Since these glands are located behind the nose, a doctor requires a special mirror to determine if they are enlarged. Some of the symptoms of enlarged adenoids are snoring, interrupted and restless sleep, breathing through the nose, bad breath, and ear infections, among others. Usually, enlarged adenoids can be treated with antibiotics, but in the case of children, they might require surgical removal if there are frequent sinus or ear infections. More info click here.


This New Material Can Solidify And Strengthen The Tooth Enamel

This New Material Can Solidify And Strengthen The Tooth Enamel    

It Could Be Mixed With Toothpaste And Included In The Daily Oral Cleansing    

Dental treatments, such as cavities and rebuilding tooth enamel are done in a surgical procedure by the dentist. However, there is a new material that can change this radically. It uses a process called remineralization, which consists of proteins that contain amino acids responsible for manufacturing minerals that solidify and strengthen the tooth’s hard enamel. This product can be added to OTC formulations and added to toothpaste, gels, and solutions. This would allow people to fortify their enamel as part of the daily oral hygiene program. Click here for more details.


Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?

Truth Or False: Is Garlic Good For Treating A Cold?    

Garlic is known to have many health benefits, but does it prevent a cold? It has a compound called allicin, which has been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, the studies and lab evidence showing that it prevents cold is weak. If suffering from a cold, the most it will contribute to bad breath. More details click here.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Dental Abscess Can Result In Tooth Loss

A Dental Abscess Can Result In Tooth Loss    

It Is An Infection That Causes A Buildup Of Pus Inside The Gums    

A dental abscess occurs when an infection has caused a buildup of pus that forms inside a tooth or gums. It shows as a swelling in the face corresponding to the area of the infected tooth. The cause is a weakened enamel, due to improper oral health, which allows the bacteria to form a cavity turning into an abscess. Among the symptoms are a pain in the affected part, swelling in the face, bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth, and tooth sensitivity. Click here for more details.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Drinking Alcohol May Cause Changes In The Bacterial Colony In The Mouth

Drinking Alcohol May Cause Changes In The Bacterial Colony In The Mouth    

It Could Also Cause Alcohol-Related Conditions, Such As Bad Breath And Periodontal Disease    

Drinking alcohol is related to bad breath because it causes dehydration, which leads to dry mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria. But recent studies also linked alcohol consumption to the bacteria responsible for gum disease, which also causes bad breath and a lower abundance of a bacteria related to good oral health called Lactobacillales. The studies also state that the microbial colony in the mouth, composed of more than 700 types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and that drinking alcohol changes this colony. These changes promote alcohol-related diseases, such as periodontal disease, digestive tract cancer, and head and neck cancer. Additional details click here.


A New Substance Can Help Treating Cavities, Saying Good-Bye To The Drill

A New Substance Can Help Treating Cavities, Saying Good-Bye To The Drill    

There is now an alternative to the drill on the dentist’s office. An antimicrobial substance can be applied on cavities and stop tooth decay, all this without the pain. It can prevent the cavities and also stop its progression. The downside is that it blackens the tooth. Additional information click here.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dehydration Has Adverse Effects On The Body

Dehydration Has Adverse Effects On The Body    

It Causes Bad Breath, Dry Mouth, And Also Dry Eyes, Among Others    

Dehydration will have adverse effects on the body. Most of the body is composed of water and if this balance is altered, it will have negative consequences. One of them is bad breath, caused by a lower level of moisture in the mouth. Saliva not only contains enzymes to aid food digestion but also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which is responsible for bad breath. It will also cause a dry tongue, causing an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth, caused by the lack of saliva production. This is not solved just by drinking a small amount of water, there must be enough water to restart saliva secretion. Dehydration has also consequences on the kidneys, resulting in a dark orange urine. Eyes are also affected, because it affects the production of tears to moisturize them, resulting in dry eyes. Click here for more info.


Health Benefits Of Spices And Herbs

Health Benefits Of Spices And Herbs    

There are common spices and herbs in Indian cuisine that have health benefits. For example, Basil has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system. Black pepper improves oral health and tooth decay, helps with digestive and respiratory problems and hernias. Check the full list. Click here for more details.


Cranberry Prevents Gum Disease In The Elderly, Good For Oral Health

Cranberry Prevents Gum Disease In The Elderly, Good For Oral Health    

Gum Disease Can Lead To Heart Disease, Stroke, And Dementia    

Researchers have shown the benefits of cranberry for oral health in the elderly. Poor oral health is one of the causes of health issues in nursing homes. The bacteria that originates gum disease can result in more serious conditions like heart disease, stroke, dementia, and diabetes, among others. The actual treatment in nursing homes consists chlorhexidine, which causes staining, alters the taste and has not been studied in the elderly population. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Chewing Gum Will Help Control Stress And Bad Breath

Chewing Gum Will Help Control Stress And Bad Breath    

There are some simple tips when you think you are stressing out. One of them is chewing gum, which relieves anxiety and stress, and also it stimulates the production of saliva, which moistens a dry mouth and helps getting rid of bad breath. Check all the tips to get rid of stress. Additional details click here.


Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings

Smart Material For Filling Fights Bacteria Under The Fillings    

It Has Been Developed To End Recurrent Caries    

When dentists treat cavities, they cover it with a filling. However, in some cases, bacteria can dig under the fillings and cause new car. This is called recurrent caries. Researchers have developed a new material containing particles of antimicrobial drugs, which will stop the bacterial attack. The objective s storing enough drug in the material, in order to be effective through the entire life or the patient. The new material contains bacterial drugs that self-assemble molecule by molecule. Additional details click here.


Facts And Myths On Oral Health

Facts And Myths On Oral Health    

There are truths and myths about oral health. For example, people think that the main cause of cavities is sugar. Really, the main cause is the acid produced by a bacteria which is generated by any carbohydrate. Also, white teeth are not necessarily healthy, for they might have gum disease. Check all the myths. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?

Does Your Kid Require A Tonsillectomy?    

Tonsils are usually a target for infections and in the past, its removal was a common procedure. Now they are removed in case the measures to prevent infection are ineffective. Other reasons are the presence on tonsil stones and halitosis. Additional details click here.


These Habits Will Help With Your Daily Health

These Habits Will Help With Your Daily Health    

Many of us make plans for next year or next month and include major changes which sometimes are not easy to fulfill. However, if we determine to change certain habits, such as eating healthier food, flossing, exercising with less effort, the changes will be easier. Additional information click here.


Why People Lose The Ability To Taste

Why People Lose The Ability To Taste    

There are disorders which affect the taste and smell, either losing the ability to taste, or providing different taste sensations. Menopause can bring a burning or metallic taste in the mouth. Head trauma can affect the areas responsible for processing the taste stimuli. Diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, poor oral health and gum diseases can also result in loss of taste. Check all the causes. More info click here.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Study: Poor Oral Health And Gum Disease Related To Dementia In Seniors

Study: Poor Oral Health And Gum Disease Related To Dementia In Seniors    

A study published years ago revealed a relation between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Recently another disease has shown a relationship between gum disease and cognitive decline or dementia. The cause might be bacterial inflammation. Click here for more information.


New Laser Procedure For Treating Gum Disease

New Laser Procedure For Treating Gum Disease    

Periodontal disease is one of the greatest responsible for tooth loss. Bacteria penetrate the space inside the gum and starts infecting the tooth. In some cases, it is necessary to cut the gum to access and remove the bacteria. Now there is a laser procedure to get rid of bacteria. Additional info click here.


Offering Cakes And Biscuits In Offices Leads To Obesity And Poor Oral Health

Offering Cakes And Biscuits In Offices Leads To Obesity And Poor Oral Health    

In many workplaces, it is common to offer cakes and biscuits during meetings, but it has been found that they promote obesity and poor oral health. This worsens by h fact that employees are sitting all day due to their jobs and cannot move around to get rid of the extra sugar intake. More details click here.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Skipping Breakfast Is Not A Good Idea

Skipping Breakfast Is Not A Good Idea    

Some people miss breakfast because they are late for work or for school or are not hungry. This is not a good idea. Since there is no food, the metabolism slows down, along with the level of sugar. Also, since there was no food, the salivary glands are not stimulated, resulting in a dry mouth and bad breath. Check full list. Click here for more info.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production

Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production    

It Helps With Digestion, Healthy Teeth, And Also With Anxiety And Stress Due To Its Repetitive Movements    

Chewing gum has health benefits. It doubles the production of saliva, which helps digestion by neutralizing the acids in foods. The additional saliva smoothens the flow of solid and liquid foods across the esophagus. Also has positive effects on heartburn, but the chewing gum must have fruity flavor – mint flavor relaxed the stomach valve, resulting in acid reflux. It also reduces nausea and also controls the irritability of the stomach. Also, a component present in saliva called iron phosphate helps with healthy teeth. It has also cognitive benefits, such as refreshing the memory and reducing depression. The repetitive chewing movements reduce the levels of stress and depression. Click here for more details.


Avoid These Habits If You Want To Have Healthy Teeth

Avoid These Habits If You Want To Have Healthy Teeth    

Certain habits damage our teeth. One of them is taking sugary drinks, soda, and even smoothies. Other is chewing ice, which will affect the enamel. Coffee and tea can cause a sudden temperature change, leading to a crack. An also, but not so usual, mouth piercings, which cause infection, and using the teeth as a tool to remove labels or open soda. Click here for more information.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Foul Breath In Cats Can Be The Symptom Of Gingivitis

A Foul Breath In Cats Can Be The Symptom Of Gingivitis    

Oral disease in cats can lead to gingivitis. It can be noticed when the cat eats more slowly and acts as if the mouth is hurting when it eats. Another symptom is bad breath. However, bad breath can be also present when the cat has certain bacteria in the mouth that have a foul odor. In this case, the answer is a mouth freshener. Additional information click here.


Coconut Oil Beneficial For Excess Weight And Tooth Decay

Coconut Oil Beneficial For Excess Weight And Tooth Decay    

Coconut oil has many essential nutrients and minerals, healthy saturated fats and fatty acids. Some of its benefits are helping lose excess weight, due to its fat-burning properties, boosting immunity, preventing tooth decay, lowering cardiovascular problems, and promoting muscle build-up. Check all the benefits of coconut oil. Additional info click here.


Teeth Grinding Can Wear Out The Enamel And Even Affect The Tooth Support Bone

Teeth Grinding Can Wear Out The Enamel And Even Affect The Tooth Support Bone    

It Is Also Called Bruxism And Is Caused By Anxiety Or Stress    

Teeth grinding, or bruxism is caused by stress, anxiety and even poor alignment. It has serious consequences because it wears the tooth enamel, and usually occurs at night, when we are asleep and not conscious. One of the signs is waking up with a deep headache and a sore jaw. Worn-down enamel exposes the dentin, showing a change in the color of the teeth to orange or yellow. Also, exposed dentin increases teeth sensitivity. Another issue is the risk of cracking the enamel and also affecting the bone that supports the tooth, along with the bone. The jaw muscles and the temporomandibular joint also suffer from the repetitive grinding. Additional details click here.


Vodka Not Only For Drinks – Check These Other Uses

Vodka Not Only For Drinks – Check These Other Uses    

A night with excessive vodka will make you feel terrible on the next morning. But believe it or not, it has beauty benefits, provided that it is used diluted. Adding a few drops to the shampoo will help with shiny hair. Its low pH will help normalize the hair’s pH level. It also has astringent properties, helping tighten the skin and avoiding wrinkles. Using it diluted in water, it also kills the bacteria in the mouth, getting rid of bad breath. Check all the benefits. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition

Bad Breath Can Be That Cause Of A Serious Body Condition    

Bad breath can be caused by a dry mouth, product of dehydration, or by poor oral hygiene. But it can mean something far worse such as stomach cancer, which requires an invasive procedure to confirm, or diabetes, which causes a dry mouth, or even kidney failure. These conditions cannot be diagnosed with just one symptom, but it is convenient to speak about them to a specialist. Click here for more details.


Water Is The Best Nutrient

Water Is The Best Nutrient    

Water is the most vital nutrient, however, it usually gets overlooked. It is well known that we can survive without food but not without water. Dehydration has serious health effects, from fatigue, depression, poor digestion, to bad breath, and migraines. Check the full benefits of water. Additional details click here.


Stress Is One Of The Causes Of Teeth Grinding

Stress Is One Of The Causes Of Teeth Grinding    

It Results In Flattened Or Chipped Teeth And Headaches Hen Waking Up    

Stress can have effects on the body, such as headaches and loss of sleep. However, it can also affect the teeth in the form of teeth grinding or bruxism. It can happen unconsciously, or at night, while sleeping, resulting in worn, flattened or chipped teeth, and also in headaches when waking up or problems in the temporomandibular joint. Teeth grinding can also be a side effect of drugs for treating depression. Other studies have found a relationship between stress and periodontal disease, including gum infections. More info click here.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth In The Morning

The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth In The Morning    

Some people say it’s better to brush the teeth before breakfast, and some prefer to do it afterward. The truth is that by night, there is very little saliva, so the mouth is dry and the bad breath shows up. You can brush before breakfast to get rid of the taste, but if brushing afterward, check first these tips. Click here for more details.


Can’t Determine The Cause Of Bad Breath? A Visit To The Dentist Can Help

Can’t Determine The Cause Of Bad Breath? A Visit To The Dentist Can Help    

Poor oral hygiene and dehydration cause bad breath. Little particles of food can get trapped between your teeth and begin decomposing. This can be solved with proper flossing. Also, a visit to the dentist is advised to make sure these food particles are not trapped in the crown or in the fillings. Additional details click here.


A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health

A Clogged Liver Can Affect Your Digestion, Headaches Or Poor Oral Health    

These Simple Steps Can Help You Cleanse Your Liver    

Modern life can lead sometimes to an unhealthy diet, resulting in poor digestion, bloating, constipation and heartburn. The blame usually goes to the stomach and colon. However, the problem might be in the liver. It is responsible for obtaining blood from the stomach and intestines, eliminating the toxins from it, and producing bile to help digestion. In some cases, the liver is overworking due to a poor diet, or it can be clogged or imbalanced, resulting in headaches and poor oral health and filthy teeth. Learn these simple steps to cleanse your liver. Click here for more details.


Monday, June 8, 2020

Benefits Of An Anti-Inflammatory Diet On Oral Health

Benefits Of An Anti-Inflammatory Diet On Oral Health    

A recent study has shown that periodontal health can be improved by switching to a diet oriented to reducing inflammation. This means reducing carbohydrates and increasing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and d and antioxidants. Additional details click here.


The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth In The Morning

The Best Time To Brush Your Teeth In The Morning    

Some people say it’s better to brush the teeth before breakfast, and some prefer to do it afterward. The truth is that by night, there is very little saliva, so the mouth is dry and the bad breath shows up. You can brush before breakfast to get rid of the taste, but if brushing afterward, check first these tips. Click here for more details.


Sinusitis And Bad Breath

Sinusitis And Bad Breath    

The mucosa in out nose and sinuses produce mucus, which is moved to the back of the nose by cilia and then swallowed. But with sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, the cilia stop working and the mucus builds up, resulting in inflammation and bad breath. How to beat this? More Information click here.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Onions Have Many Health Benefits

Onions Have Many Health Benefits    

Onions are responsible for bad breath, but on the other side, they have many health benefits and are a must in Asian cuisine. Among its components are vitamin C, which boosts immunity, folates, which help fighting depression, and also aids in the prevention of cancer. Check all the health benefits. More Information click here.


Friday, June 5, 2020

E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer

E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer    

Wish to quit smoking? Good idea because, apart from the cancer risk, also gives you bad breath. Perhaps you have thought of getting one e-cigarette. However, it has been recently found out that the vapors of these e-cigarettes weaken the defense of the oral cavity, increasing the risk of oral cancer. More info click here.


Whole Grain Carbohydrates May Protect Against Oral Cancer And Gum Disease

Whole Grain Carbohydrates May Protect Against Oral Cancer And Gum Disease    

However, Processed Carbohydrates Increase Cavities – This Is Due To The Type Of Starches Each One Has    

According to a recent study, whole grain carbohydrates improve oral health, due to the type of starches it contains. Whole grain carbohydrates have slowly digestible starches, as in whole grains and legumes, while processed carbohydrates have rapidly digestible starches, like the ones in white bread, crackers, cakes, and pretzels. The starch found in the processed carbohydrates can be broken into sugars in the mouth, by the amylase found in the saliva. These sugars increase the risk of cavities and gum disease. On the other hand, the starches from whole grain carbohydrates decrease the risk of oral cancer and also protect again gum disease. More details click here.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Poor Meat Digestion May Lead To Constipation, Acid Reflux And Bad Breath

Poor Meat Digestion May Lead To Constipation, Acid Reflux And Bad Breath    

Sometimes, feeling nausea or heartburn after lunch with a steak or a hamburger means that you cannot digest meat. Other symptoms are bloating, constipation, bad body other and bad breath, and a higher risk of acquiring food-related conditions, such as salmonella. It can be worsened there are big meat portions or improper chewing. More Information click here.


Biting Your Nails Can Affect Oral Health

Biting Your Nails Can Affect Oral Health    

Nail biting is a habit and a form of anxiousness. However, it can get you sick also because it brings the dirt and germs under the nails to the mouth, develop a nail infection called paronychia, which shows as a red swollen area around the nails, and it is also bad for oral health because teeth may shift out of place and even breaking. Also, the nail germs and nail polish chemicals can infect the gums, leading to bad breath. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production

Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production    

It Helps With Digestion, Healthy Teeth, And Also With Anxiety And Stress Due To Its Repetitive Movements    

Chewing gum has health benefits. It doubles the production of saliva, which helps digestion by neutralizing the acids in foods. The additional saliva smoothens the flow of solid and liquid foods across the esophagus. Also has positive effects on heartburn, but the chewing gum must have fruity flavor – mint flavor relaxed the stomach valve, resulting in acid reflux. It also reduces nausea and also controls the irritability of the stomach. Also, a component present in saliva called iron phosphate helps with healthy teeth. It has also cognitive benefits, such as refreshing the memory and reducing depression. The repetitive chewing movements reduce the levels of stress and depression. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Taking Care Of Your Teeth And Mouth Will Improve Your Digestion And Self-Confidence

Taking Care Of Your Teeth And Mouth Will Improve Your Digestion And Self-Confidence    

Teeth are a fundamental part of the digestive process because they help prepare the food, along with saliva, for the next phase. Besides brushing and flossing, a good idea is to limit sugar because of the increased risk of cavities and also bad breath. Also, a set of healthy teeth boosts self-confidence and a healthy and bright smile will make one appear more professional and employable. Additional info click here.


Biting Your Nails Can Affect Oral Health

Biting Your Nails Can Affect Oral Health    

Nail biting is a habit and a form of anxiousness. However, it can get you sick also because it brings the dirt and germs under the nails to the mouth, develop a nail infection called paronychia, which shows as a red swollen area around the nails, and it is also bad for oral health because teeth may shift out of place and even breaking. Also, the nail germs and nail polish chemicals can infect the gums, leading to bad breath. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production

Chewing Gum Has Many Health Benefits Linked To Excess Saliva Production    

It Helps With Digestion, Healthy Teeth, And Also With Anxiety And Stress Due To Its Repetitive Movements    

Chewing gum has health benefits. It doubles the production of saliva, which helps digestion by neutralizing the acids in foods. The additional saliva smoothens the flow of solid and liquid foods across the esophagus. Also has positive effects on heartburn, but the chewing gum must have fruity flavor – mint flavor relaxed the stomach valve, resulting in acid reflux. It also reduces nausea and also controls the irritability of the stomach. Also, a component present in saliva called iron phosphate helps with healthy teeth. It has also cognitive benefits, such as refreshing the memory and reducing depression. The repetitive chewing movements reduce the levels of stress and depression. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Real Facts About Toothbrushes And Toothpaste

The Real Facts About Toothbrushes And Toothpaste    

Brushing your teeth in the morning is a ritual that removes bad breath, cleans the teeth and the gums, and prevents cavities and gum disease. The toothbrush does not have to be a special one – just keep it clean. The toothpaste can make many promises: tartar control, whitening, sensitive, but up to a certain level. If you require a thorough whitening or plaque removal, it better to visit a dentist. Click here for more details.


Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System

Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System    

Going to the dentist can be more important than just checking your teeth and fixing cavities. The bacteria in your mouth can damage not only your gums and teeth, but can also lead to gum disease, which can clog your blood vessels, and even infect your cardiovascular system. Check all the consequences of poor oral health. More details click here.


Sinusitis Can Result In Bad Breath And Toothache

Sinusitis Can Result In Bad Breath And Toothache    

The Cause Is Contaminated Mucus Flowing From The Sinuses    

One of the causes of bad breath is sinusitis. This condition occurs when there is a bacterial infection in the sinuses. These are cavities behind the cheekbones and forehead, which filter and humidify the air as we breathe. There are done with the help of a mucous membrane that also captures pollutant, and is drained into the nasal cavity. However, an infection might obstruct the drainage, resulting in sinusitis. Its symptoms are a headache, nasal dripping and bad breath, among others. This happens because the contaminated mucus can also flow into the oral cavity, leading to bad breath and toothache. Click here for more information.


Monday, June 1, 2020

Avoiding The Gag Reflex And Vomiting While Brushing The Teeth

Avoiding The Gag Reflex And Vomiting While Brushing The Teeth    

The Cause Can Be An Incorrect Pattern For Brushing The Teeth Or Cleaning The Tongue    

There are cases in which brushing the teeth causes a gag reflex, feeling like throwing up. A gag reflex is a protective mechanism that stops the entrance of foreign unwanted material to the throat. There are various causes, such as an incorrect brushing pattern, in which the toothbrush gets in contact with the soft palate, triggering vomiting. The culprit is usually a toothbrush with a head that is too large for the size of the mouth. Another cause is a wrong procedure for cleaning the tongue, in which the tongue cleaner contacts the back of the tongue. Other reasons are pregnancy and dental worries. Check how to prevent the gag reflex. Click here for more info.


Teeth Whitening, The Natural Way

Teeth Whitening, The Natural Way    

There are treatments for teeth whitening. However, they might be harsh on teeth or gums. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives, such as coconut oil pulling, apple cider vinegar, and activated charcoal. Also, girls can give the illusion of whiter teeth using blue-based lipsticks. Click here for more details.


Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care

Aging Adults Require Special Oral Care    

Lack Of Saliva, Gum Disease, And Enamel Loss Are Some Of The Issues    

Elder adults must have a special care for their teeth and oral health in general. One of them is dry mouth because if the decreased saliva flow, which can also be caused by certain medications. Lack of saliva will promote bacterial growth, and also affect digestion. There is also an increased risk of gum disease, due to plaque, poor-fitting dentures and diseases such as cancer, anemia, and diabetes. Attrition is another cause, which is the wear and tear, resulting in a loss of enamel. This can be treated avoiding acidic drinks. Check all the oral issues that appear with age. More details click here.