Friday, January 31, 2020

This Will Make You Think Twice Before Having A Soft Drink

This Will Make You Think Twice Before Having A Soft Drink    

A bottle of soft drink will get rid of your thirst, but it has downsides. It contains sugar in the form of fructose corn syrup (the unhealthiest of all), caffeine and water that might be impure. All with almost no nutrients. It increases the blood sugar level, blood pressure, promotes fat buildup, tooth decay and its sugar content results in bad breath. More Information click here.


This Breath Detection Device Will Measure Alcohol And Also The Bad Breath

This Breath Detection Device Will Measure Alcohol And Also The Bad Breath    

Bad breath is not easy to spot but annoys the persons around. Now a company specializing in alcohol breath meters is working on breath analyzers for health conditions that cause it, such as diabetes, asthma, and of course, bad breath. Click here for more details.


Coconut Oil Beneficial For Excess Weight And Tooth Decay

Coconut Oil Beneficial For Excess Weight And Tooth Decay    

Coconut oil has many essential nutrients and minerals, healthy saturated fats and fatty acids. Some of its benefits are helping lose excess weight, due to its fat-burning properties, boosting immunity, preventing tooth decay, lowering cardiovascular problems, and promoting muscle build-up. Check all the benefits of coconut oil. Additional info click here.


Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System

Poor Oral Health Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System    

Going to the dentist can be more important than just checking your teeth and fixing cavities. The bacteria in your mouth can damage not only your gums and teeth, but can also lead to gum disease, which can clog your blood vessels, and even infect your cardiovascular system. Check all the consequences of poor oral health. More details click here.


Thursday, January 30, 2020

Getting Rid Of Morning Bad Breath

Getting Rid Of Morning Bad Breath    

Morning bad breath is caused by excess growth of bacteria in the mouth, due to the dryness after low saliva production in the night. Brushing your teeth addresses bacteria and plaque in the teeth, but a tongue scraper and brushing the inner mouth walls will complete the job. Click here for more info.


Consequences Of Taking Too Many Proteins

Consequences Of Taking Too Many Proteins    

Protein is thought to be a cure for everything, so there are versions of protein-enhanced cereals and even potato chips. However a balanced diet already has all the protein that is needed, and excess of it will cause mood swings, kidney problems, foul body odor, and bad breath. Additional information click here.


This Interdental Brush Is An Alternative To Flossing

This Interdental Brush Is An Alternative To Flossing    

Many people don’t like flossing because it takes too much time or finds too uncomfortable inserting their fingers in their mouth. The alternative is interdental cleaners, such as the one shown, which address hard-to-reach areas between the teeth. More info click here.


Effect Of Hormones In Oral Health

Effect Of Hormones In Oral Health    

Hormones can affect oral health. In the case of women, estrogen can increase the risk of osteoporosis, joint pain, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. It also affects the fluid in the body, leading to a dry mouth, hence bad breath. In men, low testosterone levels also cause dry mouth. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Healthy Habits For Controlling Bad Breath

Healthy Habits For Controlling Bad Breath    

Good oral health will reduce the risk of bad breath. There are several habits that will help you eliminate them. For example, brush your teeth, but also brush your tongue stay clean of bacteria. Also, avoid a dry mouth by drinking enough water. Additional details click here.


Consequences Of Skipping Dentist Check-Ups

Consequences Of Skipping Dentist Check-Ups    

People should have their teeth checked every 6 months. However, skipping the regular checks can lead to rapid tooth decay and the person could not be aware that something is wrong. After six months, cavities may appear. After one year, the cavities might increase, possibly leading to tooth loss, Also gum disease may appear. Check what happens after 5 and ten years. More Information click here.


Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment But Also Has Many Side Effects

Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment But Also Has Many Side Effects    

Among Them Are Nausea, Constipation And Vomiting, Hair Loss, Mood Changes, And Oral Injuries    

Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the worst news that a person can receive. Many patients have doubts and are confused about cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy. The objective of this treatment is to destroy the cells that are growing fast, like cancer cells, but unfortunately, it also targets other fast-reproducing, healthy cells, such as hair follicles, mouth, digestive tract, and bone marrow. It can also affect the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and nervous system. The most common side effect is hair loss because the chemotherapy drug affects the hair follicles. It will also affect hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs, and genitals. However, not every chemotherapy drug causes hair loss. another common symptom is nausea and vomiting. The drug has an effect on the gastrointestinal system, causing the nausea sensation or actual vomiting. Other gastric issues are constipation and diarrhea, which can be prevented by eating high-fiber foods and staying hydrated. Chemotherapy can also affect oral health, causing mouth sores, and also mood changes, including anxiety and depression, and have a negative effect on the cognition. Click here for more information.


Pregnancy Can Increase The Risk Of Tooth Loss

Pregnancy Can Increase The Risk Of Tooth Loss    

The Causes Are The Acidic Content In The Mouth Due To Nausea And Hormonal Changes    

Pregnancy can be the indirect cause of tooth loss and gum disease. Nausea caused by pregnancy contains acidic food remains, which erode the enamel, exposing it to harmful oral bacteria. Also, it increases teeth sensitivity. One solution is to rinse the mouth after each nausea episode, in order to clean the acid from the mouth. Another cause is related to hormonal changes during pregnancy, which makes gums more vulnerable to plaque, increasing the risk of gum disease, and resulting in inflammation and bleeding. Fortunately, gums and oral health returns to normal after childbirth. More info click here.


Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Junk Food Is Tasty But Has Harsh Consequences On The Body

Junk Food Is Tasty But Has Harsh Consequences On The Body    

Besides Excess Weight, It Is A Major Cause Of Bad Breath, Gum Disease, And Acid Reflux    

Junk food has great taste, but its nutritional value is close to zero. It can also lead to obesity, cardiovascular conditions, and diabetes. It also results in bad breath, which is not only caused by onions. It can cause additional oral health problems, such as sore gums and gum disease because these foods do not have the suitable minerals and vitamins, so bacteria and germs present in teeth and gums will cause these oral health problems. Junk foods are also hard to digest, causing a gas build-up, which is released through the mouth, resulting in a foul smell. Also, junk foods are a cause of acidity and acid reflux, also resulting in bad breath. Diabetes worsens bad breath because the mouth bacteria feeds on sugar, and its presence due to diabetes promote bacterial growth. Additional information click here.


A Dental Abscess Can Result In Tooth Loss

A Dental Abscess Can Result In Tooth Loss    

It Is An Infection That Causes A Buildup Of Pus Inside The Gums    

A dental abscess occurs when an infection has caused a buildup of pus that forms inside a tooth or gums. It shows as a swelling in the face corresponding to the area of the infected tooth. The cause is a weakened enamel, due to improper oral health, which allows the bacteria to form a cavity turning into an abscess. Among the symptoms are a pain in the affected part, swelling in the face, bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth, and tooth sensitivity. Click here for more details.


Dry Mouth Can Be Related To Dry Eyes, And Even Dry Mucous Membranes

Dry Mouth Can Be Related To Dry Eyes, And Even Dry Mucous Membranes    

It Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Rather Than Dehydration    

A dry mouth is usually linked to dehydration. However, it can be also caused by certain medications, and promote the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath and increase the risk of oral disease and tooth loss. On the other hand, according to studies, the presence of dry mouth is also related to dry eyes, in which the patient may suffer from impaired eyesight, with chronic discomfort and painful wounds and scars on the exterior of the eye. As mentioned, it is not linked to dehydration, but to the lack of a protective film that prevents the teats from evaporating. Tears lubricate the eyes and keep them moist, but they are prone to evaporate. Hence, there are sebaceous glands that secrete a film of fat that rests over the tears and prevents the evaporation. This dryness can also come along with dryness in the mucous membranes, which can be a symptom of a more serious problem, in which the sebaceous glands in the eyes come become blocked or defective. More Information click here.


Plain Sparking Water Is A Hydrating As Normal Water

Plain Sparking Water Is A Hydrating As Normal Water    

However, Sparkling Sugary Sodas Or Colas Can Affect Tooth Enamel Or Bone Density    

Sparkling water provides an effervescent sensation in the mouth caused by the CO2. It also has the same hydrating properties as plain water. However, it must be unflavored sparkling water, or seltzer, not sugary soda, which can attack the tooth enamel, and lead to excess weight. Also, some people believe that soda water can affect bone density in women, but it is referred to soda water with cola, not plain soda water. Additional details click here.


Monday, January 27, 2020

Dental Anxiety Can Be Treated With Acupuncture

Dental Anxiety Can Be Treated With Acupuncture    

Patients Experience Nausea, Dizziness, And Breathing Difficulty When Going To The Dentist    

According to researchers, acupuncture could help people with dental anxiety. Dental anxiety is a condition in which affects patients when going to the dentist. The symptoms are similar to an anxiety attack, such as nausea, difficulty breathing, and dizziness, and can be originated by fear of needles, of the vibration of the dental drill, or the side effects of anesthetics. This condition affects 30% of the adult population. Researchers found that the level of anxiety reduction was clinically relevant. Acupuncture has also shown to increase the effectiveness of drugs used in chronic pain and depression. Additional info click here.


Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind

Poor Posture Can Have Consequences On The Body And The Mind    

It Affects Respiration And Causes Back Pain, Headaches, Mental Stress, Acid Reflux, And Even May Affect The Breath    

A poor posture not only affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to back pain and joint pain but also can harm other parts of the body. It prevents proper respiration, because of the position of the diaphragm. Also, the stress on the neck can cause headaches, hip and lower joint pain due to the muscles imbalances due to poor posture. Slouching also causes organ compression in the abdominal area, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn, and the body has to make an extra effort to digest food. Also, acid reflux and poor digestion may cause the return of food matter up to the threat and oral cavity, affecting the teeth, due to its acidity, and resulting in bad breath. Another consequence is the physical and mental stress caused by the misalignment of the body, leading to pain and loss of motivation. Click here for more details.


New Technology In Dentures Can Prevent Infections And Save Manufacturing Time

New Technology In Dentures Can Prevent Infections And Save Manufacturing Time    

It Uses 3D Printing And Microcapsules Filled With Antifungal Drugs    

Frequent fungal infections are common in dentures, which cause swelling, inflammation, and redness. These are disinfected with antiseptics, baking soda, and even microwaves, but in these cases, the user must remove the dentures to clean them. A new approach includes the antifungal drugs inside 3D printed dentures, which prevents fungal infections while dentures are in use. The dentures have microscopic capsules filled with antifungal medication, which is released when the microspheres degrade. Also, using 3D printing saves cost and time, compared to manufacturing conventional dentures, which takes days or weeks. More Information click here.


Dehydration Has Adverse Effects On The Body

Dehydration Has Adverse Effects On The Body    

It Causes Bad Breath, Dry Mouth, And Also Dry Eyes, Among Others    

Dehydration will have adverse effects on the body. Most of the body is composed of water and if this balance is altered, it will have negative consequences. One of them is bad breath, caused by a lower level of moisture in the mouth. Saliva not only contains enzymes to aid food digestion but also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, which is responsible for bad breath. It will also cause a dry tongue, causing an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth, caused by the lack of saliva production. This is not solved just by drinking a small amount of water, there must be enough water to restart saliva secretion. Dehydration has also consequences on the kidneys, resulting in a dark orange urine. Eyes are also affected, because it affects the production of tears to moisturize them, resulting in dry eyes. Click here for more info.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid –And Can Also Interfere- With Its Normal Processes    

Some Are Located In The Hair Follicles And Scalp, The Intestine, And Even Cause Bad Breath And Cavities    

The human body is a house for millions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help in maintaining good health. These bacteria also help to contain the growth of harmful bacteria. However, if the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria get out of balance, leading to fungus infections or bacterial yeast. Some of the microorganisms live on the eyelashes and inside the hair follicles. There are other bacteria in the form of yeast in the scalp. A poor diet or other causes could cause an imbalance, leading to rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Other bacteria in the hair is located in the armpits, responsible for the strong smell, which is caused by their combination of fatty acids and proteins in sweat. It is also well-known that there are intestinal bacteria that aids with digestion. In fact, according to specialists, the typical healthy adult digestive system has almost four pounds of microorganisms consisting of over three million genes. There are also bacteria in the mouth which aids with digestion, but there is also another type of microorganisms that are harmful, which are responsible or cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Check all the types of bacteria and microorganisms that live in the human body. More details click here.


Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia

Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia    

Symptoms Include Lack Of Energy, Erectile Dysfunction, Mouth Injuries, Tinnitus, Headaches, And Even Hair Loss    

Testosterone deficiency is a condition that affects 38% of men over 45. It occurs when the testicles are not producing enough testosterone. It is caused by insufficient testosterone production by the testicles, which affects several body functions, such as libido, concentration, mood, and strength. Among the symptoms are tiredness and lack of energy, weight gain, low mood, lack of concentration, reduced strength and endurance, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. However, according to a new research, 70% of the cases could be mistaking testosterone deficiency for natural signs of aging. Another condition that can have similar symptoms as testosterone deficiency is anemia. Other signs of anemia are tiredness and lack of energy, noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations), shortness of breath, and pale skin. there are also headache, tinnitus, food tasting strange, itchiness, and hair loss. There are also oral issues, such as difficulty swallowing, a sore tongue, and painful open sores in the corners of the mouth. Additional info click here.


Excessive Garlic Consumption Can Have Harmful Health Effects

Excessive Garlic Consumption Can Have Harmful Health Effects    

It Can Affect Liver Function, Cause Heartburn, And Bad Breath    

Even though garlic makes food taste better and is beneficial for the body, eating it daily can lead to harmful side effects. It can affect the liver, which is responsible for protein metabolism, blood purification, fat metabolism, and removing ammonia from the body. Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which can e toxic to the liver toxicity if ingested in large quantities. It can also result in diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting if eaten with an empty stomach. Also, there is a well-known effect, in which the excess Sulphur can be released through the skin or breath causing bad body odor and bad breath. Click here for more details.


Receding Gums Can Result In Tooth Loss

Receding Gums Can Result In Tooth Loss    

It Is Caused By Brushing Too Hard, Gum Disease, And By Tooth Grinding    

Oral health is oriented to preventing cavities through proper brushing, also preventing gum disease. Gums are the foundation of teeth. Therefore, even though teeth are well-maintained and free of cavities, if the tooth foundation is affected, the result will be poor oral health. Receding gums is a symptom of gum disease, which exposes the root of the teeth to harmful bacteria, making the teeth look longer. Among the symptoms are sensitivity, swollen gums, bleeding while brushing, and persistent bad breath. If untreated, it can result in tooth loss. The causes are brushing too hard, gum disease, and tooth grinding. More Information click here.


Saturday, January 25, 2020

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath    

It Detects Hydrogen Sulfide Gas After One Minute Of Exposure Of Breath To The Sensor    

Bad breath can be an annoyance or a symptom of a serious health condition. For most people, it is difficult to detect, unless somebody tells them about it. Actually, there are sensors but they require a power source, have low sensitivity, or require time to show the results. Researchers are working on a portable sensor that can detect very small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, which is responsible for the smell of bad breath. It works showing a color change on the sensor surface, after one minute of being exposed to the breath. Additional details click here.


A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss

A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss    

Among The Causes Are A Bacterial Infection, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, And Even Tooth Infection    

A sore throat can also cause ear pain because the nerves in the back of the throat are located near the nerves from the ear, the throat pain often radiates to one or both ears. Also, the ears communicate with the throat via the Eustachian tube, which can transmit bacteria or swell, increasing the pressure of the ear. the infection can originate in the ear, in the form of otitis media, or even in the ear canal, which can become moist, promoting the growth of bacteria. Symptoms are a sore throat, headache, earache, and hearing loss. Other conditions to throat inflammation are related to the tonsils and bacterial infections. The sinuses an also affect the throat and ears, due to sinusitis and allergies. Additional causes are related to oral health in the form of a tooth abscess, which is a pocket of pus grows at the root’s tip of the tooth, causing a severe pain that radiates to the jawbone and ear. Check all the causes of a sore throat and how it can affect the ears. Click here for more information.


This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill

This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill    

It Is Ideal For Children, Of People With Sensitivity To Anesthesia    

There is a treatment for cavities that does require the trauma of drilling the teeth. It consists of a brush on liquid called silver diamine fluorite (SDF). According to specialists, this treatment does not only help children but also people with special needs who cannot endure anesthesia and also adults with dementia who may have a negative reaction to the drill. It works like an antibiotic on tooth decay, is painless, and much less expensive than a cavity treatment. This liquid kills bacteria, hardens the tooth, and prevents decay, It avoids needles, drilling, sedation, and extended time on the dentist’s seat. However, there is a downside. The treated area turns black. According to specialists, this means that this silver is reacting property with the bacteria and the procedure is working. The stained areas are only the ones affected by bacteria, not the healthy ones. Also, another advantage is that the substance is still present in the bacteria, even after the bacteria has been killed. Therefore, the new bacteria is killed by the substance in the dead bacteria, preventing further advance. They proceeded is not a cure for cavities, but stops most of them, if not all. More info click here.


Avoid Bad Breath, The Natural Way

Avoid Bad Breath, The Natural Way    

Rinse With Baking Soda To Kill Bacteria And Chew Mint And Thyme For A Fresh Breath    

A fresh and good-smelling breath is achieved with proper oral health. There are also natural ways that keep bad breath away. Among them are rinsing with baking soda, which has been proven to kill mouth bacteria. Also, there are herbs and spices that can be chewed, or taken as infusions, like mint, thyme, cilantro, and also fennel, cardamom, and ginger. It is important also to stay hydrated, to avoid a dry mouth, which promoted the growth of foul-smelling bacteria. Additional information click here.


Friday, January 24, 2020

Myths About Brushing The Teeth And Oral Hygiene

Myths About Brushing The Teeth And Oral Hygiene    

Is It Not A Good Idea To Brush The Teeth Hard, Nor Rinse Them Immediately After    

In most cases, our parents teach us how to brush our teeth, and we get the main habits from them. And, in some cases, it is not the best advice. For example, brushing the teeth hard won’t leave them cleaner. On the contrary, it will erode the hard enamel. Also, brushing immediately after eating is not a good idea. If the food or drinks contained acid, the enamel will be softened, and brushing can do more harm than good. It is better to wait 30 minutes until the saliva can wash away the acids. Another myth is related to rinsing the mouth. Toothpaste contains an ingredient, called fluoride, which helps protect the enamel and cannot deliver this protection if the toothpaste is rinsed immediately. Check all the myths about proper brushing and oral hygiene. Click here for more info.


Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth

Eating These Foods Will Help In To Obtain Whiter Teeth    

They Are A Natural Alternative To Whitening Toothpaste And Expensive Treatments    

White teeth are a sign of proper oral care and hygiene. Some toothpaste brands claim that they remove stains, but they are only eroding the teeth enamel. Whitening treatments can damage the teeth, and also are expensive. Fortunately, there are foods and home ingredients that will help to get white teeth. One of them is baking soda, which has proven effective in removing plaque and getting rid of the yellow color. Strawberries contain malic acid, which helps remove teeth stains, sweet potatoes create an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, promoting bacteria that protects the teeth, and onions have sulfurous compounds that have strong antibacterial effects, improving teeth health, and whitening them. Carrots, on the other side, besides their antioxidant and therapeutic compounds, have a crunchy and fibrous texture. This provides a mechanical effect cleaning the plaque and removing food remains from between the teeth. Check all the foods that will help achieve stronger and whiter teeth. More details click here.


Benefits Of Sugar-Free Gum For Oral And Gastric Health

Benefits Of Sugar-Free Gum For Oral And Gastric Health    

There will be times in which you cannot brush your teeth after a meal. An alternative is to chew sugar-free gum. This promotes the production of saliva, which neutralizes the plaque acids, preventing tooth decay. Also, the saliva’s enzymes will aid the digestion. Click here for more details.


Want To Know More About Tonsil Stones? Check This

Want To Know More About Tonsil Stones? Check This    

One of the causes of bad breath is tonsil stones. The tonsils are designed to trap viruses and bacteria, which turns into debris that includes food, mucus, and dead cells. All this gets trapped into the ridges of the tonsils and calcifies, which turns into a tonsil stone. It can be removed by a dentist, but other people prefer to remove it themselves, and even share photos and videos, as shown in this article. Additional info click here.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Negative Effects Of Acidity In Your Body

Negative Effects Of Acidity In Your Body    

Foods can be acid or alkaline. Excess eating of one kind or the other will affect the balance of pH in the body. If the body is acidic, the calcium in the bones will be used to maintain the pH balance, so it might lead to osteoporosis. It also increases the sensitivity of the teeth, leads to headaches, depression, poor digestion, and acne. Among others, it affects the digestive system causing indigestion, heartburn and causes bad breath. Check all the effects. More details click here.


Quick And Natural Way To Get Rid Of Garlic Breath

Quick And Natural Way To Get Rid Of Garlic Breath    

Garlic has health benefits and enhances the flavor of the food, but the downside is the bad breath. A study has shown that raw apple or lettuce can help in controlling it. A study showed that the volatile compounds generated by garlic were reduced by 50%. Click here for more info.


Is Your Diet Giving You Bad Breath? This Mouthwash Will Help

Is Your Diet Giving You Bad Breath? This Mouthwash Will Help    

One of the actual trendy diets is high protein, low-carb diets such as Paleo, Caveman, and Atkins. These are based on a process called ketosis, which generates ketones such as acetone, and are expelled through the breath and also leads to dry mouth. There is now a mouthwash that can control it. Additional information click here.


Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities

Dried Fruits As An Alternative To Sweets Means Fewer Cavities    

Many people have diets high in sugar and low on fiber. This is because of the excess in consumption of sweetened drinks and processed foods. However, dried fruits have the correct balance between sugar and fiber. So, why are dried fruits not being promoted? Additional details click here.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture

Stay Away From The Teeth Whitening Charcoal Mixture    

There is a fad about teeth whitening. Some people are using and promoting the use of a charcoal based mixture prior to brushing to whiten teeth. Actually, dentists say that this substance deteriorates and erodes enamel. More Information click here.


Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache

Guava Leaf Tea Is A Natural Treatment For Toothache    

Guava has been part of traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and South America. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants and flavonoids. Among its health benefits are controlling diarrhea, lowering cholesterol, managing diabetes and promoting weight loss, among others. Also, it helps with a toothache because of its antibacterial agents and also with hair loss. Click here for more details.


Check This High-Tech Tongue Scraper

Check This High-Tech Tongue Scraper    

One of the causes of bad breath are the bacteria located in the tongue. There are many tongue scrapers on the market. One of them is the Tongue Scraper Pro, made of metal with a medical coating. It is shaped to assure that all the bacteria with the foul odor gets removed from the tongue. Additional info click here.


Natural Treatments For Gum Disease

Natural Treatments For Gum Disease    

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is the bacterial infection of the gums. However, most cases are treatable, and there are many home remedies. Some of them are oil pulling, turmeric, and hydrogen peroxide. Garlic and salt water are also helpful. Check all the list. More details click here.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Scientists Explain The Perfect Smile

Scientists Explain The Perfect Smile    

The perfect smile is subjective. However, science has now an explanation. For example, the width of the smile must be at least half of the face. Also, white teeth are good, but no mere than the whites of the eyes – else the teeth become dominant over the eyes. Check all the tips for a perfect smile. Click here for more info.


This Fast Acting Technique Will Help With Sinus Pain

This Fast Acting Technique Will Help With Sinus Pain    

Sinusitis is one of the causes of bad breath. It is a sinus infection in which the sinuses are filled with fluids and germs. The mucus drips into the oral cavity, resulting in a foul smell. It is usually treated with antibiotics. But this tip will alleviate it almost immediately. It applies pressure on the space between the eyebrows. This loosens moves the vomer bone, loosening the congestion. Check the full advice. Additional information click here.


Ayurvedic Medicine Can Help You With Bad Breath

Ayurvedic Medicine Can Help You With Bad Breath    

Oil pulling has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a way to improve oral health, detoxify the blood and heal sinus issues. It can be done with coconut, sesame or olive oil, swishing it around the mouth for 10 to 20 minutes. It can help also with sensitive or painful teeth, yellow or stained teeth, and bad breath. More info click here.


Vodka Not Only For Drinks – Check These Other Uses

Vodka Not Only For Drinks – Check These Other Uses    

A night with excessive vodka will make you feel terrible on the next morning. But believe it or not, it has beauty benefits, provided that it is used diluted. Adding a few drops to the shampoo will help with shiny hair. Its low pH will help normalize the hair’s pH level. It also has astringent properties, helping tighten the skin and avoiding wrinkles. Using it diluted in water, it also kills the bacteria in the mouth, getting rid of bad breath. Check all the benefits. Click here for more information.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Taking The Anxiety Away From The Dentist’s Appointment

Taking The Anxiety Away From The Dentist’s Appointment    

An appointment with the dentist is necessary for good oral health, but can also be a cause for anxiety and stress, worse if you dread the sound of the drill. Dentists know it, and they can make a relaxing experience, from the receptionist, the atmosphere with music and aromatherapy. Additional details click here.


Healthy Benefits Of Celery

Healthy Benefits Of Celery    

Celery has essential minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. It helps control high blood pressure, reducing the level of stress hormones. Also aids with weight loss due to its high fiber and low calories, and removes the bacteria from the back of the tongue and between the teeth. Check all the health benefits. More Information click here.


Avoiding Teeth Grinding During Sleep

Avoiding Teeth Grinding During Sleep    

Teeth grinding is a form of anxiety. It usually happens in sleep, so people are not aware that they suffer from it. But it will damage the teeth, as well as the muscles and tissues on the jaw. A mouth guard will help to protect the teeth at night. Also, avoid caffeine and alcohol. Click here for more information.


Do You Find Flossing Too Complicated? Try This Alternative

Do You Find Flossing Too Complicated? Try This Alternative    

Flossing is an important part of dental hygiene, but there are people who refuse to floss because it is time-consuming, use braces, have limited dexterity, among others. There is an alternative to flossing. This interdental kit is the solution to the problems in flossing. More info click here.


Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Sugarless Yogurt And Other Tricks To Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Most advice for bad breath is related to oral health, avoiding a dry mouth and avoid smoking, among others. But did you know that sugarless yogurt lowers the level of hydrogen sulfide – the bad breath compound on the tongue? Also cinnamon and fennel reduce the mouth bacteria responsible for bad breath. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics

Check If Your Dental Treatment Requires Antibiotics    

Mouths are full of bacteria. An injury or a dental treatment can expose the bloodstream to these bacteria. The immune system takes care of them, but in some cases, it might be a good idea to take an antibiotic before the treatment. It is also recommended tor people with certain heart conditions. Click here for more info.


No More Embarrassing Bad Breath Or Stinky Feet

No More Embarrassing Bad Breath Or Stinky Feet    

There are embarrassing conditions that affect us and sometimes do not seen to have a solution. Bad breath can be avoided by drinking water, hence no dry mouth, staying away from smelly foods such as coffee and cleaning the teeth and the tongue. Check also the solutions for dandruff and smelly feet. More details click here.


Concerned If Brushing Correctly Your Teeth? Try A Video Selfie

Concerned If Brushing Correctly Your Teeth? Try A Video Selfie    

A new study suggests that video selfies of people brushing their teeth can help with oral health. This is because brushing the teeth is often learned and practices with no proper supervision, so that there may be the case that people have brushed the wrong way all their life. Additional info click here.


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Health Benefits Of Spices And Herbs

Health Benefits Of Spices And Herbs    

There are common spices and herbs in Indian cuisine that have health benefits. For example, Basil has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system. Black pepper improves oral health and tooth decay, helps with digestive and respiratory problems and hernias. Check the full list. Click here for more details.


Blackberries Great For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease And Oral Health

Blackberries Great For Preventing Cardiovascular Disease And Oral Health    

Blackberries have many health benefits. Among them are the high antioxidant content, low calories, protection against Alzheimer and dementia, its flavonoids prevent skin cancer and cardiovascular disease. Also, it contains tannins that help with oral health, treating gum inflammation. More Information click here.


Benefits Of An Anti-Inflammatory Diet On Oral Health

Benefits Of An Anti-Inflammatory Diet On Oral Health    

A recent study has shown that periodontal health can be improved by switching to a diet oriented to reducing inflammation. This means reducing carbohydrates and increasing omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and d and antioxidants. Additional details click here.


Study: Poor Oral Health And Gum Disease Related To Dementia In Seniors

Study: Poor Oral Health And Gum Disease Related To Dementia In Seniors    

A study published years ago revealed a relation between gum disease and cardiovascular disease. Recently another disease has shown a relationship between gum disease and cognitive decline or dementia. The cause might be bacterial inflammation. Click here for more information.


Friday, January 17, 2020

A New Substance Can Help Treating Cavities, Saying Good-Bye To The Drill

A New Substance Can Help Treating Cavities, Saying Good-Bye To The Drill    

There is now an alternative to the drill on the dentist’s office. An antimicrobial substance can be applied on cavities and stop tooth decay, all this without the pain. It can prevent the cavities and also stop its progression. The downside is that it blackens the tooth. Additional information click here.


Your Pet Requires Special Toothbrush And Toothpaste

Your Pet Requires Special Toothbrush And Toothpaste    

Oral health is not only for us, but it is also for our pets. In the case of dogs, bad breath is a symptom of the dental disease, but it can be prevented. 70 percent of dogs and cats have dental disease when they reach three years. Treating the teeth of the pets requires a special toothbrush and a toothpaste with beef or chicken flavor. More info click here.


In Japan, Almost 85% Of Wives Complains About Her Partner’s Bad Breath

In Japan, Almost 85% Of Wives Complains About Her Partner’s Bad Breath    

A survey in Japan has found out that almost 85% of the wives complain about their husband’s bad breath. Click here for more information.


Too Busy To Brush Your Teeth? Check What Happens

Too Busy To Brush Your Teeth? Check What Happens    

Many people are excessively busy, rush to their jobs or to take the children to school, and don’t remember if they brushed their teeth. If they didn’t, any residue of sugar will promote the growth of the bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease, apart from causing bad breath. Additional details click here.


Thursday, January 16, 2020

Onions Have Many Health Benefits

Onions Have Many Health Benefits    

Onions are responsible for bad breath, but on the other side, they have many health benefits and are a must in Asian cuisine. Among its components are vitamin C, which boosts immunity, folates, which help fighting depression, and also aids in the prevention of cancer. Check all the health benefits. More Information click here.


Hydrogen Peroxide Will Keep Your Home And Body Clean

Hydrogen Peroxide Will Keep Your Home And Body Clean    

Hydrogen peroxide is the safest natural sanitizer for home. It has uses in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and also beauty and health. Some uses in oral health care as a teeth whitener, mouth rinse and for disinfecting toothbrushes. Check all the uses. Click here for more details.


Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath

Decided For The Keto Diet? Watch Out For The Bad Breath    

The Keto diet is based on avoiding most carbs and sugars and eating foods high in fat and protein. Sounds like a dream, but it has side effects. The process of breaking down fat to create energy releases ketones, which are present in the breath, resulting in a very bad smell. Additional info click here.


Oral Health Will Be Improved By Drinking Much Water

Oral Health Will Be Improved By Drinking Much Water    

Drinking water is very beneficial for the body and for oral health. Poor hydration will result in a dry mouth and a bacterial build-up, which leads to bad breath. Water must have priority over sugary and acidic drinks. More details click here.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Flossing Reduces The Possibility Of Gum Disease

Flossing Reduces The Possibility Of Gum Disease    

Even when there are now studies that question the effectiveness of flossing, the common sense tells us that flossing will remove plaque, reducing the possibility of gum disease and cavities. An alternate interdental cleaner can be used, such as small brushes, plastic or wooden picks, or a water jet. Click here for more info.


Cat Breath And Other Facts About Felines

Cat Breath And Other Facts About Felines    

Cats and dogs are the favorite pets, but they are very different. For example, while dogs suffer from periodontal disease, they have low sensitivity to a toothache. However, cats suffer from a form of tooth decay in their back lower teeth. This means they can be grumpy while eating. Check more facts about cats. Additional information click here.


Cartoons May Be The Way To Avoid Dentist Anxiety In Kids

Cartoons May Be The Way To Avoid Dentist Anxiety In Kids    

Dentist anxiety is common in kids, making them afraid to have a visit for the dental checkup. An alternative is to provide an audiovisual distraction such as watching their favorite cartoons through an eyeglass system. More info click here.


Common Oral Problems And How To Treat Them

Common Oral Problems And How To Treat Them    

You can be careful with oral health and have regular visits to the dentist, but the bad breath does not go away. The cause might be an imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system, which can be normalized with probiotics. Also, the problem might be dry mouth, which is caused by dehydration in certain medications such as diuretics. Check all the causes. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, January 14, 2020

These Foods Will Help Your Calm Your Nerves (And Your Breath) On Your Date

These Foods Will Help Your Calm Your Nerves (And Your Breath) On Your Date    

You have been planning for a date, and want to be perfect. There are foods that will help you. If you are worried about bad breath, better than mint, consider carrot, celery, and apples. These will scrape off any bacteria or substances that will produce foul breath. Dark chocolate and nuts are also alternatives – they will set you in the mood for romance and also lower anxiety. More Information click here.


Strong Advice For Getting White Teeth

Strong Advice For Getting White Teeth    

A good smile includes white teeth. You can go to the dentist for a thorough cleanup, but after that, you must maintain them white. One way is to avoid smoking or foods that will darken the teeth, such as coffee, red wine or colas, and use a bleaching product. Also, there are foods that act as a detergent, such as popcorn, carts, and celery. Check out more tips. Click here for more details.


Learn All On Avocado, And Its Benefits On Halitosis

Learn All On Avocado, And Its Benefits On Halitosis    

Avocados have great taste, but also health benefits. It acts as a sunscreen, moisturizes the screen and also helps reduce bad breath removing the bacteria in the intestine that produces bad breath. Want to know everything about avocado, from a great salad to learn all varieties? Additional info click here.


Medicinal Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Medicinal Benefits Of Coconut Oil    

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which increase the HDL cholesterol (the good one) and also convert the LDL cholesterol (the bad one) into the good one. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Among its medical benefits are also burning fat because it increases the energy expenditure, memory increase and also reduces bad breath. Check all the health benefits, you will be amazed. More details click here.


Monday, January 13, 2020

Health Benefits Of Yogurt For Your Breath And Digestion

Health Benefits Of Yogurt For Your Breath And Digestion    

Yogurt has many health benefits. The bacteria in the yogurt can improve digesting and also enhances the immune system. Also, bad breath, which has foul smell caused by hydrogen-sulfide compounds, can be reduced if yogurt is added to the daily diet. Click here for more info.


Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions

Flossing Daily To Avoid Gum Disease And Other Conditions    

One of the habits we all should have is daily flossing. Brushing is not enough to remove the plaque on the gums. Gum disease can affect the cardiovascular system, lead to pneumonia, dementia and erectile dysfunction, which is twice as common in people with gum disease. Check all the oral health habits. Additional information click here.


E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer

E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer    

Wish to quit smoking? Good idea because, apart from the cancer risk, also gives you bad breath. Perhaps you have thought of getting one e-cigarette. However, it has been recently found out that the vapors of these e-cigarettes weaken the defense of the oral cavity, increasing the risk of oral cancer. More info click here.


Facts And Myths On Oral Health

Facts And Myths On Oral Health    

There are truths and myths about oral health. For example, people think that the main cause of cavities is sugar. Really, the main cause is the acid produced by a bacteria which is generated by any carbohydrate. Also, white teeth are not necessarily healthy, for they might have gum disease. Check all the myths. Click here for more information.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Avoid Bad Breath By Eating Parsley And Other Tips

Avoid Bad Breath By Eating Parsley And Other Tips    

You can avoid bad breath if you follow certain guidelines. For example, parsley can ease digestion, which will reduce bad breath. Also, a tongue scraper will help getting rid of the debris and bacteria that causes a foul smell. Check the additional tips for taking care of bad breath. Additional details click here.


Stress Can Worsen Oral Health

Stress Can Worsen Oral Health    

Stress affects your body in many ways. One of them is oral health. A dentist can tell if the patient is under stress if there are lesions in the mouth, which result in the immune system weakened by stress. Also grinding teeth, known as bruxism is an unconscious habit generated by stress, as well as having worn teeth. Check all the stress signs. More Information click here.


Toothpaste Can Contain Toxic Substances – Try A Natural Alternative

Toothpaste Can Contain Toxic Substances – Try A Natural Alternative    

The mouth is one of the places with the most absorption in the body. Proof of this are the medications administered under the tongue. Toothpaste has elements that go rapidly into the bloodstream. The issue is that some of these elements can be toxic. These have been linked to antibiotic resistance. Another is fluoride, which is promoted to present cavities, has been related to neurological dysfunction. The answer? Try a natural, homemade toothpaste alternative. Click here for more details.


This Is The Reason Of Why Garlic Produces Bad Breath

This Is The Reason Of Why Garlic Produces Bad Breath    

Garlic has great taste and it also has many health benefits. However, the downside is the bad breath. This is because it releases an enzyme with a strong scent that is absorbed into the body, gets into the blood, and released into the lungs. It can also be secreted through the pores of the skin. How can it be neutralized? Additional info click here.


Saturday, January 11, 2020

These Two Herbs Will Reduce The Risk Of Cancer, Improve Vision And Reduce Bad Breath

These Two Herbs Will Reduce The Risk Of Cancer, Improve Vision And Reduce Bad Breath    

Scientists have found the combining two herbs can reduce the risk of forming tumors. When combining parsley and dill, it results in a compound called glazivianin A, well known for its anti-cancer properties. Additionally, both herbs also prevent bad breath, boost immunity, reduce hair loss and improves vision. More details click here.


Dentists Might Be Over-Prescribing Opioid-Based Painkillers

Dentists Might Be Over-Prescribing Opioid-Based Painkillers    

Opioids are used only for treating chronic pain. It is widely prescribed for back pain, arthritis, and joint pain. It has the side effect of causing addiction and losing effectiveness over time. However, dentists also prescribe it based on patients' complain about tooth pain or gum diseases. What can be the alternative? Click here for more info.


Avoid These Behaviors If You Want To Have Strong Teeth

Avoid These Behaviors If You Want To Have Strong Teeth    

A good smile is part of the personal image. But stained teeth, bad breath, and poor oral health can affect the social and professional life. For good oral health, here are some habits to avoid, like teeth grinding, using the teeth to open items, and taking too much sugar which can result in cavities. Additional information click here.


Natural Homemade Mouthwash With Pomegranate Peel

Natural Homemade Mouthwash With Pomegranate Peel    

Regular mouthwash has alcohol, which will result in a dry mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria and causing bad breath. A natural alternative is available, such as pomegranate peel. It has antioxidants, and antibacterial substances, controlling bad breath and cavities. More info click here.


Friday, January 10, 2020

How To Determine If You Are Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly

How To Determine If You Are Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly    

There are common mistakes when brushing the teeth. One of them is using the toothbrush for too much time. Its average life is 200 uses or two months, and a worn-out toothbrush does not clean well. Other is taking too little time to brush the teeth. Rinsing after cleaning the teeth is also a mistake because it gets rid of the beneficial ingredients of the toothpaste. Click here for more information.


Treating Receding Gums With These Home Preparations

Treating Receding Gums With These Home Preparations    

One of the symptoms of gum disease are the receding gums. It also causes tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums. This can be treated if detected early and there are some home remedies for it. One of them is oil pulling with coconut oil, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can be done with green tea also. Check all the home remedies for receding gums. Additional details click here.


Children Are Taking Excess Sugary Drinks, Study Says

Children Are Taking Excess Sugary Drinks, Study Says    

Children are consuming sugary drinks in excess, according to a study. This leads to oral health problems. Loss of teeth at an early age results on poor self-esteem and missed classes because of dental pain. Click here for more info.


This Invention Can Turn Flossing Into A Thing Of The Past

This Invention Can Turn Flossing Into A Thing Of The Past    

Believe it or not, there might be a way to have excellent oral health, no bad breath, and also avoid flossing. This is because of a new patented interdental cleaner more efficient than a brush, floss or pick. And unlike regular flossing, it won’t affect the gums. More details click here.


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Avoiding Digestive Issues And Bad Breath On Long Travels

Avoiding Digestive Issues And Bad Breath On Long Travels    

Long flights are a burden to many people. They are related to back pain, muscle cramps, swelling feet, and bad breath, among others. One idea is to divide one long flight into two not so long flights. A proper diet on the day before and during the flight will take care of the stomach problem and bad breath. Additional info click here.


Green Apples Good For Oral Cleansing

Green Apples Good For Oral Cleansing    

When we think about apples, we usually address the red apples. Green apples have also many health benefits. It reduces the risk of asthma, and blood clots because of its flavonoids and a substance called rutin. Also helps with digestion and controls bad breath. It can also act as a teeth cleanser by eliminating the bacteria in the teeth and tongue. Click here for more details.


Oral Health Important In The Elder Population

Oral Health Important In The Elder Population    

Dental health is fundamental in elderly homes. As one age, the body’s overall health decreases. Teeth are not the exception. Poor oral health can lead to irritable and unhappy residents, and in the cases of patients with dementia, they cannot describe problems with gums and teeth, making it worse. More Information click here.


Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Cayenne pepper is a natural solution for getting rid of bad breath by increasing saliva production which also helps with digestion. It cleanses, detoxifies and improves circulation. Its active ingredient is called capsaicin, which creates a distraction in the brain, relieving headaches and joint pain. Other medicinal benefits are helping to fight the flu and prevention of allergies by boosting the immune system and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Check all the health benefits. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

This New Hi-Tech Toothbrush Claims To Clean Your Teeth In 10 Seconds

This New Hi-Tech Toothbrush Claims To Clean Your Teeth In 10 Seconds    

This new electric toothbrush claims to do a full cleaning session in just 10 seconds with its three brushes. It cleans with a similar principle of normal electric brushes, but the combined action of the 3 brushes does the job faster and with no risk of mistakes, More info click here.


Your Breath Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions

Your Breath Can Help Diagnose Health Conditions    

Bad breath is not only related to oral health. It is a sight that something is happening in your body. One of them can be acid reflux, in which the digestive matter return to the throat and even mouth. Other can be dehydration, causing a dry mouth. Even more serious, it can be a sign of high acidity in the body, often caused by cancer. Check all the causes. Additional information click here.


Meet The Black Garlic, Which Doesn’t Affect Your Breath

Meet The Black Garlic, Which Doesn’t Affect Your Breath    

Garlic is a beneficial product that will help with lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, but its downside is its effect on the breath. An Asian delicatessen, called black garlic, does not cause bad breath, but does it have the same health benefits? Click here for more info.