Sunday, October 30, 2016


Newsletter Week 42-2016

This week we have interesting info: There is now a portable breathalyzer that will warn you if you have bad breath and even log it to your smartphone. Also, home treatments for swollen gums, a mouthwash for the foul-smelling breath of the ketone diet, benefits of probiotics in oral health, usefulness of oral irrigator for dental cleansing, and more.


Is Your Diet Giving You Bad Breath? This Mouthwash Will Help

One of the actual trendy diets are high protein, low-carb diets such as Paleo, Caveman, and Atkins. These are based on a process called ketosis, which generates ketones such as acetone, and are expelled through the breath and also leads to dry mouth. There is now a mouthwash that can control it. More here.


This Portable Breathalyzer Will Warn You If You Have Bad Breath

One of the downsides of bad breath is that it is usually detected by others, but not by you. There is a portable device that has sensors to detect the mount of sulphur compound in the breath and alerts you. It also links to the smartphone and stores a log. More details here.


Benefits Of Cinnamon For Oral Health

A study on test animals has shown that cinnamon decreases the production on gastric acid when eating, which reduces the body temperature. Other benefits of cinnamon are as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory boost, which has similar effects to oregano or garlic, minus the bad breath. More details here.


Are Oral Irrigators Really Useful?

Oral irrigators send pulsating water to the teeth’s surface, removing the plaque from inaccessible places more efficiently than toothbrush or flossing. Recent studies have proved its effectiveness in reducing gingivitis and overall oral health. More here.


Preventing Oral Health Problems With Dental Checkups

A dental checkup every six months is important for detecting tooth decay and preventing gum disease. This s because there are places that cannot be reached by the toothbrush or the dental floss, which allows plaque buildup. If left, plaque will harden into a substance called tartar, which can only be removed via a professional cleaning. More here.


Benefits Of Probiotics For Your Overall Health

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help with the digestion of food, treating diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps with oral health preventing periodontal disease. More here.


Love Chewing Gum? Check The Pro’s And Con’s

Chewing gum can come handy after eating garlic or onion. It is also healthy because it stimulates the secretion of saliva, promoting a good digestion and decreasing the effect of dry mouth and helps getting rid of the foul-smelling bacteria. However, one must think also about the calories it has, especially on the sweet type. More here.


These Home Treatments Will Help With Swollen Gums

Swollen gums are caused by infections, leading to inflammation of the gums, known as gingivitis. There are home remedies for treating it. For example, a proper nutrition with calcium and vitamins C and D, among others, cold and arm compresses and salt water, which prevents bacterial growth inside the mouth. More here.



Bad Breath 2a3

bad breath


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W42

jn-badbreath75Just No Bad Breath Newsletter – Week 42


This week we have interesting info: There is now a portable breathalyzer that will warn you if you have bad breath and even log it to your smartphone. Also, home treatments for swollen gums, a mouthwash for the foul-smelling breath of the ketone diet, benefits of probiotics in oral health, usefulness of oral irrigator for dental cleansing, and more.


Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W42

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week - W39

jn-badbreath75Just No Bad Breath Newsletter – Week 39


This week we have interesting info: Skipping dentist check-ups can have serious consequences on your teeth and gums. Also getting rid of garlic breath in a quick and natural way, what are tonsil stones, negative effects of acidity on the body and in your breath, alternatives to flossing, effects of hormone in oral health, benefits of sugar-free gum on gastric and oral health, and more.


Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week - W39

Friday, September 9, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W36

bad breath

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter

Week 36-2016


This week we have interesting info: A study has shown that coffee improves memory and relieves stress. Also, why cavities are more common in youngsters who stay late at night, wisdom teeth and how they can be the source of bad breath, your mouth can help diagnose various the health conditions and more.


Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W36

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Meat diet and body smell - Today's Tip

bad breathJust No Bad Breath Daily Tip

Today we have a useful advice on Bad Breath. Check today’s tip.


Meat eaters related to body smell

A study presented that, although body odor is usually related with poor hygiene, it can also result from a diet based on meat products. The smell was more intense in fatty meat. Undigested meat and protein will also affect odor, resulting in bad breath. More here.


Stay updated with our Just No Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter and receive the latest news and advice. With the trial subscription we will send you our bonus e-book on Bad Breath and Halitosis completely free. Check this week’s summary here.

Meat diet and body smell - Today's Tip

Sinusitis and bad breath - Today's Tip

bad breathJust No Bad Breath Daily Tip

Today we have a useful advice on Bad Breath. Check today’s tip.


Sinusitis and bad breath

The mucosa in out nose and sinuses produce mucus, which are moved to the back of the nose by cilia and then swallowed. But with sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, the cilia stop working and the mucus builds up, resulting in inflammation and bad breath. How to beat this? More here.


Stay updated with our Just No Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter and receive the latest news and advice. With the trial subscription we will send you our bonus e-book on Bad Breath and Halitosis completely free. Check this week’s summary here.

Sinusitis and bad breath - Today's Tip

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W35

bad breath

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter

Week 35-2016


This week we have interesting info: Why people lose the ability to taste. Also Ayurvedic medicine for bad breath, no anxiety when visiting the dentist, benefits of celery for oral health, smokeless tobacco can affect your breath and your health, wine protects teeth from harmful bacteria, and more.


Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W35

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W34

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter

Week 34-2016

This week we have interesting info: Avoiding teeth grinding while sleeping. Also tricks to avoid bad breath, alternatives to flossing, guava leaf tea treatment for toothache, high-tech tongue scraper, the scientific explanation for the perfect smile, getting rid of sinus dripping – and the foul breath it generates,
and more.


Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W34

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Suffering From Bad Breath?

Stay updated with the latest advice and treatments for Bad Breath and Halitosis

Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter Features:

  • Latest and most updated information on Bad Breath

  • Read it on your computer, tablet or phone.

  • Includes our special bonus.

  • Try it for the first two weeks for just One Penny.

Why Are So Many People Suffering From Bad Breath?


What if I told you that you can have the latest information on advice and treatment of Bad Breath? Every week?

No more being kept in the dark about your condition?

What if this is not only for you, but for those around you who are suffering from Bad Breath, such as one of your loved ones on your family, or even your parents?

And that this information will help you make the correct questions to your doctor, and describe better your symptoms?

You will able to provide more detailed information to your doctor, allowing him to make a better diagnosis.


Too many people actually suffer from Bad Breath

Too Many Cures And Treatments

Too few information for deciding on the best treatment

Even If You Do Not Suffer From Bad Breath

It’s A Good Idea To Think On Prevention


  • It will save many hours or even days of discomfort

  • It will keep you productive

  • Less time lost due to sick days

  • More time to enjoy with the family

  • Less medical bills in the future

  • Healthier life

  • No unexpected pain, discomfort and expenses


If You Had More Information…


You would have more knowledge about your condition

This would help you make the correct questions to your doctor

It would help you provide better information to your doctor

He would even have more information for your diagnosis and treatment


So What Is All This About Bad Breath?

What Causes It?

Poor Hygiene

Food matter decomposes in the mouth

Germs growing on the tongue

LES Valve Malfunction

LES Valve located between stomach and esophagus

Prevents return of acidic food matter

Dry Mouth

Germs and bacteria grows in dry environments

Absence of saliva

Are There Serious Consequences?

If left untreated, it will wreck your social life


Halitosis is not only caused by lack of oral hygiene. It also might be a symptom of serious conditions affecting your internal organs


Now the Bad Breath sufferer can have the latest news and advice for his condition.

Our Weekly Newsletter has the most updated information on Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Every week we research the main newspapers, Health and Wellness journals, along with the most relevant news sources, and present it to you in a easy-to-read format.

It will allow you to make the correct questions to your doctor. And also give him the correct information on your symptoms – this way he can make a better diagnosis and treatment.

The good news? you can test it for A PENNY and we will also include an e-book for you.

   bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try for the first two weeks for just ONE PENNY.
After the two weeks, the monthly cost will be $4.95.


This is almost S1.25 per week.

How do we do it? We research the best newspapers, medical and health journals, and the most relevant sources.

We link to the latest and most relevant articles.

Concise and easy to understand, not extensive and boring.

And don’t forget our guarantee.

If what you are receiving does not cover your expectations, you may cancel at any time, no questions asked.

We take all the risk because we believe in our product.




You will have more information and knowledge on your condition

You will be able to give your doctor more detailed information

Your doctor will be able to prepare a better diagnostic and treatment

You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor


 Our Special Bonus


Your Trial Subscription Includes A Very Special Bonus

   bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Our exclusive e-book includes many answers to common questions on Bad Breath.


Just a small peek…


  • What are the main causes of Bad Breath?

  • Halitosis generated by germs and dry mouth

  • Smoking and Bad Breath

  • Flossing, and tongue scraping

  • Which foods trigger Halitosis?

  • How to tell a friend or family about his Bad Breath


If you decide that the newsletter is not for you, you can still keep the bonus e-book. We want you to be a satisfied customer.


Try Our Just No Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter for 2 Weeks for just One Penny

Get Instant Access – Just Click On Subscribe

You will be directed to Paypal – after checkout you will be directed to register your email. A small one-time charge of $0.01 will be made for the first two weeks of access. Afterwards there will be a monthly subscription of $4.95.

   bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Our Just No Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter is a digital newsletter so you can read it on your PC or laptop, or your tablet.


  • You will have the most updated information and the latest advice on Bad Breath and Halitosis

  • You will be have the necessary tools to take the best decision

  • Your doctor will be able to look for the best treatment for you

  • You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor

  • And if you prefer natural medicine, you will also have useful information


You will have the most updated information. Remember, you can try it for just One Penny for the first two weeks. Afterwards, it will be $4.95 per month A small cost and also a great value.


Perhaps you don’t suffer from Bad Breath…


But you see your loved ones are allways having issues with their social life or feeling rejected at school or work.
Or perhaps your parents are in a similar situation

Imagine you can take them to the doctor, and being capable of explaining the situation in detail, and also making the correct questions.

You would be obtaining a much better diagnostic and treatment because you will be able to provide your doctor better information on your condition.


Try Our Just No Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter for 2 Weeks for just One Penny

Get Instant Access – Just Click On Subscribe

You will be directed to Paypal – after checkout you will be directed to register your email. A small one-time charge of $0.01 will be made for the first two weeks of access. Afterwards there will be a monthly subscription of $4.95.


Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

  How is the newsletter delivered?


It is published every week on our membership site. You will be able to access it at any time with the login and password that we will provide you. What is the monthly cost?


It has the measly cost of one penny for the first two weeks. After these first two weeks, you will be charged $4.95 per month. If you are not satisfied, you may cancel anytime. How is the newsletter? In which format? Is it easy to read?


It is a digital newsletter with links to the most latest and most relevant links on the subject. It can be read on any computer, laptop or phone. I have friends who have other conditions, such as high blood pressure, headaches, snoring, among others. Will you provide Weekly Newsletters for these conditions?


We have several newsletters covering other conditions, with the same quality and level of detail. We will be sending an email with the information and a link for a complimentary newsletter.   bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try Our Just No Bad Breath Weekly Newsletter for 2 Weeks for just One Penny

Get Instant Access – Just Click On Subscribe

You will be directed to Paypal – after checkout you will be directed to register your email. A small one-time charge of $0.01 will be made for the first two weeks of access. Afterwards there will be a monthly subscription of $4.95.

    Copyright 2016 – Just No Bad Breath – All Rights Reserved


Friday, July 15, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W28

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter 

Check This Week’s Preview on Bad Breath

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.


Natural Homemade Mouthwash With Pomegranate Peel. Regular mouthwash has alcohol, which will result in a dry mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria and causing bad breath. A natural alternative is available, such as pomegranate peel. It has antioxidants, and antibacterial substances, controlling bad breath and cavities.


How To Determine If You Are Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly. There are common mistakes when brushing the teeth. One of them is using the toothbrush for too much time. Its average life is 200 uses or two months, and a worn out toothbrush does not clean well. Other is taking too little time to brush the teeth. Rinsing after cleaning the teeth is also a mistake, because it gets rid of the beneficial ingredients of the toothpaste.


Treating Receding Gums With These Home Preparations. One of the symptoms of gum disease are the receding gums. It also causes tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums. This can be treated if detected early and there are some home remedies for it. One of them is oil pulling with coconut oil, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can be done with green tea also. Check all the home remedies for receding gums.


These are just some of the news for this week

Subscriber? Enter your User and Password clicking Here

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Want to know more? Check our demo newsletter, shown below. Just click here.

Not a subscriber? Need more information on our weekly newsletter sub

scription? Click here.bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Why are so many people suffering from Bad Breath?

What if I told you that you can have the latest information on advice and treatment of Bad Breath? Every week?

No more being kept in the dark about your condition?

What if this is not only for you, but for those around you who are suffering from Bad Breath, such as one of your loved ones on your family, or even your parents?

And that this information will help you make the correct questions to your doctor, and describe better your symptoms?

You will able to provide more detailed information to your doctor, allowing him to make a better diagnosis.

Clear Information About Your Condition

Now the Bad Breath sufferer can have the latest news and the latest advice and treatment of his condition.

Our Weekly Newsletter has the most updated information on Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Every week we research the main newspapers, Health and Wellness journals, along with the most relevant news sources, and present it to you in a easy-to-read format.

It will allow you to make the correct questions to your doctor. An also give him the correct information on your symptoms – this way he can make a better diagnosis and treatment.

The good news? You can test it for A PENNY and we will also include an e-book for you.

bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try for the first two weeks for just ONE PENNY

After the two weeks, the monthly cost will be $4.95

This is almost S1.25 per week.

How do we do it? We research the best newspapers, medical and health journals, and the most relevant sources.

We link to the latest and most relevant articles.

Concise and easy to understand, not extensive and boring.

And don’t forget our guarantee.

If what you are receiving does not cover your expectations, you may cancel at any time, no questions asked.

We take all the
risk because we believe in our product.


You will have more information and knowledge on your condition

You will be able to give your doctor more detailed information

Your doctor will be able to prepare a better diagnostic and treatment

You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor on the best treatment for acid reflux

Perhaps you don’t suffer from Bad Breath…

But you see your loved ones are allwayshaving issues with their social life or to feel rejected at school or work.

Or perhaps your parents are in a similar situation

Imagine you can take them to the doctor, and being capable of explaining the situation in detail, and also making the correct questions.

You would be obtaining a much better diagnostic and treatment because you will be able to provide your doctor better information on your condition.

Don’t forget – just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Tags: bad breath, halitosis, oral hygiene, oral health, gum disease, brush teeth, floss teeth

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W28

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W27

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter 

Check This Week’s Preview on Bad Breath

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.


E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer. Wish to quit smoking? Good idea because, apart from the cancer risk, also gives you bad breath. Perhaps you have thought of getting one e-cigarette. However it has been recently found out that the vapors of these e-cigarettes weaken the defense of the oral cavity, increasing the risk for oral cancer.


Toothpaste Can Contain Toxic Substances – Try A Natural Alternative. The mouth is one if the places with most absorption in the body. Proof of this are the medications administered under the tongue. Toothpaste has elements that go rapidly into the bloodstream. The issue is that some of these elements can be toxic. These have been linked to antibiotic resistance. Another is fluoride, which is promoted to present cavities, has been related to neurological dysfunction. The answer? Try a natural, homemade toothpaste alternative.


This Is The Reason Of Why Garlic Produces Bad Breath. Garlic has great taste and it also has many health benefits. However the downside is the bad breath. This is because it releases an enzyme with a strong scent that is absorbed into the body, gets into the blood, and released into the lungs. It can also be secreted through the pores of the skin. How can it be neutralized?


These are just some of the news for this week

Subscriber? Enter your User and Password clicking Here

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Want to know more? Check our demo newsletter, shown below. Just click here.

Not a subscriber? Need more information on our weekly newsletter sub

scription? Click here.bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Why are so many people suffering from Bad Breath?

What if I told you that you can have the latest information on advice and treatment of Bad Breath? Every week?

No more being kept in the dark about your condition?

What if this is not only for you, but for those around you who are suffering from Bad Breath, such as one of your loved ones on your family, or even your parents?

And that this information will help you make the correct questions to your doctor, and describe better your symptoms?

You will able to provide more detailed information to your doctor, allowing him to make a better diagnosis.

Clear Information About Your Condition

Now the Bad Breath sufferer can have the latest news and the latest advice and treatment of his condition.

Our Weekly Newsletter has the most updated information on Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Every week we research the main newspapers, Health and Wellness journals, along with the most relevant news sources, and present it to you in a easy-to-read format.

It will allow you to make the correct questions to your doctor. An also give him the correct information on your symptoms – this way he can make a better diagnosis and treatment.

The good news? You can test it for A PENNY and we will also include an e-book for you.

bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try for the first two weeks for just ONE PENNY

After the two weeks, the monthly cost will be $4.95

This is almost S1.25 per week.

How do we do it? We research the best newspapers, medical and health journals, and the most relevant sources.

We link to the latest and most relevant articles.

Concise and easy to understand, not extensive and boring.

And don’t forget our guarantee.

If what you are receiving does not cover your expectations, you may cancel at any time, no questions asked.

We take all the
risk because we believe in our product.


You will have more information and knowledge on your condition

You will be able to give your doctor more detailed information

Your doctor will be able to prepare a better diagnostic and treatment

You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor on the best treatment for acid reflux

Perhaps you don’t suffer from Bad Breath…

But you see your loved ones are allwayshaving issues with their social life or to feel rejected at school or work.

Or perhaps your parents are in a similar situation

Imagine you can take them to the doctor, and being capable of explaining the situation in detail, and also making the correct questions.

You would be obtaining a much better diagnostic and treatment because you will be able to provide your doctor better information on your condition.

Don’t forget – just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Tags: bad breath, halitosis, oral hygiene, oral health, gum disease, brush teeth, floss teeth

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W27

Bad Breath Newsletter Homepage

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter 

Check This Week’s Preview on Bad Breath

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.


E-Cigarettes Found To Increase The Risk Of Oral Cancer. Wish to quit smoking? Good idea because, apart from the cancer risk, also gives you bad breath. Perhaps you have thought of getting one e-cigarette. However it has been recently found out that the vapors of these e-cigarettes weaken the defense of the oral cavity, increasing the risk for oral cancer.


Toothpaste Can Contain Toxic Substances – Try A Natural Alternative. The mouth is one if the places with most absorption in the body. Proof of this are the medications administered under the tongue. Toothpaste has elements that go rapidly into the bloodstream. The issue is that some of these elements can be toxic. These have been linked to antibiotic resistance. Another is fluoride, which is promoted to present cavities, has been related to neurological dysfunction. The answer? Try a natural, homemade toothpaste alternative.


This Is The Reason Of Why Garlic Produces Bad Breath. Garlic has great taste and it also has many health benefits. However the downside is the bad breath. This is because it releases an enzyme with a strong scent that is absorbed into the body, gets into the blood, and released into the lungs. It can also be secreted through the pores of the skin. How can it be neutralized?


These are just some of the news for this week

Subscriber? Enter your User and Password clicking Here

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Want to know more? Check our demo newsletter, shown below. Just click here.

Not a subscriber? Need more information on our weekly newsletter sub

scription? Click here.bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Why are so many people suffering from Bad Breath?

What if I told you that you can have the latest information on advice and treatment of Bad Breath? Every week?

No more being kept in the dark about your condition?

What if this is not only for you, but for those around you who are suffering from Bad Breath, such as one of your loved ones on your family, or even your parents?

And that this information will help you make the correct questions to your doctor, and describe better your symptoms?

You will able to provide more detailed information to your doctor, allowing him to make a better diagnosis.

Clear Information About Your Condition

Now the Bad Breath sufferer can have the latest news and the latest advice and treatment of his condition.

Our Weekly Newsletter has the most updated information on Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Every week we research the main newspapers, Health and Wellness journals, along with the most relevant news sources, and present it to you in a easy-to-read format.

It will allow you to make the correct questions to your doctor. An also give him the correct information on your symptoms – this way he can make a better diagnosis and treatment.

The good news? You can test it for A PENNY and we will also include an e-book for you.

bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try for the first two weeks for just ONE PENNY

After the two weeks, the monthly cost will be $4.95

This is almost S1.25 per week.

How do we do it? We research the best newspapers, medical and health journals, and the most relevant sources.

We link to the latest and most relevant articles.

Concise and easy to understand, not extensive and boring.

And don’t forget our guarantee.

If what you are receiving does not cover your expectations, you may cancel at any time, no questions asked.

We take all the
risk because we believe in our product.


You will have more information and knowledge on your condition

You will be able to give your doctor more detailed information

Your doctor will be able to prepare a better diagnostic and treatment

You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor on the best treatment for acid reflux

Perhaps you don’t suffer from Bad Breath…

But you see your loved ones are allwayshaving issues with their social life or to feel rejected at school or work.

Or perhaps your parents are in a similar situation

Imagine you can take them to the doctor, and being capable of explaining the situation in detail, and also making the correct questions.

You would be obtaining a much better diagnostic and treatment because you will be able to provide your doctor better information on your condition.

Don’t forget – just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Tags: bad breath, halitosis, oral hygiene, oral health, gum disease, brush teeth, floss teeth

Bad Breath Newsletter Homepage

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W26

Just No Bad Breath Newsletter 

Check This Week’s Preview on Bad Breath

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.


This New Hi-Tech Toothbrush Claims To Clean Your Teeth In 10 Seconds. This new electric toothbrush claims to do a full cleaning session in just 10 seconds with its three brushes. It cleans with a similar principle of normal electric brushes, but the combined action of the 3 brushes does the job faster and with no risk of mistakes.


Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath. Cayenne pepper is a natural solution for getting rid of bad breath by increasing saliva production which also helps with digestion. It cleanses, detoxifies and improves circulation. Its active ingredient is called capsaicin, which creates a distraction in the brain, relieving headaches and joint pain. Other medicinal benefits are helping fight the flu and prevention of allergies by boosting the immune system and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Check all the health benefits.


Strong Advice For Getting White Teeth. A good smile includes white teeth. You can go to the dentist for a through cleanup, but after that you must maintain them white. One way is to avoid smoking or foods that will darken the teeth, such as coffee, red wine or colas, and use a bleaching product. Also there are foods that act as a detergent, such as popcorn, carts and celery. Check more tips.


These are just some of the news for this week

Subscriber? Enter your User and Password clicking Here

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Want to know more? Check our demo newsletter, shown below. Just click here.

Not a subscriber? Need more information on our weekly newsletter sub

scription? Click here.bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Why are so many people suffering from Bad Breath?

What if I told you that you can have the latest information on advice and treatment of Bad Breath? Every week?

No more being kept in the dark about your condition?

What if this is not only for you, but for those around you who are suffering from Bad Breath, such as one of your loved ones on your family, or even your parents?

And that this information will help you make the correct questions to your doctor, and describe better your symptoms?

You will able to provide more detailed information to your doctor, allowing him to make a better diagnosis.

Clear Information About Your Condition

Now the Bad Breath sufferer can have the latest news and the latest advice and treatment of his condition.

Our Weekly Newsletter has the most updated information on Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Every week we research the main newspapers, Health and Wellness journals, along with the most relevant news sources, and present it to you in a easy-to-read format.

It will allow you to make the correct questions to your doctor. An also give him the correct information on your symptoms – this way he can make a better diagnosis and treatment.

The good news? You can test it for A PENNY and we will also include an e-book for you.

bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try for the first two weeks for just ONE PENNY

After the two weeks, the monthly cost will be $4.95

This is almost S1.25 per week.

How do we do it? We research the best newspapers, medical and health journals, and the most relevant sources.

We link to the latest and most relevant articles.

Concise and easy to understand, not extensive and boring.

And don’t forget our guarantee.

If what you are receiving does not cover your expectations, you may cancel at any time, no questions asked.

We take all the
risk because we believe in our product.


You will have more information and knowledge on your condition

You will be able to give your doctor more detailed information

Your doctor will be able to prepare a better diagnostic and treatment

You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor on the best treatment for acid reflux

Perhaps you don’t suffer from Bad Breath…

But you see your loved ones are allwayshaving issues with their social life or to feel rejected at school or work.

Or perhaps your parents are in a similar situation

Imagine you can take them to the doctor, and being capable of explaining the situation in detail, and also making the correct questions.

You would be obtaining a much better diagnostic and treatment because you will be able to provide your doctor better information on your condition.

Don’t forget – just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Tags: bad breath, halitosis, oral hygiene, oral health, gum disease, brush teeth, floss teeth

Bad Breath Newsletter - New This Week 2016-W26

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

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Just No Bad Breath Newsletter 

Check This Week’s Preview on Bad Breath

Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.


Aging Does Not Mean Losing Your Teeth. Many people thing that tooth loss is inevitable in aging, just like gray hair. However, It is really the result of dental decay and tooth diseases. If these are left untreated, they will result in teeth loss, bad breath and bleeding gums, therefore, the priority is a good oral hygiene and a visit to the specialist in case you have an irregular feeling in the mouth. However, if tooth loss occurs, what are the alternatives for replacement?


Dealing With Halitophobia Or The Constant Fear Of Having Bad Breath. Bad breath can be a huge problem in the workplace or in social events. However there is also a condition named halitophobia, which is fear of having bad breath. This causes the sufferer to constantly worry about his breath and check its frequently. How to deal with this?


Poor Oral Health And Decayed Teeth May Affect Your Job Expectations. We have mentioned before that poor oral health will lead to gum disease, bad breath and tooth loss. This can lead to serious health conditions and a poor digestion. Also, it will affect you social life. Last but not least, it will reduce your possibility of getting your dream job.


These are just some of the news for this week

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Just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Why are so many people suffering from Bad Breath?

What if I told you that you can have the latest information on advice and treatment of Bad Breath? Every week?

No more being kept in the dark about your condition?

What if this is not only for you, but for those around you who are suffering from Bad Breath, such as one of your loved ones on your family, or even your parents?

And that this information will help you make the correct questions to your doctor, and describe better your symptoms?

You will able to provide more detailed information to your doctor, allowing him to make a better diagnosis.

Clear Information About Your Condition

Now the Bad Breath sufferer can have the latest news and the latest advice and treatment of his condition.

Our Weekly Newsletter has the most updated information on Bad Breath and Halitosis.

Every week we research the main newspapers, Health and Wellness journals, along with the most relevant news sources, and present it to you in a easy-to-read format.

It will allow you to make the correct questions to your doctor. An also give him the correct information on your symptoms – this way he can make a better diagnosis and treatment.

The good news? You can test it for A PENNY and we will also include an e-book for you.

bad breath, halitosis, oral health

Try for the first two weeks for just ONE PENNY

After the two weeks, the monthly cost will be $4.95

This is almost S1.25 per week.

How do we do it? We research the best newspapers, medical and health journals, and the most relevant sources.

We link to the latest and most relevant articles.

Concise and easy to understand, not extensive and boring.

And don’t forget our guarantee.

If what you are receiving does not cover your expectations, you may cancel at any time, no questions asked.

We take all the
risk because we believe in our product.


You will have more information and knowledge on your condition

You will be able to give your doctor more detailed information

Your doctor will be able to prepare a better diagnostic and treatment

You will be able to make the correct questions to your doctor on the best treatment for acid reflux

Perhaps you don’t suffer from Bad Breath…

But you see your loved ones are allwayshaving issues with their social life or to feel rejected at school or work.

Or perhaps your parents are in a similar situation

Imagine you can take them to the doctor, and being capable of explaining the situation in detail, and also making the correct questions.

You would be obtaining a much better diagnostic and treatment because you will be able to provide your doctor better information on your condition.

Don’t forget – just ONE PENNY for a two-week trial subscription – includes our bonus e-book. Click Here.

Tags: bad breath, halitosis, oral hygiene, oral health, gum disease, brush teeth, floss teeth

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