Friday, October 23, 2020

Obtaining A Celebrity Smile

Obtaining A Celebrity Smile    

It Includes Cosmetic Dentistry, Whitening Procedures, And Limiting Foods That Stain And Harm The Teeth    

There are ways to get a celebrity smile. It is a great presentation card to any person, and, according to a poll, more than 80% of people answered that they would have a conversation with a stranger who greeted them with a great natural smile. One way is via cosmetic dentistry, which includes porcelain veneers, dental bonding, crowns, and dental implants. Another way is taking care of the diet and limiting sugar and soda drinks, which erode the enamel. Alcohol also turns into sugar. Also, limiting certain habits, such as coffee and smoking, which damage and stain the teeth. There are also proper ways to brush the teeth, but an electric toothbrush has much more brushes per minute than with manual brushing. In addition, there are procedures to whiten teeth. Even though there are OTC strips for a do-it-yourself procedure, it takes at least two weeks, and specialized and professional teeth whitening treatments are much better. Additional details click here.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Benefits Of Sugar-Free Gum For Oral And Gastric Health

Benefits Of Sugar-Free Gum For Oral And Gastric Health    

There will be times in which you cannot brush your teeth after a meal. An alternative is to chew sugar-free gum. This promotes the production of saliva, which neutralizes the plaque acids, preventing tooth decay. Also, the saliva’s enzymes will aid the digestion. Click here for more details.


This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill

This Procedure Can Treat Cavities While Avoiding The Dental Drill    

It Is Ideal For Children, Of People With Sensitivity To Anesthesia    

There is a treatment for cavities that does require the trauma of drilling the teeth. It consists of a brush on liquid called silver diamine fluorite (SDF). According to specialists, this treatment does not only help children but also people with special needs who cannot endure anesthesia and also adults with dementia who may have a negative reaction to the drill. It works like an antibiotic on tooth decay, is painless, and much less expensive than a cavity treatment. This liquid kills bacteria, hardens the tooth, and prevents decay, It avoids needles, drilling, sedation, and extended time on the dentist’s seat. However, there is a downside. The treated area turns black. According to specialists, this means that this silver is reacting property with the bacteria and the procedure is working. The stained areas are only the ones affected by bacteria, not the healthy ones. Also, another advantage is that the substance is still present in the bacteria, even after the bacteria has been killed. Therefore, the new bacteria is killed by the substance in the dead bacteria, preventing further advance. They proceeded is not a cure for cavities, but stops most of them, if not all. More info click here.


Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Get Rid Of Bad Breath    

Cayenne pepper is a natural solution for getting rid of bad breath by increasing saliva production which also helps with digestion. It cleanses, detoxifies and improves circulation. Its active ingredient is called capsaicin, which creates a distraction in the brain, relieving headaches and joint pain. Other medicinal benefits are helping to fight the flu and prevention of allergies by boosting the immune system and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Check all the health benefits. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Acid Reflux Can Be Associated With Asthma

Acid Reflux Can Be Associated With Asthma    

Acidic Food Matter Can Return To The Oral Cavity, Causing Bad Breath, And To The Throat, Leading To Respiratory Issues    

Acid reflux occurs when the acidic food matter from the stomach returns to the esophagus. This causes a painful sensation in the chest, called heartburn. This condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In some cases, the food matter reaches the throat and the mouth, which results in bad breath and tooth decay. However, the acid can also be in contact with the airway, causing them to swell, resulting in shortness of breath, constant coughing, and it can even affect the vocal cords, resulting in a hoarse voice. This increases the risk of respiratory conditions, such as asthma. However, a recent study showed that there be a bidirectional relationship, in which people with asthma have a greater risk of developing GERD, and people with GERD have a high probability to develop asthma. In this case, treating the acid reflux and the GERD reduced the asthma symptoms. One of the consequences of an asthma attack is a tightening of the airways, causing pressure on the esophagus, resulting in a regurgitation of the food matter. Also, GERD symptoms, such as burping and shortness of breath, could be a sign of asthma.


These Foods Will Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath In A Week

These Foods Will Help Get Rid Of Bad Breath In A Week    

There are foods that will help get rid of bad breath in a week. One of them is apple, which has polyphenols that clean the mouth naturally. Also, mint leaves and ginger, that mask the smell and kill the bacteria, and green tea fights the odor-causing bacteria. Check all the foods. Click here for more information.


New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath

New Portable Sensor For Bad Breath    

It Detects Hydrogen Sulfide Gas After One Minute Of Exposure Of Breath To The Sensor    

Bad breath can be an annoyance or a symptom of a serious health condition. For most people, it is difficult to detect, unless somebody tells them about it. Actually, there are sensors but they require a power source, have low sensitivity, or require time to show the results. Researchers are working on a portable sensor that can detect very small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas, which is responsible for the smell of bad breath. It works showing a color change on the sensor surface, after one minute of being exposed to the breath. Additional details click here.